
Mr President’s Substitute Wife

When Sophia Anderson flees her own wedding, her sister Willow is unexpectedly thrust into the role of her substitute bride, turning Willow’s already tumultuous life into a waking nightmare. Three years later, Sophia reemerges, supported by the family, to reclaim her position as Alejandro’s wife, leaving Willow cast aside and forgotten. “What about the night we shared? Didn’t it mean anything to you?” Willow asked, her voice shaky, terrified of his response and yet knew his response will finalize it all. Alejandro scoffed, eyebrows raised like he couldn’t believe his ears. "The night we shared was utterly insignificant, Willow. It meant nothing to me. Don't delude yourself into thinking it held any importance.” He spat out without hesitation. Alejandro looks at her dead in the eye, "Sign the divorce papers, Willow and leave. I don’t ever want to see your face around here anymore.”

LauraRave · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs

Chapter 15

Mr president's substitute wife~

Willow stirred from her slumber, her mind heavy with the weight of the argument from yesterday creeping into her mind again. Willow shuddered internally, thinking back to how she stood up for herself and even hit Alejandro on the cheek. It might've resulted in her being pushed to the floor harshly but she did it. She lay still for a moment, allowing the warmth of the sun to envelop her.

Willow's phone ringing breaks her out of her reverie, she groaned, hoping and wishing it wasn't Jasmine or her father calling. Willow stretched towards the bedstead and grabbed the phone, she looked at the caller ID and jumped up suddenly, her eyes widening when she saw the caller ID.

Willow took a deep breath and swiped right, placing the phone against her ear. "Mr Smith." She voiced out, anticipation building up inside her when she heard the man speak.