
chapter two.

I didn't want to believe what i heard at the moment. So i asked her again making sure, pardon? who did you say? she replied it's Gabriel you idiot. And I knew I was really an idiot and my worst nightmare came true after all. I asked fighting in all my strength to sound normal, "so... are you guys friends or a new crush"? Claire answered, "you dumb silly don't you know that Gabriel right now is dating with someone? i think the girl is dating with is staying at the same hostel with you and is taking business too" I really heard that rumors but I thought rumors are just rumors, nothing more and nothing less. But when Claire told me, I spaced out and was on my own world of thoughts. But what's really confusing me is how he was taking my time and thoughts but the way we meet in stairs or hallway, how he stares at me, its something i reallly can't pinpoint it. "Back to earth girl" Claire called. ARE YOU OKAY? she asked in a concerned tone, sensing today i wasn't mentally here. I lied sheepishly "why wouldn't I"? But deep done, God knows what am going through at the moment. I excused myself, Because if i countinue staying there, I won't be able to focus and tests are coming soon and it's not like Gabriel is going to answer my tests for me. I need to focus and focus now. I said to myself, after all am in second year last semester. Just one final year remain and we will go our different ways and bye bye to the stupid and meaningless crush thing. Oooh! What are dream come true. I splash some water on my face, then going back to Claire as good as new, as something never occupied my thoughts before. Without knowing what's was waiting for me. I marched to class and to Claire but guess who I saw there? It's one and only Gabriel, who i just literally succeeding in subduing in my mind for a fucking minutes ago so as I can focus but things don't originally go the way you planned. right? Wondering why he was there and talking about what with Claire? Guess one way to find out, and i marched towards them confidently. For really fate has a fun way of playing with ME.