
Mr Billionaire, please feel at ease

Mr Billionaire, Please feel at ease (.. Not so innocent) Theme: Dark secrets, Romance , Erotic, Mafia Pure love. ______________________________ " I don't want to ever see you again, we can't be together!! How many times do you want me to tell you that?" She said looking so frustrated. " I guess you have no choice, we're getting married, and you milady, is going to be the mistress of the Stuart family very soon. We're bound together Val " He said with his usual smirk plastered on his face. ________________________________ ***** Meet Valeria Valdez, an 18 year old high school girl who lives with her father, step sister and step mom. Her mother died when she was 7 years old, her father blamed her for her mother's death. Her father remarried her step mom who already had her step sis. Her step mom lured her father into sending her younger brother who she is only two years older than,outside the country. And then him . Stuart Robinson. The eldest son of the first noble family in country X. The youngest Billionaire in country X. A young eligible bachelor who's drop dead gorgeous. Almost all the women in the country were looking forward to get into his bed, but sadly, he never looked their way. Until she came. She didn't have to do anything to get his attention, to get him hard, to get his heart crazily beating for her. But she didn't want to have anything doing with him. What happens when the dark secrets of the past come knocking on their doors? What do you think is stopping Valeria from accepting Stuart? What do you think the secrets of the past are? Do you think Valeria's brother would return? Is Valeria's dad ever gonna come around the fact that his daughter wasn't at fault? And will Valeria even accept her father back even if he comes back to his senses? If you're eager to know, just join me on this rollercoaster as we uncover chapters together.

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9 Chs


💜❣️ Mr Billionaire, Please feel at ease ❣️💜

( .... Not so innocent )

Theme : Dark secrets, Romance, Erotic, Mafia

🗣️ WTF!! Is it the same Valeria I know?!!

🗣️ Oh hell no!! She wore a face mask with this beauty!!??

🗣️ God, if I'm a tomato, send me to the market!! How can someone be this beautiful?!!!

🗣️ Someone hold me, I'm going to faint!!

🗣️ Can you see the car ?!!!

🗣️ Oh my f*cking God!! That's a Lamborghini Revuelto which costs $ 890,000

🗣️ Where did she get the money from? Cause the school's queen bee herself owns a Ferrari Purosangue which costs only $ 400, 000

🗣️ Woahh!! Not even half the price of her car!!!

The whole school was in an uproar as students kept murmuring and screaming wildly.

Meanwhile all this time, Lorena stood there watching, she didn't divert her gaze until Valeria went in side. ' Arrghh, how could she get all the attention!!? And they had to compare the price of my car to hers? ' lorena screamed mentally.

" Wait is it just me hearing things or the goddess that came into our school with a Lamborghini Revuelto is Valeria!! , Phoebe screamed behind Lorena who was already fuming with rage . " I thought I was also hearing things as well. She was way too beautiful to be Valeria. And where did she get the money for her car? Or what do you think Lorena?" Phyllis asked , causing Lorena's anger to skyrocket. " Arrghh!!! I hate you all" Valeria left these words behind as she stormed out of the school compound.

" What's wrong with her?" Phoebe asked nonchalantly. " Don't know, let's get to class" Phyllis said with a shrug and left whilst Phoebe followed.

<< Robinson TECH & CO LTD ( East District ) >>

Stuart sat in his office, busy typing on his computer. His face looked so beautiful as the light from the screen flashed on it. " Let's have dinner together tonight." Yules's words rang inside his head . He badly wants to get that bitch off his neck, but she seemed unbothered about his cold attitude towards her. " What should I do, what should I do?" He continued muttering to himself as he tap his fingers on his desk.

" I pray you don't get on my nerves too much, you might regret it Yules." He muttered with a devilish smirk plastered on his face . ' knock' ' knock ' . " Come in" , Stuart said without looking up. " Boss, you have a meeting with Mr Parker in the next 20 minutes. " Damien said with a straight face. " Is the boardroom ready?" Stuart questioned still with his face buried in his computer. " Yes boss". " You can leave" . " Yes Boss", Damien said with s slight bow before leaving.

<< Imperial High >>

< Grade 12 Class B >

🗣️Look at Valeria, her beauty is insane

🗣️ Did I tell you how I couldn't focus in the biology class because I was looking at her?

🗣️ I'll happily fail for her sake

🗣️ We now have the school's queen bee in our

class because Lorena is no match.

Valeria's class mates kept murmuring among themselves. They couldn't believe that the girl they had tagged as ugly for their entire school lives actually turned out to be a beauty goddess whose beauty is immeasurable. " I bet you'll be the topic of discussion for weeks to come.

" Lena said giggling, how she loved the look on the faces of Lorena and her P² . " They haven't seen anything yet, more is to come" Valeria responded. " Wait, why did you decide to change overnight? You didn't tell me anything till this morning". Yes, Valeria actually called Lena to inform her about her plans, that's why Lena also came in with her best car. " Mm, just tired of their silly smiles everyday, so I decided to spice things up a little bit". Valeria said with a shrug. " Oohhhhhh! I'm loving this already". Lena squealed.

" I'm taking over my company". Valeria said, causing Lena to stop squealing and look at her surprisingly. " What!!" " I thought you said you'd not like to take over your mom's company. You were bent on not going there". Lena bombarded her with questions. It was break already so their mates had already left, leaving only the two behind. " Well, after thinking it through, I can't leave everything to that witch.

I'm bored, I just want to play for a while". Valeria replied, referring to her step mom as the witch. Valeria's mom ( Luisa) , actually owned one of the top entertainment companies in the country as well as a couple of estates before she died. After her death , she willed the entertainment company to Valeria and the estates to her son ( Valeria's brother Victor ) .

But since they weren't of age, their father took over for them and later handed the entertainment industry to his new wife ( Cordelia) who was Valeria's step mom. She took over as the CEO of the company and transfers money to Valeria's account every month because it was stated in the will that monthly payments must be made to her . After Valeria came of age, she was reluctant to take over the company which got Cordelia planning on several ways to make the company her daughter's.


<< The Valdez's Residence >>

Valeria was walking down the hallway when she heard someone speaking in her father's room. It's not anything that's supposed to concern, but for some strange reasons, she found herself peeping through the crack of the door. " I want everything to go as planned tomorrow okay?" Came Cordelia's voice. " The board members have to believe that Valeria is mentally unstable with the fake doctors report we've made. And then, you'll raise the petition, vote for my daughter to be the next CEO since she is Valeria's sister. Mr McLaren, nothing should go wrong.

You and I know that if anything goes wrong, we'll be in deep shit. And about the missing funds, find something to do about it. No traces should be left since we need the board to see how capable I've been while in power ." Cordelia said evilly to the person on the other side. And Valeria being Valeria, made sure to video Cordelia. " Ohh, I guess you don't like keeping it cool, let's play then." With that said, Valeria walked silently away just as she had come.


" Hey Valeria!! " Lena snapped, bringing Valeria out of her thoughts. " Stop spacing out when we're talking. It's annoying", Lena continued, acting pissed. " Quit that drama and organise the crew tonight, we're having a meeting" , Valeria said. " Yeeeyyyyyy!! This is what I've been dying to here. We're back to business baby!!" , Lena squealed. Valeria just looked at her friend and smirked. " The game has just began". She muttered under her breath.


Stuart was in his car, on the way to attend to an important business. Just as he was driving, he noticed a car beside him trying to compete with him, and he being the proud him, can't let that happen. He immediately stepped on, causing a screeching sound from his car. With a smirk on his face, he began to drive really fast . The car next to him wasn't also ready to give up. Both cars drive for a long distance until the car that Stuart was competing with crossed him, he had no choice than to step on his break immediately, causing him to bump his head onto the steering wheel . He raised his head and checked to see if blood was coming, but thank goodness there was no cut, or else this person would die right there. He took off his seatbelt and stepped down from his car with a kingly aura emitting from every part of his handsome body.

" You should come out and face me and stop sitting in the car like a coward, after all, you crossed me first" Stuart spoke as he walked towards the car that had just crossed him. He stopped walking when he was close enough. Just then, the car opened, and a pair of black heels stepped down. The person was putting on a jeans , that hugged her perfect curves so well and flowed freely below the knee. She had a long sleeve shirt on and a jean inner coat on.

" Do you have a habit of competing with everyone you see on your way?" , came Valeria's voice. She was on her way to her mother's company when she saw this man before her now, driving like he owned the road, she didn't like it so she decided to play a little game with him. " Do you also have a habit of crossing anyone you see on the road." Stuart asked the little woman before him. She seemed young, but had a strong and powerful aura illuminating from her body.

" Haha! You're so funny!! I didn't like the way you were driving like you owned, so I decided to have a little fun." Valeria said with a shrug, sucking on her lollipop , not giving a care in the world. 'Interesting ', Stuart thought as he looked at the little woman before him. " You should be careful next time, you never can tell. Not everyone will play so nicely with you next time" Stuart said smirking. " Haha , sure sure. You should also be careful, I might play brutally the next time we meet" Valeria said . The two states at each other for a while, like they were in a competition or something.

" I wish I had time to keep on with the stare game" Valeria said breaking the silence. " Buh I got to go attend to something more important. See yah next time" Valeria said with a wink and entered her car , driving off crazily.

" We shall surely meet, I'll make sure of that" Stuart said, smiling.

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Love you AMBIES

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