
Mother Of All Systems!!

So basically our MC is an unlucky fellow his whole life is a mess. Orphan at the age of 3 when his parents got involve in some accidents. Growing up with no friends. Grades are so-so Don't even mention a girlfriend Well basically everything he does nothing comes good. And then he start watching animes reading novels and Mangas he really got addicted and decided to commit suicide in letting himself got rekt by truck-kun. After he saw a truck in the distance he started walking slowly to the center of the road but little did he know there's an open manhole near just infront of him. The last second he remember is the feeling of falling. Follow the disastrous life of Clay's adventure on obtaining different SYSTEMS!!! ________________ Cover not mine.... CTTO

Crixzivion · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
46 Chs


After clay had done preparing himself he goes out of the room then goes to their training grounds.

~ Tutors POV ~

Im Joseph smith and im currently 36 years old i have a wife and 1 child.

today i will tutor the daughter of Gregory's and her fiance it actually make me dizzy when i think that i will tutor a 1 year old boy and a girl that is not even reach 1 year old i actually wanted to decline. because what will these two can even do at their age?

but because of their status i have to accept it. also i heard rumors that they are genius then lets know if the rumors are true?

~ Clay's POV ~

When i arrived at the training grounds i saw olivia waiting but i cant see the tutor anywhere?

so i asked olivia." Olivia where is the tutor?"

"um he will be here in few more minutes" Olivia said.

" ok then lets just sit for a while while waiting for him. " Clay said and oiivia just follow what clay said and sit.

while clay is sitting he is wondering on how can even walk and hold a proper conversation in her age? so clay just ask the system again." system why olivia can talk and walk in her age? "

[ Ding... Host you ask me that question before but i do not know the answer at that time. however after observing her i have a Hypothesis that maybe she also have a bloodline that can boost her physique and mental development. its also like you. your bloodline boost your physique and that leads for you to be able to walk at such at very young age in terms of talking its because of your rapid growth on vocal chord.]

"so that explains it huh? i know that she has a bloodline but not to this extent that can be on par on my bloodline i really wonder if i am the cheat character or her? " clay thought then ask the system again."then system do you have any idea on what is her bloodline and purity of it?"

[ Ding... sorry host but that is outside of my capabilities!]

clay heard this and thought he will need to have system points and buy the A.I chip system that his system were talking about.

then clay saw a man walking towards them and of course that is probably the tutor and if you are thinking on how the tutor know that they are the ones that he will teach is because they are the only ones here who is really young and little.

" Olivia? is that the tutor? " clay said while staring at the man in the distance. and why clay ask that? its because the man looks scary first of all he is really tall about 6 feet and 2 inches also his body is full of muscles not also that he has a scar in his face in a letter x from both sides of his ears down to his jaw. he have a short brown hair.

" uhmm maybe?" Olivia reply back and not sure if he is the tutor maybe she is kind of afraid also.

then the man is now really close and then he smiled " hello little fellows? are you perhaps olivia and clay?" the tutor ask.

they both nodded and upon seeing his bright smile and friendly approach they calm down a bit.

" well my apologies my name is joseph smith a 4th class wizard and a magic knight also " joseph introduce his self then smile.

" i am your tutor and will teach the basics for magic and basic knowledge about it but first of lets find a place and follow me" joseph said and lead them to an open area.

" now first do both of you know about the origins of our magic?" joseph said and will just about to explain when clay raise his hand.

" yes? are you going to pee? then i will give you a minute then come back here quickly" joseph said.

" No " clay said.

" then why are you raising your hand " joseph ask.

" aren't you asking if we know the origins of our magic? i raise my hand because i want to answer " clay said.

" oh? then what is it?" joseph said.

" ok in the ancient era the world of hedberg is composed of only one continent called Isles.

then when the elves,demons,beastkins,dragonkins and humans have a dispute to each other races they send their strongest individuals to a war then these people later known as the 5 mystics and the legends say that they had all achieved the highest possible rank of wizards called sovereign and each one of them have the power to annihilate millions of people in minutes when the fight reach its climax they break the continent and make it 5 continents as we know it today. then... also...." then clays go on for about 5 more minutes." and that is the Origins of magic." Clay smirk and thought' damn reading books is not a bad thing after all '

olivia and joseph had their eyes full of shock and jaws drop open. then joseph thought ' what the? i never expected him to explain that much at most i though he will stop at 5 mystics and not just that he also said some things that even i dont even know? even when he read it he doesnt need to memorize it all? damn the rumor is quite accurate.' then joseph cough and said " yeah thats correct that is the origins of magic"

" then lets just proceed on teaching you magic after all it looks like i dont need explain things any further" joseph said and look to clay.

" first just sit in a comfortable position and i will teach you mana sense" joseph said. olivia's eyes lit up but clay is expressionless because he know it already.

then clay and olivia sit in a lotus position then joseph said " now close your eyes and imagine that there is some small blue particles in the air and imagine it to go near you." joseph said after he said this he is shock because clay had just gather the mana in that instant when he saw this he nearly gulp a mouthful of saliva then thought ' damn even if your genius you dont need to make it in just merely 1 try because if you succeed at it in 1 hour of try with the help of sense boost it is considered a super genius'

olivia open her eyes and somehow feel some energy gathering in clays place then she close her eyes and try focusing again after a while she succeed and smiled she open her eyes and look to her tutor.

joseph saw this and thought again ' damn if i called these to super genius it may even be considered looking down on them i think the right term fot them are MONSTERS'

then clay is just talking in his system while smiling its because.

[ Ding... when host is gathering mana youve unlock a new function called EXP points so now you can see your EXP in levels and skills also when you are using your skills it can raise your EXP points.]

[ Ding... Mana sense is now in low mastery 3rd phase 200 more EXP to achieved Mid mastery.]

clay smiled and said to the system' system show me my status but just show the skill panel'


Skills: wind blade (D) Mana sense ( low mastery 3rd phase [ EXP: 24/200]) Magic manipulation ( low mastery 1st phase [ EXP:0/50])

clay smiled after seeing this then after nearly a minute a notification ring on his head which he is waiting for

[ Ding... Mana sense upgrade to MId mastery 1st phase 250 more exp to achieve 2nd phase.]

clay smiled to himself then thought ' hehe i do not really mind if i sit here whole day '

then joseph sense something then look to clay with a shock face because of the speed he is gathering mana is nearly thrice on what he had done it in just a few minutes ago.

hey guys new author here hope you like my first novel

also sorry for slow progress but in the next few chapters it will start progressing fast so dont worry

power stones!! power stones!! spare me some of it hahaha

Crixzivioncreators' thoughts