

One of the first duties of a father

is to protect his daughter from crying or else

make the man who makes her cry

pay for his crimes.


"Ace Carter Greyson…" Alexander Crawford whispered under his breath, his tone sharp and menacing.

His lips slowly twitched into a smile, but it looked more like a snarl coming from a frightening predator who finally found its elusive prey.

A dangerous glint slowly lit his eyes ablaze. The laughter that took its reign on his striking face a while ago disappeared quickly, what took over was a sense of foreboding at the impending meeting.

"Please bring him to the library."

Sensing the sudden steel edge from his tone, the servant stiffened. The Master of the house possesses an incredible amount of self-restraint. He rarely shows emotion even if he is angry. But today was an exception, not only that his tone sounded menacing, but he also had the murderous glint displayed on his inky eyes.