
CH7: (Shirou and Irisviel)

Fate/Stay Night


Shirou Emiya-Einzberg sighed as he remembered how he became who he had been once.

That almost a decade ago, during the 4th Holy Grail War, the Magus Killer Kiritsugu Emiya participed into the war as the master of servant Saber, who was actually a female King Arthur, with his wife Irisviel von Einzberg helped him.

But then a change was made; Originally Illyasviel von Einzberg, Kiritsugu's and Irisviel's daughter, was supposed to stay in the Einzberg manor, but somehow she convinced them to let her come with her puppy eyes.

Then while Illya remained in the Emiya house reinforced by Bounded Fields and two Einzberg servants, Sella and Leysritt, Kiritusgu and Saber fought the other servants, eventually ending with Irisviel kidnapped by Kotomine as Saber fought the golden Archer, but somehow Illya meet and made a friendship with the deceasing Kariya Matou, who was Berserker's Master, and so inspired by the young girl's words, Kariya ordered Berserker with his remaining Command Seal to rescue not only Sakura, but also Irisviel before killing Zouken, which worked and the old monster died as the girls were saved.

Meanwhile Kiritsugu finally defeated Kotomine, which allowed Archer to be distracted enough for Saber to defeat him, but then Kiritsugu found out about the truth of the Grail and ordered Saber to destroy it, which worked but the backlash provoked the Fuyuki Fire, which killed 500 lives and the only survivor was Shirou himself, who was saved by Kiritsugu who put Avalon in him.

Then Kiritusgu adopted him in the Emiya-Einzberg family, and soon Shirou and Illya were raised as normal kids while Irisviel and Kiritsugu took care of them with Saber, who became Shirou's familiar, Sakura (who was adopted as well), Sella and Leysritt, and for a while everything was perfect...until Kiritsugu discovered that the grail cursed him and he was slowly dying, making his family sad yet they spent the remaining time together before Kiritsugu died.

Afterwards Shirou swore to take care and protect his family, much to their happiness as they trained him in magecraft and he was able to do several things, like projection, structural analysis, tracing, and even runes.

Right now the red-white haired boy was training with Saber in kendo, not noticing his adoptive mother's look from afar...

'Oh Shirou, you truly are becoming a man~!' thought Irisviel who smiled at the sight of Shirou getting stronger by the second. She felt her face feel warm from seeing how much he had changed after all these years.

Irisviel then remembered to when she began to feel this way for her adopted son, which was a month after Kiritsugu's death, in which she cried after making Illya fall asleep, but she didn't expect Shirou to be there as well and asking her what was going on, making her tell him about her pain, to which the boy hugged her, surprising her as he said the words that would (unknowingly to him) make her fall for him:

"Don't worry Irisviel-hime sama, I swear I'll protect you, Illya-nee, Saber-chan and everyone else important to me. After all, you're my precious people..."

So now here she was watching both of them as they practiced more.

'I wonder what Shirou likes in a girl.' thought Irisviel who quickly noticed Shirou put too much power into his lunge and ended up falling on top of Saber.

Shirou froze up as he felt Saber's body under his own as said familiar blushed a lot before they separated.

Meanwhile Irisviel's mind froze up before her look went dark and she barely managed to hold herself from using a command seal on Saber and giving her a very fitting punishment...

Before she could reveal herself, Sella tapped her on the shoulder to get her attention. "Irisviel-sama, it's time for dinner." replied the homunculus.

"Thank you, Sella." replied Irisviel who headed to the dinner hall while seeing Saber and Shirou heading out.

Soon the whole family made it to dinner and focused on the meal set up for them.

While they enjoyed the finer cooking, Irisviel kept sneaking peaks at Shirou with a thoughtful look on her face.

'So, how should I get Shirou for myself?' Irisviel thought before noticing the looks that Saber, Sakura and surprisingly Illya gave him. 'Oh dear, It seems I have more competence for him than what I expected...'

Eventually the food was finished as Fuji-nee, who somehow arrived when hearing the word food, went back to her house as Sella and Leysritt took care of the dishes and Irisviel saw Shirou heading for his room tired, making an insane but effective idea go to her head as she grinned.

"Hello there Shirou~!" Irisviel smiled upon looking at HER Shirou's reaction.

Said red-head barely managed to find his voice, "K-Kaa-chan, what's happening?! W-Why are you dressed like t-that?!"

The Einzberg woman just smiled before hugging her son.

"I'm just showing my son how much I love him~!" replied Irisviel who didn't hesitate in capturing Shirou's lips and pulling him on top of her of the bed.


Shirou found himself actually enjoying the kiss he and Irisviel were sharing and would have gone further, but stopped when they heard the door open. They looked up and saw the blushing faces of Illya, Saber, and Sakura.

"Mou! Shirou, where is my kiss~?" Illya pouted cutely as Shirou stood there shocked while Irisviel smiled.

"S-senpai...If you wanted to do this...you could have asked me..." Muttered a blushing Sakura.

"As your familiar...I Must take care of you!" Blushed Saber.

"So wanna join in girls~?" Asked Irisviel before they all joined in.

Meanwhile, a certain Tsundere Toshaka was "watching" the event with a red face, wondering if she could ask her "sister" to let her join in...
