
A trip to dubai

Mia couldn't believe she was actually there, after months of waiting on that stupid list. She never really believed in luck but now she started questioning her life choices and decisions, after all it really was mere luck that she won that competition.

The announcer just asked someone to call and guess that day's lucky number and boom! there she was in the entrance of the Atlantis hotel in dubai.

She never thought she could get there and she kept on asking herself if it was all real. Mia looked around her, she was standing in one of the best hotels in the world and that had to be the most beautiful lobby in the world, based on the knowledge she got from the enternet and social media. She had never been in a hotel abroad.

people where coming and going and they all looked effortlessly rich in her eyes. She was just glad that casual was in season otherwise she would stick out like a sore thumb.

The lobby was gorgeous with a beautiful brown marble flooring and beautiful creamy white pillars which connected the floor to the ceiling. It had a giant water fountain with weird shapes and different colours that acted acted as a centrepiece in the room.

There where big golden lanterns that gave out a soft golden glow around the lobby. Mia looked looked up to the ceiling and there was a painting in different coloured objects she couldn't quite decipher.

"Excuse me"

"Oh sor..." a bellboy carrying a golden luggage cart just passed by her, clearlyvnot needing to hear her sorry apology. rude, but it did make her realise that she should have been checked in by then. She proceeded towards the reception desk.

The man Behind the desk was currently talking to another guest so she took her time in assessing him.

he looked to be in his early twenties. He had curly brown hair with hazel eyes. He was middleeastern and he looked like he didn't want to be there. He was really handsome though, Mia noticed.

" Um Hello miss, may I help you?" He asked. Mia was so lost in thought that she didn't hear him talking.

"Yes , just admiring everything around me, you have a wonderful hotel here" she hoped he bought it because she was a very convincing liar.

" Yes, did you know this is one of the best hotels in the business?" The receptionists asked with very little enthusiasm.

"Yaaa, it really must be great working for such a prestigious hotel "

" best in business" he then pasted on his thousand megawatt smile that could have almost fooled her but she knew better.

" Yes, certainly" she also pasted on her own megawatt smile.

"Welcome to Atlantis the palm hotel, how may I help you "

" I would like to check in, it's under Mia solery"


She watched as his eyebrows furrowed then relaxed when he also relaxed his eyebrows.

" Oh here it is, you are under the sponsorship from that radio station"


" You are in room 5076, all expenses paid for for the next two weeks, and there is probably a complementary bottle of wine in your hotel room, I hope you enjoy your stay here, Julio will show you to your room. "

Mia just stared at him till the guy named Julio came and took her suitcase and headed straight for the elevator. Since she only carried a suitcase and a travel bag, she didn't really need the luggage cart.

She got on the elevator with a few people. When the elevator had ascended for what seemed like thirty seconds, Julio stepped out and led her down the hall. They arrived on the door which had the number 5067 on it.

Julio looked like he was the strong silent type because he didn't say anything to her on the way up. He had on a hat that showed his black hair and he had a little mustache.

Julio opened the door with a key card and she got in after he handed her the card.

"Thank..." Mia didn't finish her sentence as the door flew shut behind him" you" She just had to finish that sentence. It's either The people who worked there where really rude or they had a strong no fratenising with clients rule.

Mia set her luggage down in her room not helping but admiring everything around her, as it was her first time in a top hotel abroad she didn't want to touch anything because she didn't want to disturb the natural balance of anything around her.

She sheepishly sat on the plush sofa with the intricate golden designs and run her hand through her hair. She was so I tired that for once she didn't think About hair care.

Mia had recently lost her job and she was under a lot of stress, she was just glad she didn't have any responsibilities back home in LA.

Being raised in a single parent household with no siblings ment she never had any responsibilities towards anyone, especially her mother who now didn't want anything to do with her because she blamed her for her failed marriage and miserable life.

Mia learnt the hard way that if one wanted to survive, one had to look after oneself. Her mother never really had any relatives since she was kicked out of her house when she was 16 after her parents found out she was pregnant, Mia only had her mom to look up to but since her mom blamed her for all her hardships, Mia found solace in her bestfriend, Dana, school and eventually work, living no room for relationships and dream vacations.

Mia looked around her room, it was very beautiful, more than she had actually dreamt for her dream vacation. It had a beautiful king-sized bed with white and gold sheets and next to it was what looked like a door leading to the bathroom. The entire floor was covered in a very soft brown carpet that she couldn't help but take off her shoes and stand up to walk up to the window while dragging her feet to feel the softness. She had a beautiful view from above.

There was a night stand next to her bed that held a round ceramic lump. A brown coffee table was situated in the middle of the room, in front of the sofa where a bucket with what looked like expensive champaign rested with a champaign flute next to the silver bucket.

Hearing ping from her phone, she turned it on to see that there was a text from Dana.

She decided to call her and she picked up after the third ring.

"Hey girl" Mia said.

" I miss you so much, I'm literally crying"

" I bet your so excited to be with that boss of yours "

" Yes girl! and your so luck you got me just thirty minutes before our flight"

"I hope you have a great three weeks in Angola honey"

" Yes, I hope so too but enough about me, I'm dying! How is dubai, I really wish I was there with you"

" tis amazing mi'lady "

" text me all the details, have you met any cute guys yet?"

" All the way from the airport sweetheart"

Mia and Dana talked for a long time until Dana's boss broke them up and reminded Dana that they had a scheduled flight to Angola in a few minutes.

Since Dana would be out of reach with her busy schedule and their time difference, mia decided to enjoy the trip, device free, choosing to read books she had brought with her and maybe check out some bookstores.

Mia got out of bathroom in her fluffy towel, she had just had the most amazing shower ever. She started contemplating on what to wear to dinner, glad she was out of her travel clothes consisting of jeans and a printed black t-shirt.

Mia got out her yellow long sleeved top which complemented her gorgeous brown skin and paired it with a pair of designer high waisted jeans which she got at a cheap price on sale. The outfit really showed off her hips and smaller waist.

Leaving her hair to shine all around her with bangs that did wonders for her brown almond shaped eyes and then she pared it all off with her favourite ysl boots. She didn't have a lot of money but that didn't mean she had to look bad while having little money, to her that was insult to injury and she had her little saying that "if your broke then be broke with class."

After making sure she looked spectacular in the full length mirror, she grabbed her phone and purse and waltzed out her room like a queen provided she remembered the directions on which she came from.