
Who are you?

11th December 2001. Midnight. Health Care Hospital Ltd. Room 101 [Baby crying] Doctors came out. "The Baby is healthy but the mother couldn't survive. I'm sorry", said the doctor. " Congratulation, it's a girl", said the nurse. This is how I was born. I am jinxed. Ocean Jean, my name. Mum passed away the moment when I was born. Dad couldn't take it for so long, he had a heart attack and passed away on my first birthday. That day I understood that my birth was just a curse for my parents. I was sent to an orphanage. There was a young lady, I used to call Nany. She took every single care of me since I was 12. She also passed away in an accident. I thought it was my fault as I was filled with misfortunes. At 18, I ran away from the orphanage. I was into painting. So, I was studying at an art school and was a tutor as I had nothing to do for a living. I was too done with my life!

April 11, 2022. Standing on the rooftop of an apartment, I was trying to commit suicide. "Should I just jump? Should I close my eyes and then jump? [Sigh] I should just jump".

Suddenly heard an aggressive voice. "Are you insane, girl? Hey, you, come down." I thought it to be a handsome guy just like in movies. I looked back. It was a gentleman wearing a black suit, and black hat, holding a black umbrella. All in black. At first, I couldn't see his face. He dragged me down. "Wait, gentleman, do you know me? Or do I know you? No, I don't know you. Then who are you? And how old are you? You look so young". -How Chatty you are!

-You didn't answer my question.

-Okay. I don't know you. I just happen to see you trying to jump.

-Do you want me to thank you for saving me?

-[smiles] Never mind.

Out of the corner of my eye, I looked at him.

-Hey, what's with that look?

-Who are you?[ asking out of curiosity]

-I am..

-wait, how old are you?

-[takes a deep breath] more than a million years.

-[screaming] Really! Are you a Gumiho or a Goblin, or a Vampire?

-You watch a lot of movies, don't you?

-Yes by the way. But what are you?

-An Angel.

-Do you have powers?

-[shakes head]

I was too stunned to talk. Amazed, I was jumping like a monkey. "Is it a dream? How can I believe it?"

He took closed his eyes and took a deep breath and the time just stopped.

-Woooaaah. You truly have powers!

Then with a blink of his eyes, everything became how it was. Judging by his looks, he looked very humble but he was a monster.

-Did you just call me a monster?

-What? When? How? How do you know?

-I forgot to tell you. Indeed, I can read minds.

I just gave up on him. I was speechless for sure. I was merely leaving and he said, "Come". " What?". He came close to me. Hold my hands and asked me to close my eyes. Then he took me to the middle of the ocean.

-Can you tell me how deep the ocean is?

-Umm, No. [I replied]

-It is so deep that you can't even imagine.

-What if I imagine?

-Then do it.

-[closes eyes] I can see the submarines.

-No wonder you have powers.

-Really?[surprised gaze on my face]

-Of course not.

I kicked him and said, "Why did you interfere with me while jumping from the roof?"

-I was sent to stop you.

-Who sent you?


-Am I alive? I feel like I'm dead and now I'm in heaven.

-If you had committed suicide, I wouldn't have been in heaven.

-All you know is spoiling my mood.

He grabbed my hand and took me back to my house.

-I don't wanna live. You don't know anything about my life. It's full of misfortunes. I always wanted to live a simple life but these misfortunes are bothering me, you know. You are old enough to understand this, right?

He kept staring at me and listening to my nonsense. "You said earlier that God sent you. It means God trusts you. So you must be close to Him. Can you give Him my message?"

"What is it?". "Tell Him to change my fortune. I don't want anything elegant. Just tell Him to disappear my regrets from my heart. I don't want to live with these." Before I told him anything again, he had snapped his fingers around my ears. I fall asleep. "I am assigned to bring miracles into your life", told me in my ears and smiled.