
Mr First love

Like the raindrops in the ocean, my love for you silently shores into a big wave…. Acacia continues writing in her book about her first love, not having a clue that this book will be on the list of bestsellers in the future. Do you think this book will reach Lucas, her first lover? And how will he react to it when he gets to know that this book was about him? Will they get back together or move on as it is? ******* note-cover is not mine

turtlesos · Masa Muda
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13 Chs

Ice cream

Ella lifts her head to apologize to the person.

Sorry-What are doing here?

Lou answers nonchalantly," I live in this neighbourhood."

Ella did not believe him." I have never seen you here before."

She squints her eyes further and spoke again. "You are not stalking me. Are you?"

Lou laughs to himself. He decided to drop the joke if he wants to find out whether she was dating anyone at this moment.

"Do you know where Henry's stays? I moved in, next to his house."

Now, Ella thought that this makes more sense for why he was here." So, you did not bunk the class after all!"

Lou raised one side of his eyebrows and look at her.

Ella made an awkward little laugh and quickly tried to change the topic. "So...hm... Are you done moving things together?". Hearing no response from him, she continues saying.

"I guess, it's settled by now. If not, I could have given you a hand."

Lou looked at her amusingly and decided to play a little with her."It's very nice of you. I am indeed in need of an extra hand right now. Follow me."

Saying that Lou starts walking straight ahead to the convenience store.

Ella looks at him from behind and started to contemplate whether she should follow him or not. After thinking hard, she decided to follow him since she started this first.

As Lou kept on walking, every second he would turn his head to the side to see if she was following him. Just when he thought she was not coming. He heard the running footsteps from behind.

He slowly slows down his pace so that Ella could catch him up.

They slowly made their way to the store. Lou goes inside while Ella waits for him from outside.

Ella kept on playing with the stone on the ground as she stood under the tree because of the scorching sun of summer.

Lou came out of the convenience store and when he did not see Ella outside. His face drops immediately and looks at the two popsicles in his hands. As he stood still there, he heard Ella calling him.

He sees her two little hands waving at him while calling out his name.

Lou... Lou. Why are you standing there? It's too hot, come into the shade.

Ella sees Lou walking toward her with his teeth in a full showcase and thought "Why is he smiling so widely? Also, is every guy supposed to look that handsome?"

When Lou reached under the shade. Ella asks him, "Ahem... Why did you bring me here?"

Lou throws the ice cream to her and she immediately catches it. He speaks, "It's too hot and humid outside. You don't need to help me."

Ella refutes him back," You walked me here almost a km away and now you're saying that it's too hot and humid?"

Lou coughs in embarrassment and ate the ice cream in silence.

Ella gives in at the end and decided to just enjoy the ice cream for now.

They both ate the ice cream in peace and walks back to the previous place where they met.