
Mordred's Rebirth

This story is kind of based on the Arthurian legend. ******* He was called many things. Bastard, the False King, The Traitor, Treacherous Knight. Sir Mordred was a villain, one who according to the prophecy of the grand wizard Merlin, would destroy the kingdom of King Arthur Pendragon. And he did but at the cost of his life. As he lay dying on the bloody ground of Camlann after the mighty clash between him and Arthur, a bloody tear fell down his face. All he wanted was to be acknowledged by his father but all the things he did eventually led to disaster. Now with death’s cold hands grasping him, he hoped for a short peace before the fiery rings of hell. But that was not the end of his journey. ******* “Hold up.” “What is that infernal noise?” “Oh my goodness! It's driving me crazy! And it's not stopping!” Mordred sprang awake, slamming his fist on the digital alarm clock on the nightstand. 'What in Merlin's Beard is happening!?', he thought when he realized something. Well, a lot of things. First of all. How the heck is he alive? Second. What is a digital alarm? That's when memories that didn't belong to him flooded his head. They felt familiar but everything was wrong. How the heck is Morgan Le Fay his sister? She was his aunt! And how is the wizard Merlin so young! “Oh. I get it now”. He, Sir Mordred has been reborn in the body of a different version of himself, in a modern and futuristic world where he is the youngest son of Arthur Pendragon. But even in this world, He is the hated son of the High King. "Now what?", Mordred realized that the world he is in now is different from his previous one, with the only familiar details being the names of the people he knew. “Oh? Are you still reading?” Mordred smiled, looking at the readers. “Well, how about you join me on this new crazy journey in a crazy new world of heroes, villains, monsters, and even gods?” “Are you ready?” "Let's go!" ********************************************** The story is loosely based on the Arthurian legend. I am only using the popular names but the plot is different. The story is purely fictional with a few things from the actual legend being incorporated along with some stuff from other popular works. The characters may have different personalities from the original ones from the legend. There will also be names that may seem quite familiar as well. 5-6 chapters per week except on Sundays, usually after 12:30 pm (GMT). The cover image doesn't belong to me. Please check out my other work: The First Deviation.

just_a_fox · Fantasi
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93 Chs

You Better

"Well. Fuck."

I cursed as Iris transformed into a thick cloud of darkness the moment my sword sliced through her.

A doppelganger. Not good at all.

"Who's cleaving who again?", Iris's voice spoke behind me, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.

Before I could react, Iris materialized out of the lingering wisps of darkness behind me.

Her legs wrapped around my torso, and the cold blade of her black dagger pressed against my cheek.

"Surprise.", her voice tickled my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

"Doppelganger and a position switch.", I guessed with a calm smile, "Very impressive."

She giggled, "I know right? It was fun seeing you guys chasing after that doppelganger."

"Glad we entertained you.", I smirked.

Suddenly, a blood tentacle shot toward her eye. Instinctively, she moved her head to the side, narrowly avoiding the attack.

However, the jagged crystallized tip of the tentacle still managed to remove a chunk of her ear, and she quickly jumped off my back.

"Ooh, that was a close one," she remarked, touching her bleeding ear with a grin before disappearing into thin air.

I shifted my sword to the right, deflecting a powerful strike from her dagger.

She vanished again, reappearing behind me as if she had teleported.

Without glancing back, my blood appendages shot toward her, blocking her continuous dagger slash and counterattacking.

"Looks like you've learned a new trick! Just a month ago, you couldn't even sense my attacks.", Iris remarked as she appeared before me in a burst of darkness and jabbed at my beautiful face.

I smiled as I parried the attack and immediately countered with a slash toward her stomach.

The black and white blades clashed in a flurry of sparks as she blocked my strike.

In the blink of an eye, a sharp appendage of solid darkness shot out from behind Iris, heading straight for my eyes.

I swiftly sidestepped to avoid it, jumping back as it curved, following my movement with uncanny precision.

A homing tentacle? When did she learn that?

As I dodged the incoming attack, I caught a glint of metal from my right.

Reacting instinctively, I raised my sword to block a ferocious strike from Iris aimed at my neck.

The tip of the black appendage appeared in my peripheral vision as I exchanged deadly blows with Iris.


Time seemed to slow around me, allowing me a moment to pause and react.

Harnessing the power of Haema, six blood appendages materialized on my back and surged toward Iris.

I heard her click her tongue as she swiftly slashed through them, turning them into bloody ribbons.

But I didn't dwell on her reaction. With a flick of my wrist, I sliced through the approaching black tentacle, dispersing it into wisps of smoky darkness.

My six appendages reformed and swayed as if each had a mind of its own as I turned to face Iris.

She smirked, her eyes glinting with mischief, as six jagged appendages of darkness materialized behind her, each menacingly curving its pointed tips toward me.

I raised my eyes and quipped "A guy, a girl, and tentacles. Sounds like the beginning of a porno."

"Or a smutty dark fantasy novel involving octopi.", Iris retorted with a smirk, her tone teasing.

I shrugged casually, "Or that. But it's not right for us to enjoy it alone."

As if on cue, buildings on both sides of the road collapsed in a storm of lightning and silver flames, effectively sealing off both ends.

Artemis's voice cut through the tension, "That was an odd comparison, Vice Cap.", she remarked, her words accompanied by the sound of tough silver threads enveloping Iris's limbs and neck.

"Huh?", Iris exclaimed in surprise as the wires tightened, pinning her in place.

Artemis hopped right beside me, her hand firmly clasped around her yoyo.

"Underground recon huh?", I raised my eyebrows at her, "This city has an overhead commuter train system."

"Someone had to be in the shadows to strike at the best moment.", she gave me a wink.

"Plus. I brought reinforcements."

The temperature suddenly dropped and ice swiftly encased Iris's lower body, further restricting her movements.

I sensed multiple auras approaching, accompanied by the crackling of lightning and the roar of flames.

Despite being restrained, Iris maintained her composure, flashing us a confident smile.

"This is going to be quite the slaughter.", she remarked with glee.


"Well. That was a bloody massacre."

Iris remarked as she playfully skipped beside me.

I scoffed, "More like crimes against humanity."

"It wasn't that bad.", she defended.

I stared at her incredulously, "Wasn't that bad? Iris. You rammed a rod of darkness so far up Apollo's rear that the tip came out of his mouth!"

"He tried to skewer me with a water spear!", Iris countered.

"Oh? And what about Krystal? You slow-cooked the lower half of her body with your black flames while slapping her in the face multiple times.", I pointed out.

"She froze me into the ground!"

I sighed, shaking my head, "Goodness, you're quite sadistic."

Iris grinned mischievously, "Of course I am. It's a good thing Minerva significantly reduced the pain threshold."

"That's because she knows you.", I replied, sighing once more as we made our way to the elevator.

"That battle was a loss on both sides though.", she pointed out.

I nodded, "Yeah. We kind of cleaved each other in half."

"Well, that was kind of exciting.", Iris replied with a sly smile.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes, "Bloody weirdo."

Anyway. Enough of Iris's brutal tendencies.

Today was the day of Gawain's and Guinevere's visit, and Kay had instructed me to arrive at one of the side entrances of the Shield.

Given the potential commotion their arrival could cause, they wouldn't be entering through the main entrance.

Most Deathwalkers weren't even aware that members of the Royal Family were coming.

According to Minerva, they would be escorted to Kay's office via a private corridor, and then to a restaurant booked for the entire day.

As we reached the ground floor, we stood before a painting depicting a battle between an ancient knight in gold armor and a dragon.

Without making a single sound, the painting sank into the wall, revealing another corridor.

"This place never ceases to amaze me," I remarked as we entered the corridor.

It was well-lit, with a soft purple carpet and light panels depicting a golden sunrise sky along with more ornate paintings.

"So this is the rumored Royal Corridor.", I mused as we turned right and made our way to the double doors at the end of the corridor.

"I bet there are a lot more places like this.", I remarked as we reached the double doors.

Iris nodded in agreement, "Indeed. The Shield has its many secrets."

Glancing at her curiously, I asked, "By the way. Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be welcoming newbies?"

"Yes, I will be, but first, the High Queen requested to see me.", she explained.

I raised an eyebrow in surprise, "Whoa. Why?"

With a sheepish smile, Iris revealed, "Well, I suppose it's because I'm somewhat like the foster daughter of the Commander."

I blinked and stared at her, "What?"

"It's unofficial and he told me not to reveal it too much. The Commander became my legal guardian after he learned of my unique circumstances.", Iris explained.

"Huh. I guess that explains why he always has that fatherly vibe whenever he's with you.", I replied.

"And perhaps why he glares at me whenever he catches us together.", I added, a realization dawning on me.

Iris nodded knowingly. "Precisely. After all, we are dating. Plus we are quite the troublemakers."

"Are you two going to stand there like decorative statues, or are you coming in?", Kay's voice interrupted from behind the doors.

That guy has good senses.

Oh. Did he hear the conversation we just had?


With a playful grin, Iris stuck out her tongue at me, "Oops."

She pushed the door open and we entered a rather lavish lounge area.

Kay reclined on a couch, exuding an air of authority in his resplendent grey suit.

His salt and pepper hair is now longer and he even has a beard to make him look more regal and scary.

His piercing blue eyes gazed at us knowingly, and I knew he had overheard our conversation.

"I assume you heard everything?", I ventured.

He simply nodded in response.

"So it's true, then?", I sought confirmation.

Another nod followed.

Feeling a mix of nerves and determination, I pledged, "I'll do everything in my power to make her happy, sir."

Kay grunted in acknowledgment, "You better."

Iris sighed, "Did you really have to pull that, Commander?"

"Of course. You're dating my nephew, who can be quite the handful.", Kay calmly.

Even after three years, Kay's imposing presence still managed to unnerve me.

Though our relationship had evolved considerably during that time, his stern gaze never failed to command respect.

Despite his intimidating demeanor, our interactions had become more frequent, often taking place in his office.

Surprisingly, he had even taken an interest in refining my already proficient swordsmanship, which greatly surprised and impressed him.

He was so intrigued by my swordsmanship that he asked me to show him a few moves.

In the end. Kay is the very strict but supportive uncle we all have.

I looked at him, "So. When are they arriving?"

Kay looked at his watch and leaned in casually on the couch.

"Right about now."

As if on cue, the double doors on the opposite side of the room burst open, and Queen Guinevere strode in with a radiant smile.

"Hey hey, Kay! It's been some time Commander Grouch!"

Her sparkling blue eyes immediately found me and she immediately pounced.

"Mordred! Come here!"


Author's Note

Hey folks!

Apologies for the abyssal release rate. Please wait for a few more days. My practical exams are almost done!

Thanks for the support!

Stay healthy!

Guinevere entering with a bang!

just_a_foxcreators' thoughts