
Mr perfect and miss heartless

it's a story about a anna a normal middle class school girl who becomes heartless when it comes love and the the perfect boy next door kade how he falled in love with anna and how he make anna fall in love with

Daoistk2urZJ · Fantasi
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4 Chs

when I thought he is the same as others

anna=but sir he spread

principal=no buts (suddenly a very deep yet sweet voice said)

someone=may I come in

principal =oh yes yes come in son

(l looked at him he has a very beautiful grey eyes)

principal=Anna go for now we will solve this problem later(john has already left)

(I was very happy after listening to his I took sigh of relief and left from there but that boy eyes looked at me like I was his love of life)

(in the class)billy=hey anna you here I thought you got sometype of punishment like always


billy=ok sorry but how did you

anna =I know what are you going to ask somebody came and he told me to go for now

billy=yes I also thought how that monster let you go

john=oh for now he didn't forgive you(he heard us talking)

anna =you are the one who should get punished not me you just wait and watch what am I gonna do with you

john=let's see sweetheart

Rebecca ma'am =ok children go and sit in your places

(everybody listened to her sat on their places)

Rebecca ma'am =so today a new student has joined our school kade

(then the same boy whom I met in principal office came in

Rebecca ma'am =introduce yourself Kade

(some girl's started whispering oh my gosh he is so handsome another girl said do you know he is the son of school trustee another girl he used to study abroad but he came just few month ago another one said rich and handsome too 4 to 5 girls were whispering )

kade=hi my name is kade (he was staring at anna whole time)

Rebecca ma'am =well you should have introduced yourself a little more but okay go and sit

billy=he is very handsome I think I have already fallen for him(in dramatic tone)

anna=yes yes he is (in annoying tone)

(and he came and sat in third row anna was in 2nd)

(and teacher started explaining chapter but again he started to stare at anna)

thank you for reading

please tell me how is it I will upload next chapter soon