
Mother Of All Systems!!

So basically our MC is an unlucky fellow his whole life is a mess. Orphan at the age of 3 when his parents got involve in some accidents. Growing up with no friends. Grades are so-so Don't even mention a girlfriend Well basically everything he does nothing comes good. And then he start watching animes reading novels and Mangas he really got addicted and decided to commit suicide in letting himself got rekt by truck-kun. After he saw a truck in the distance he started walking slowly to the center of the road but little did he know there's an open manhole near just infront of him. The last second he remember is the feeling of falling. Follow the disastrous life of Clay's adventure on obtaining different SYSTEMS!!! ________________ Cover not mine.... CTTO

Crixzivion · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
46 Chs



[ Ding... Opening the beginners mage starter pack please wait a moment..]

[ Ding... Congratulations you've acquired {air affinity} ]

[ Ding... Congratulations you've acquired {Reptilian Bloodline} ]

[ Ding... Congratulations you've acquired {Wind blade} ]

[ Ding... Congratulations you've acquired {Superior comprehension} ]

[ Ding... All the things that have been acquired are place to inventory.]

[ Ding... New function unlock {Inventory} instead of going to status to see your items you can now just say Inventory or think about it in order to use it also you can put things to your inventory from outside world.]

Clay upon hearing all this suddenly feel a bit of dizziness.

" Woah! That's a lot to take the only thing i quite catch is the inventory part" clay said in his mind.



- Air affinity ( learn? )

- Reptilian Bloodline ( learn? )

- Wind blade ( learn? )

- Superior comprehension ( learn?)

- Systems gift starter pack ( Open?)

"hmm ok? Air affinity is definitely an affinity in magic no doubt about that. also wind blade is probably a skill. But what about this reptilian Bloodline and superior comprehension? I also have a system starter pack but i will ask about Bloodline and superior comprehension." clay thought to himself. Then ask" system what is reptilian Bloodline and Supreme comprehension? "

[ Ding... Reptilian bloodline is a bloodline that focus on solely on strength and defense if someone have a reptilian bloodline they will have a harden skin also your physical strength is far greater than your peers. Superior compression is a special ability that let's you understand something so easily but depends on the complexity of the thing you're reading also it helps you to be more faster in reading let's say normal people can finish a book in a month but if you have that ability you can finish it in merely 3 - 4 days.]

" ok? That's a lot to take again i feel like my head is going to explode." clay said to the system in his mind while thinking the things that the system said and adding it all up.

" say system can i learn these skills now?" clay ask.

[ Ding... Yes host.]

" then i want to learn the reptilian bloodline and the other skills just learn anything that can be learn" Clay said.


~ the Dukedom of Evergreen ~

Meanwhile a huge domain controlled by Evergreens and in the middle of it a huge and a white fancy looking castle that really fits the typical medieval era inside the castle there's a family lively eating in a long table compose by a handsome looking young man that looks like 22 years old on the other side a gorgeous lady about the same age as the man beside her is a little girl abot the age of four also a some servants and side characters that will get to be introduce later.

While they are eating there's a sudden rise and fluctuation of magical energy that originates in the gorgeous lady's womb all of the people eating felt it.

" What's that? Did you feel it? Is it from you honey?" The man ask in a whisper kind of way.

" no its not" The lady said with a beautiful voice that it will be even enough to melt all of the people that can hear it.

" then where did it come from? " the man ask again.

" I think it comes from my womb." the lady said with a smile.

" what?" the man has a face that emphasize ( what the f*ck is she saying?).

The lady didn't reply and just smirk because she is the only one that know she is pregnant but his husband doesn't know it yet becuase it's just a fetus.


~ Back to the present ~

[ Ding... Congratulations for activating the Reptilian bloodline ]

[ Ding... Congratulations for learning air affinity.]

[ Ding... Congratulations for learning Wind blade.]

[ Ding... Congratulations for learning Superior Comprehension.]

Then a sudden surge of warm feeling or rather like an aura enveloping clay for a few seconds.

" Damn that feels good i feel so strong now" clay said in his mind with a blissful tone.

" STATUS" clay said then list of his stats appeared in his mind.

Name: ( no name) ( Clay Elfwood )

Age: - 8 months 29 days 23 hours 55minutes 23 seconds

Race: Human

Bloodline: Reptilian Bloodline(100%)

Affinity: Air affinity

Hp: 10 /10

Mana: 110/110

Magical power: 65

Skills : Wind blade

Special abilities : Superior Comprehension

Items: Systems gift starter pack (1x)

Mission: ( none )

System points: 0

Store points: 0

"Damn i increase my hp, mana and magical power but why there's a huge leap in my mana? System?" Clay ask the system.

[ Ding... Hp increase is because of bloodline that increase defense. A big increase of mana is because of superior comprehension because anything that is related intelligence is also related to mana. Then the increase of magical power is because of wind blade if you have skills you can fight thus the increase of magical power.]

"So that's it huh i think i have a good grasp of the situation now." clay said in his mind.

Then a notification suddenly sound in clays head.

[ Ding... New mission { title : safe delivery }

Details : just like the title said safe delivery meaning you just need to wait until you meet the outside

world isn't i generous?

Time until completion : 8 months 29 days 23 hours 52 minutes 2 seconds.

Reward : 5,000 store points

If failure : revoke ok system ownership.]

[ Ding... Accept or not?]

"ohh what is this? A MISSION?? ohh right im a fetus right now damn this is gonna be one hell of a extreme boringness. I also wonder what is this store points? Well whatever i will just ask later i have so much time in my hands. What's with this failure thing? Well im not that scared the possibility of me not getting born is really low though. So system i accept."Clay said proudly.

[ Ding.. Mission is accepted visit status to know the state of mission anytime.]

"hehe starts now whenever i encounter a tough situation i will not say" Why me?" but i will say" Try me " hehe im on the way to be the STRONGEST."Clay said." maybe i will sleep now if i can."





~ this day a baby was born and on this very day the history will be engrave ~


Hello guys new author here hope you like my first novel just comment below also im open if you can point out some of my errors to further my writing skills.

Also I think that the progress of story is slow or just what i feel plss comment if you think it's just ok.

I will release 1 chapter anytime in the afternoon today.

Crixzivioncreators' thoughts