
A slave at the hands of a traitor

"Sister, you purposely appeared to say this to me, but there is a request from me?"

Xu Taiping likewise guessed the female ghost's mind.

"Young man guessed correctly, my daughter has appeared this time, it is something to ask."

The female ghost nodded her head repeatedly.

"I have a sister, named Liu Ziji, who went to the mountain with me three years ago, but she has outstanding talent and was directly accepted as a disciple by the fifth peak. Originally, the two of us had agreed that after we passed the selection of the five peaks in the coming year, I would be able to train with her at the fifth peak."

"Last year, a disciple from the fifth peak suddenly came to my place, saying that he was my sister's third senior brother and that he was on his way down to deliver a letter for Dickey and to see if I was okay."

"When I heard that he was Dickey's senior brother, I didn't dare to treat him lightly, so I treated him with good wine and food for a long time."

"But that guy, after three rounds of drinking, actually went crazy and defiled my innocence like that beast.

"I wanted to die, but he threatened me with my sister Dickey, and if I didn't obey him, he would frame Dickey and have her expelled from the Five Peaks."

"I had no choice but to commit myself to him and wanted to wait for Dickey to get a firm foothold in the Five Peaks before I found a way to tell him about it."

"But a few months ago, I overheard when that guy was drunk, he actually intended to use my sister Dickey to blackmail her, so that Dickey also fell into his plaything."

"If only my daughter had been humiliated, I would have been able to endure it, but he actually put his idea in Dickey's head, so I naturally couldn't let him get away with it."

"So I took advantage of his drunkenness to take out the blades I had hidden in the house and prepared to kill the shameless man."

"But my daughter finally underestimated the cultivation of the disciples on the mountain, and only just showed some killing intent, he was captured in turn."

"The shameless man became furious, and after humiliating her, he killed her and threw her into the deep mountain near his residence.

After listening to the long narrative of the ghost, Xu Taiping's heart was depressed and indignant.

He did not expect that there would be such evil people and evil deeds on this immortal mountain. Compared to the five disciples of the Five Peaks, the ghost was considered a good person.

Of course, the premise is that what this female ghost said is true.

"How can you prove that you are telling the truth?"

After calming down, Xu Taiping asked the female ghost.

"In order to expose this shameless person, my daughter used the only piece of dust-seeking incense she had."

The female ghost said while pointing across the air to the sleeves of the corpse below, and then continued.

"This dust-seeking incense, a mother and three sons, a total of four plants, lit the mother incense, you will be able to leave a shadow of everything that happened in the house before this column of incense burned out."

"When you want to watch, you only need to light the child incense, the past will be able to reveal all the past events."

Hearing these words, Xu Taiping nodded secretly.

He had seen this treasure from also from within the bronze mirror before.

"So sister you want me to give the remaining few incense sticks to your sister Ziggy?"

Xu Taiping asked directly without having to ask that Liu Qingmei.


Liu Qingmei nodded her head forcefully, then she said with a bit of desperation in her tone.

"The third disciple of the fifth peak, Lu Chen, is said to be the nephew of one of the elders of the fifth peak, so the Qingxuan Sect will definitely not punish him because of me, a mere outside disciple, so I am not asking for justice, but only that my sister Dickey will no longer be swindled by that shameless person!

And she said this just out, the small courtyard door once again blowing a cool wind, followed by its figure began to become a little bit dimmer.

"Young man, if you have the opportunity to go up to the five peaks, please hand over the dust-seeking incense to my sister!"

Seeing that the soul was about to fly away, Liu Qingmei's tone became urgent, waiting blearily for Xu Taiping's response.

"If what you say is true, this dust-seeking incense, I will definitely hand it over to sister Zidian for you."

Xu Taiping did not hesitate much, then promised with firm eyes.

"Thank you, young man!"

After receiving Xu Taiping's promise, the female ghost Liu Qingmei immediately fell to the ground and knocked her head heavily on the ground.

"Young man, that ghost will not rest until it has won today, but although it is extremely difficult to deal with, it is not without weaknesses. I learned by chance that this ghost died of drunkenness before it was captured, and the wine is like a poison to its soul.

Liu Qingmei suddenly raised her head and informed Xu Taiping about the weakness of the ghost of the accomplice.

"This ghost's weakness is actually wine? Thanks for reminding me!"

Xu Taiping was surprised to hear this and said thank you. Although he hadn't lit the dust-seeking incense yet, his trust in Liu Qingmei had increased a few more points in his heart.

"Young man, be sure to give the dust-seeking incense to my sister."

The female ghost shook her head and once again instructed with a face full of supplication.

"Qingmei sister, don't worry, as long as I can go up the mountain, will definitely find a way to give this dust-seeking incense to sister Ziji."

Xu Taiping nodded his head very solemnly.

Hearing these words, that female ghost Liu Qingmei's bitter face finally had a smile on it.

"By the way young man, there is a tiger spirit behind that ghost, its methods are very powerful, if you can, do not make an enemy with it!"

Just as the female ghost's figure was about to dissipate without a shadow, she suddenly reminded Xu Taiping in a somewhat urgent voice.

"Tiger demon?"

Looking at the green fire above Liu Qingmei's corpse, Xu Taiping muttered with some surprise.

"That story of being a helper for the tiger is actually true."

After hearing that there was a tiger spirit backing up behind that ghost, Xu Taiping was shocked and suddenly recalled the story of a tiger as a helper.

"Although I know the weakness of the ghost, but according to the old man's words, before breaking through the open door realm, if you encounter a ghost, if you are not careful, you may have to die on the spot, so it is best not to deal with it yourself, but to report it to the clan and let the clan send someone to deal with it."

Xu Taiping thought so while jumping down from above the courtyard door.

"Anyway, let's report this matter to the clan first, and then bring the corpse of that demon wolf in the mountain, they can't just turn a blind eye to it, right?"

He muttered in a low voice while taking out a small wooden box from the sleeve of Liu Qingmei's corpse.

When he opened it, the wooden box contained precisely three cones of incense.

"As for the matter of this dust-seeking incense and Qingmei's sister, we will light one today to identify its authenticity, and tomorrow we will see the attitude of the people from the clan in dealing with the ghost, and if they are willing to deal with it, then we will inform them of what happened to Liu Qingmei, and then we will give them these three incense cones."

Xu Taiping stood up to put away the wooden box containing the dust-seeking incense.