
Mr Celebrity’s Hidden Wife

“I really want Diana to be my daughter_in_law,so am thinking of getting her engaged....”Leo cuts in “What to who?Liam,you know that guy is always busy and you’re arranging a fiancée for him”Leo chuckled. “Am not talking about Liam am talking about you,I want you and Diana to get married”. Making Leo’s face twist in anger and that was the beginning of an unwanted marriage. *************** DIANA, an orphan who knows nothing about her family suddenly became mr celebrity’s wife when she saved his grandma. LEONARD SMITHS,a famous rockstar and actor who love being a playboy but was suddenly tied in a loveless marriage. ******** Find out how they conquered all battles in the story.

Success_M_041 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
38 Chs

Chapter Twenty Seven


An hour later.

I was in our room using the restroom because I was pressed, and I couldn't hold it because it seemed my bladder was about to burst. I've been using the restroom frequently for the past few days and am scared I've contracted an infection, so I made a mental note to visit the doctor tomorrow. I stared at the beautiful ring on my finger, still smiling like a child given the best present on Christmas Day, well, so far this is the best present anyone has ever given to me;this ring is far more beautiful and am sure expensive than the first one and just thinking about wearing a wedding gown makes me all giddy inside.

"That's a large rock on your finger." l heard harmony say, and I turned to her, she was resting on the wall of the door.

"Yeah am sure it must have cost him a lot." I said, walking into the room, and she snorted,

"Your husband is fucking rich. I mean, come on, he's Mr. celebrity for crying out loud." I smiled, nodding my head. She's absolutely correct.

"Am sorry." Harmony apologized.

"Why, what did you do?" I folded my hand on my chest, staring at her.

"Am sorry you didn't get to know about my pregnancy and engagement first." she said lowly, bowing her head like a child being scolded, and I sighed.

"I thought I was your best friend, Harmony." I asked, and she raised her head instantly with worry on her face.

"You are and will still be, I just didn't intend to disturb you, you know at that time you were going through a lot;you lost your grandma, and you also had plans on making your marriage work and trust me I didn't know it will happen. I mean it was just a one night thing and boom I became pregnant." she said, and I chuckled.

"I knew something was going on between you two when I saw you at his side at the funeral comforting him like the good bitch you are." We burst into laughter.

"Well, at that time nothing was going on, but I liked him then and that was the same night we had sex."

"Am sorry I wasn't there for you when you needed someone to talk to." I pulled her into a bone crushing hug.

"Can't breathe." she complained, taping my shoulder, so I pulled from the hug.

"So you have forgiven me now, right."

"Yes Mony,I've forgiven you, but just know it's because of my goddaughter and not because of your ugly face." I teased and we laughed.

We got downstairs and met everyone talking, and as soon as Leo saw me, he walked up to me.

"Time to go home, love." He pecked my cheeks while I blushed. I could see that naughty glint in his eyes and I knew something was going to happen once we got home

"Can't you just stay for the night." Jeanne pouted and Leo scowled at her.

"No, we are going home." my ever impatient husband.

"Goodnight." I hugged everyone and promised to give harmony a call tomorrow before leaving. We got to Leo's car, and he opened the door for me like the gentleman he is.

"How are you feeling." he asked, driving out of the presidential house and I could see one other car trailing behind us.

"Happy, gosh! You didn't tell me you were going to propose." I hit his arm and he just laughed.

"If I had told you, it wouldn't have been a surprise." He's right, and I love the surprise.

"Oh my God!" Leonard yelled and stopped the car.

"What's wrong?" I asked, feeling nervous.

"I think I just hit someone." he whispered, and I gasped. What! In this place and at this time, nobody is allowed on the government property expect an influential figure or a politician, so who on earth did Leo hit with his car.

He opened the door and came down, I followed swiftly and gasped when I saw someone in the ground covered in blood.

"Leo" I whispered then walked up to him, but before I could get to him someone held my mouth with his hand and my screams was muffled.

"Keep shut if you want your husband safe." my captor said, and I could perceive a hint of alcohol and cigarettes from his breath.

"Dia....." Leonard turned to me and paused, I could see the look of horror in his eyes.

"Let her go this instant." he yelled when he found his voice, walking towards me.

"I wouldn't do that pretty boy." my captor said, pointing a gun at Leo and I instantly felt my legs wobble.

"Let her go." Leonard continues walking to me, not fazed by his threats.

"I said you shouldn't move an inch." The captor roared and Leo looked at me, so I quickly shook my head trying to tell him not to move

"Don't cry Diana, I will not let you get hurt." he assures, and I didn't even know I was crying.

"That was romantic pretty boy, but we have to go." the man said sarcastically dragging me backwards. The other car that followed us finally came and relief rushed through me when they came out armed with their guns, but that didn't last longer because they just stood and even greeted my captor. I turned to look at Leo, and he wasn't even aware of what was going on, he was just staring at me. Those men betrayed us and if I could get from this man holding me I would burst their brain out with a gun.

"No, don't take her, you can tell me anything you want and I'll do it. I can double or triple the money they paid you, but please don't hurt her." Leonard begged, still trying to meet me, but the sound of gunshot made me close my eyes in panic, oh god nothing should happen to us, not my Leo. I opened my eyes and saw Leonard groaning on the ground with blood spilling from his chest. Oh! god, they shot him.

"You are one stubborn ass pretty boy, Scott, let's go." he dragged me to a van that was parked at the roadside and the said Scott, who was the same boy Leo hit, followed us. I yelled and kicked trying to get out of his hold, my Leo was lying there in pain. I wanted to meet him.

"Time to sleep princess." the man said with a smirk and hit me at the back of my head with his gun and all I could think of before blacking out was Leo.