
Mr Captain's Unexpected Proposal: A Tale of Love in Schubert

[Mature Content] Inez Cal Buford, the youngest daughter of a count in the capital city, Beetheaven, faced financial troubles when her brother's invested ship was wrecked, almost leading to bankruptcy. To save their family's honor during the war era, it was suggested that Inez marry a famous aristocrat or a wealthy man from the bourgeoisie in a business marriage. However, Inez, an 18-year-old girl, refuses to marry someone she doesn't love. Instead, she attends a ball hosted by a famous countess at Beetheaven, where she meets the crown prince, Lennox Percevil De Schubert, who is rumored to be like a poisonous mushroom. Under the luxurious chandelier lights, Inez falls in love with Lennox, and they become lovers, attracting attention from newspapers all over Schubert. However, their relationship faces opposition from the king and queen, who underestimate its significance, just as they did with Lennox's previous affairs. Inez knows that she is not considered suitable to become a crown princess in Schubert, yet she chooses to remain Lennox's lover, but with a clearer view of the future now. However, their love affair comes to an end when Inez receives a letter from Lennox, leaving her heartbroken. She experiences challenging times as her reputation is tarnished by scandals, leaving no man in the capital city willing to marry her. Unexpectedly, a marriage proposal arrives from a famous Marine Captain, Dante Arthur De Ignacio-the king's prominent nephew and the only successor to Marquess of Verthall on the west coast. Will Inez accept the proposal from the man who once caught her almost kissing Lennox?

Jean_Cadieux · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs

Under The Sun's Spell


This morning, when the sunlight had entered the window and it wasn't too hot, Inez was already dressed in front of the mirror in a simple sky-blue picnic dress and a matching hat with a lily flower decoration.

Inez's face was lightly make up by Anne, who had been with her since dawn. The woman applied pink lipstick to Inez's lips as the final touch, and she whistled praise at Inez's appearance in front of the mirror.

"Anne," Inez said, feeling embarrassed. Honestly, her face looked brighter this morning.

"Don't be shy, Lady," Anne said as she smoothed her makeup. She turned to Inez with a grin. "You are so beautiful that even flowers are embarrassed to bloom," she complimented.

"Oh, Anne... thank you," Inez said, looking down in embarrassment. A second later, she looked straight at herself in the mirror, then snorted in amusement. "It's thanks to you too," she added.

"Nothing, My lady," said Anne with a small shake of her head. "Your face is already beautiful. I just helped a little," she said, showing the tips of her nails. Then she put the make-up into a drawer and looked at Inez again. "The driver has probably arrived after dropping off the count. Would you like to leave now?" she asked.

Inez looked at the wall in front of the bed. It was half past seven in the morning. It was still too early for her to go to Chete River if it was according to the promise made by Lennox. "There's still a half left. If I leave now, I'll wait too long there," she said, as the Chete River was quite close to the Buford Mansion.

"That's right," Anne responded, nodding in agreement. "In that case, would you like to bring an umbrella too?" she offered.

"Yes, please, Anne," Inez replied with a small nod. She took one last look at her appearance in the mirror, then got up from the chair and stepped towards the closed balcony door.

Meanwhile, Anne went to the small room beside the bathroom where all of her lady's accessories were kept.

Inez opened the balcony door and stepped onto the balcony itself. Fresh air and the scent of spring flowers greeted her senses. Inez smiled with a knot. She held her chest, which had been pounding ever since. This will be her first date with Lennox, as well as their first public debut since the dating rumors were published in the Beetheaven newspaper some time ago.

Inez placed both hands on the balcony handrail, leaning against it. The sound of the gate opening and a car engine caught her attention. She gaped in shock when she saw the royal emblem on the car door, visible from up here.

"Oh My God!" exclaimed Inez, gripping the balcony handrail tightly. The girl immediately turned around and ran inside. "Anne!" she called.

The woman in the maid's uniform appeared to be carrying a white umbrella with fancy lace. "Yes, My Lady?"

"His Highness...!" Inez could not hide her surprise. "His Highness came to pick me up!"

"My Godness," Anne said, dumbfounded. A second later, she laughed happily. "My Lady, you'll be in the Beetheaven newspaper again tomorrow," she concluded.

Inez grabbed the short gloves Anne had prepared and quickly put them on. "I must hurry," she said as she stepped outside.

Anne followed her lady with joy. She gripped the umbrella tightly. "Jouis will welcome His Highness," she said to which Inez replied with a small nod.


"Your Highness," Inez called as she descended the stairs and found Lennox talking to Jouis.

The man, who was dressed in a formal suit, looked up and smiled broadly when his eyes met Inez's. He immediately stepped towards the stairs, leaving Jouis, who saw both of them in silence. Lennox reached out before Inez reached the last step, and the girl took his hand. Lennox kisses the back of Inez's glove-covered hand.

"Good morning, my dear beautiful, Inez," greeted Lennox, looking straight into Inez's eyes.

Inez nodded slowly. "Good morning, Your Highness, Lennox. Umm... thank you," she replied shyly.

"Just Lennox, dear," concluded the man, pretending to sulk.

"Y-yeah," Inez replied, feeling embarrassed that she was being seen by Anne and Jouis now. She passed the last stair and stood in line with Lennox. "I'm so surprised you came here unannounced, Yo-Lennox," she said.

Lennox smiled slightly. Inez was still awkward, just like before. And she looked adorable with her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "Do I have to give an announcement to go pick up my girl?" she said.

Inez turned to Lennox in surprise. She broke the gaze shyly afterwards. "Well... no," she replied.

"That's right," Lennox replied. "Want to go now?"

Inez nodded slowly. She looked back, and Anne handed her the umbrella. Then she turned to look at Jouis, who was still watching them silently. "Jouis, tell the driver to go back to Anthony," she said.

"Yes, My Lady." Jouis nodded slowly.

Inez glanced at Lennox, who was staring at her silently. She smiled and unconsciously grasped his hand tightly. "Let's go," she invited.

Lennox snorts. He walked with Inez out of the mansion.

It was a thrilling feeling for Inez.


"Good morning, Your Highness, Lady of Buford. Captain Dante greets Your Highness," Dante said with a small nod. He looked straight at Lennox with a faint smile. "It seems Beetheaven is too cramped," he said.

Lennox snorted harshly. "This bastard," he scoffed.

How could he not act like that?

As Lennox and Inez got out of the car and returned to holding hands, Dante suddenly approached them out of nowhere.

"Good morning, Captain," Inez replied with a modest smile. She glanced at Lennox with an awkward look mixed with confusion.

"Ah, Inez... he's a bully," Lennox said bluntly. "Let's just ignore him, okay?"

"Uh-hum," Inez replied with a small nod. She looked at Dante again and immediately broke her gaze. 'Anyway, why is it that out of all the places, we always meet?' she thought.

"Dante," Lennox said, glaring at the man. "Get out of my sight!"

"Fine. I won't interrupt Your Highness's date," Dante said with a quick glance at Inez, then quickly moving out of their way. "I'm just a little surprised we met here, Your Highness," he added.

Lennox gave the man an annoyed look. He turned to Inez, who was distracted, as if not wanting to join their feud. "Inez, come on!" he invited.

Inez nodded slowly. She briefly glanced at Dante before taking another step with Lennox, and that man gave a small nod when he met her gaze.

"Inez," Lennox called when they had gotten away from Dante.

"Yes?" Inez looked up slightly at the man.

"Is Dante bothering you?" asked Lennox, still looking straight ahead.

"Yes?" Inez was stunned for a moment. She slowly shook her head, breaking Lennox's gaze. "No... it's not like that," she replied.

"Tell me if he's bothering you," Lennox warned, turning to the girl. "He's been a little weird lately," he muttered.

Inez was silent for a moment. She nodded afterward. "I'll let you know when it happens," she said. "So Your, I mean... Lennox," she looked at him again with a wide smile, "what are we going to do now?" she asked.

Lennox smiled happily. "Would you be interested in riding the boat with me?"

"Are you serious?" Inez's eyes were rounded. "Of course yes!" she replied enthusiastically.

Lennox leaned down slightly and whispered in Inez's ear, making the girl stiffen. "Then we'll ride the boat and have a picnic by the riverside," he whispered.

Somehow, Inez nodded slowly without saying a word. She stepped onto the riverbank with Lennox. The girl was also aware of the stares from another person who recognized them and started whispering. 

However, Lennox's attitude earlier made Inez feel like she was being hypnotized. She was a bit hesitant to distinguish between reality and  fantasy for now on. 
