

Hello everyone !! My ramblings and monologue

Many people have contemplated about life such as you my readers and i have but have we found any meaning to our life. Most of u think maybe u have may be u haven't but what is the real answer to the question .... after few minutes... ahhhh who cares is the most probable answer to the question u may think and u start to perform other activities such as playing games, watching television, surfing internet etcetera etcetera.

But from time to time u get really stuck at the point or period in ur life when u consciously or subconsciously start to contemplate about it. Life for most of the people is just a stumbling block on the road to the other side well for some people it can be as smooth ride in a lambo but everyone has rows and rows of monologues going on about it in their mind. Well, if u haven't then well my dear readers u may always be on high :))).

Life in itself is a very intriguing topic that has its never ending discussions. The highest degree of miracle every living being have ever seen is life but is coming to life in itself a good thing or not that is another topic to contemplate. The elusive nature of life is such that nobody has not currently found answer to it because if they had well hurray to the age of immortality but well at least not now. I as my self currently being in my youth hope and well alive hehe.. Hope those geniuses find some results as fast as possible well who doesn't like to live more don't u? There are different definitions of life that can be found according to different people , ideology, religion, science and etcetera etcetera . Ok lets not dive into this to much .Lastly, do u really know what life means ?


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See u again next time adios.