
Mordred's Rebirth

This story is kind of based on the Arthurian legend. ******* He was called many things. Bastard, the False King, The Traitor, Treacherous Knight. Sir Mordred was a villain, one who according to the prophecy of the grand wizard Merlin, would destroy the kingdom of King Arthur Pendragon. And he did but at the cost of his life. As he lay dying on the bloody ground of Camlann after the mighty clash between him and Arthur, a bloody tear fell down his face. All he wanted was to be acknowledged by his father but all the things he did eventually led to disaster. Now with death’s cold hands grasping him, he hoped for a short peace before the fiery rings of hell. But that was not the end of his journey. ******* “Hold up.” “What is that infernal noise?” “Oh my goodness! It's driving me crazy! And it's not stopping!” Mordred sprang awake, slamming his fist on the digital alarm clock on the nightstand. 'What in Merlin's Beard is happening!?', he thought when he realized something. Well, a lot of things. First of all. How the heck is he alive? Second. What is a digital alarm? That's when memories that didn't belong to him flooded his head. They felt familiar but everything was wrong. How the heck is Morgan Le Fay his sister? She was his aunt! And how is the wizard Merlin so young! “Oh. I get it now”. He, Sir Mordred has been reborn in the body of a different version of himself, in a modern and futuristic world where he is the youngest son of Arthur Pendragon. But even in this world, He is the hated son of the High King. "Now what?", Mordred realized that the world he is in now is different from his previous one, with the only familiar details being the names of the people he knew. “Oh? Are you still reading?” Mordred smiled, looking at the readers. “Well, how about you join me on this new crazy journey in a crazy new world of heroes, villains, monsters, and even gods?” “Are you ready?” "Let's go!" ********************************************** The story is loosely based on the Arthurian legend. I am only using the popular names but the plot is different. The story is purely fictional with a few things from the actual legend being incorporated along with some stuff from other popular works. The characters may have different personalities from the original ones from the legend. There will also be names that may seem quite familiar as well. 5-6 chapters per week except on Sundays, usually after 12:30 pm (GMT). The cover image doesn't belong to me. Please check out my other work: The First Deviation.

just_a_fox · Fantasi
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93 Chs

My Goddess...

Iris leaped away just in the nick of time as my shredding code came crashing down toward Isaac.

Sparks and blood flew as the rapidly rotating rings of the blood gyroscopes clashed against the radiant sword.

Amidst the shredding orbs, I collided with Isaac, our swords emitting waves of fervor, driving the paladin further into the ground.

Behind me, I heard the crackle of lightning, and I quickly retreated as Carlo's claymore descended upon the luminous blade.

Crimson lightning exploded from the collision, its destructive force pulverizing everything in its path.

Huge ice spikes hurtled toward the paladin as Krystal dashed forward, her rapier gleaming.

Observing the intense clash between them, Iris materialized beside me from the shadows. Her eyes faintly glowed, and dark marks adorned her face.

I raised my eyebrows, "You activated your stigma?"

She nodded, "It is going to be excruciatingly painful."

"Yes it will be.", I replied and stabbed her in the side. My sword pierced her uniform and plunged deep into her body.

She cried out in agony, clutching her side as blood gushed from the wound when I quickly withdrew my sword.

"A little warning would be nice.", she said through clenched teeth.

I shrugged, "Hey. The closer you are to death, the quicker we finish this."

Iris took some deep breaths and straightened her body, "I'll engage and stay with Isaac. Tell Carlo and Krystal to unleash attacks regardless."

Turning to me, she added, "Do your best to put me on the brink of death as well."

I smiled, "Of course I will. I'll accompany you. Someone has to watch your back."


Placing a finger on her lips, I reassured her, "Don't worry, Iris. I'll evade in time. I'll be fine."

Iris looked uncertain but she nodded and smiled, "Let's win this."

Just then, amidst the chaos surrounding us, my earpiece crackled to life with Artemis's urgent voice.

"Mordred! We've discovered a plethora of artifacts in the room! Any one of them could be the anchor!"

My eyes lit up with anticipation, "Well? What are you waiting for? Burn them!"

"All of them? They are extremely old and rare artifacts!", Artemis sounded devastated.

I rolled my eyes impatiently.

Really? Now?

But I could understand her apprehension.

The artifacts held invaluable historical significance. Destroying them seemed reckless.

Sighing, I turned to Iris and conveyed the situation.

She frowned in contemplation, "Artemis has a point. Indiscriminately destroying them isn't wise."

"Ah!", Her eyes brightened with a sudden realization.

"I have an idea. Release an ardor pulse strong enough to disrupt a warlock's flow without harming the artifacts."

"No matter how strong he is, Isaac will react if the ardor flow of his anchor is disturbed."

Swiftly relaying Iris's plan to Artemis, relief flooded her voice, "That's a brilliant plan. Wait, Apollo! Don't burn them all!"

Her voice cut off abruptly as Carlo crashed into the nearby wall, engulfed in a burst of red lightning.

Turning our attention back to Isaac, we witnessed him holding Krystal aloft, his gauntleted hand tight around her neck.

Krystal struggled against his grip, summoning a barrage of ice spikes that Isaac effortlessly dispelled with a flick of his radiant sword.

"Is this all?", he asked, his eyes burning into me.

He hurled Krystal toward me, and I caught her just before she collided with the floor.

"Sorry.", she winced and tried to lift her battered and bloodied body only to collapse in pain.

I smiled, "It's fine. We'll take it from here. You and Carlo focus on healing and if you are ready, unleash your deadliest long-range codes."

"Make sure they hit Iris as well."

Her azurite eyes widened in disbelief, "What?"

"Just do it. Trust me.", I insisted.

She looked uncertain but nodded, "Okay."

"Great.", I said, carefully settling her against a fractured column before turning to Iris.

"This is the final push."

The Fairy of Tenebris nodded eagerly, her blue eyes shimmering with anticipation.

"Indeed. Let's go wild."

Gripping my sword tightly, I leaned forward, activating my stigma.

I had closely studied Isaac's swordsmanship and absorbed invaluable insights. Now, I merely needed to wish for it.

"I want his skills."

A searing headache threatened to overwhelm me as knowledge flooded my mind, my body instinctively adopting Isaac's techniques in seconds.

I gasped for breath, the intensity, unlike any previous skill acquisition. S-rankers truly operated on another level.

But now, his skills were mine.

A grin spread across my lips.

"Let's finish this."

Together, we shot forward, sending out powerful shockwaves of ardor as we reached Isaac in the blink of an eye.

Iris's obsidian daggers, shrouded in ethereal darkness, descended upon the paladin like the venomous fangs of a serpent from the abyss, while my sword, its emerald edge aglow and ensconced in the swirling mists of my blood, mirrored his thrust with unwavering precision.

Isaac met our advance with formidable resistance, swiftly switching his sword to his left arm to intercept Iris's onslaught while seizing the blade of my sword with his clawed gauntlets.

But we were prepared.

Iris melded into the shadows, reappearing beside him in an instant, while I deftly twisted my sword free from his grip, mirroring his movements down to the slightest detail.

We struck out once more, and despite his disadvantaged position, Isaac retaliated with ferocity.

His slashes drove me backward, and he aimed the hilt of his sword at Iris.

Yet, instead of evading as she usually would, Iris braced herself for the impact, absorbing the blow with a gut-wrenching force that sent blood spewing from her lips and tore a ragged hole in her jacket.

Propelled toward the shattered ceiling, she instinctively flipped midair, her fairy wings propelling her back into the fray.

Seizing the opening, I launched myself at the paladin, engaging in a deadly dance of swords where our movements mirrored each other with uncanny precision.

Isaac's shock was palpable as he faced my flawless execution of his own techniques as if confronting a reflection of himself, adapting seamlessly to his every move.

Thrust for thrust, slash for slash, we continued our intense exchange, each blow pushing him further back under the relentless onslaught of his own skills wielded against him.

"Is this your Gift!? To copy the abilities of others?!", Isaac yelled at me as found himself getting pushed back by my relentless assault with his skills.

"Ding ding! You got it right!", I shouted in reply, amplifying the speed and ferocity of my attacks, unleashing my blood tentacles against him with renewed vigor.

In a burst of darkness, Iris rejoined the fray. 

She danced gracefully amidst the chaos, her movements a blur of darkness and blades.

Unlike me, who evaded and parried, she endured every blow.

With a primal howl of pain and determination, she withstood the onslaught, her flesh torn, her bones broken, her blood vaporized.

Witnessing her agony tore at my soul, every fiber of my being screaming to intervene, to spare her from the unbearable torment.

But I held fast. She must endure. It is the only path to victory.

The Sanctuary of Light trembled violently, its once-stalwart walls crumbling under the relentless onslaught of our battle.

Everywhere we clashed, the floor shattered and powerful waves of ardor, darkness, light, and blood ripped into the runes and white stones that made up the Sanctuary.

I felt a surge of ardor behind me, prompting me to leap aside just in time as a devastating beam of crimson lightning and a barrage of ice spears, swords, and colossal spikes from Carlo and Krystal assailed Isaac and Iris.

The echo of Iris's anguished scream reverberated throughout the cavern, nearly paralyzing me in my tracks.

"No. Iris!", I rushed forward as the lightning sparkled away and a thick fog washed over me.

Please be okay!

The fog was blown away by raging ardor to reveal a sight from my nightmares.

Iris' body was covered in blood, her form battered and broken, her once-immaculate uniform now a tattered mess, revealing gruesome wounds that marred her flesh, some exposing bone.

The sheer horror of her injuries threatened to overwhelm me, but her eyes, wild and bloodshot, gleamed with an unyielding determination as she continued to rain blows upon the paladin, leaving deep gouges in his radiant armor.

Witnessing her primal fury ignited a fire within me, hardening my resolve.

Pushing past the limits of my fatigue and pain, I surged forward, knowing that time was of the essence.

If I were to deactivate my stigma, I would lose my acquired skills, but there existed a minuscule window, mere milliseconds before the penalty took effect.

In that fleeting moment, I would unleash my most potent strike, not one borrowed from Isaac, but one honed over a lifetime on Earth.

I just needed to reach that window.

I needed more power.

My blood vessels ruptured, and crimson jets sprayed from my skin, the pain drowned out by the surge of adrenaline coursing through my veins.

Muscles tore, and bones cracked under the strain of the immense power propelling my body beyond its limits.

With a scream of defiance, I shot forward, appearing before Isaac.

He pivoted to meet me, but I pushed Transcendence to its breaking point, teetering on the edge of mental collapse.

Transcendence: Absolute Nirvana.

In an instant, time halted, freezing everything in its tracks. Even Isaac, poised to strike, was suspended in motion, his sword held aloft.

Gritting my teeth against the blood that obscured my vision, I deactivated my stigma.

Ten milliseconds.

In that frozen moment, I unleashed my most devastating slash directly at Isaac's chest.

The blow struck true, shattering the frozen world as a gaping wound tore through the paladin's armor, unleashing a blinding burst of light.

"ARGH! THAT HURT!", he bellowed.

My body drained of all strength and skill, collapsed forward as Isaac advanced, delivering a crushing downward blow.

My sword spun through the air as my arm was severed cleanly from my body, a spray of blood accompanying its trajectory.

Just before Isaac could deliver the fatal blow, Iris, her eyes ablaze with fury, drove her daggers into the gaps in his armor, diverting his attention.

As I lay helpless on the ground, I summoned the last remnants of my fading strength and control over ardor, extending my arm to unleash my final gambit.

{Haema: Crimson Nova}

A surge of blood erupted, coalescing into a growing sphere that engulfed us, its tendrils reaching out to touch the massive crystal at the heart of the cavern.

The sphere pulsed with power before condensing into a tiny marble in my palm.

"Suck on this.", I muttered, before the marble exploded in a cataclysmic burst of crimson energy, consuming everything within the perimeter of the dome that once encapsulated the Sanctuary.


As the dust settled and the crimson mist dissipated in the cavern's vast expanse, the broken figure of Mordred lay prone on the ground, while Krystal and Carlo emerged from their cover, visibly shaken by the aftermath of the explosion.

There was no sign of Iris.

As Mordred struggled to raise his eyes to see what happened, a terrifying wave of ardor washed over him.

With a thunderous roar that reverberated through the chamber, Isaac burst forth from the rubble, his once-pristine armor now heavily damaged but still emanating an intense radiance and his powerful aura fractured the stone floor of the cavern,


His voice boomed, shaking the very foundations of the mountain.

His blazing eyes fell on the young man with white hair.

"But I am afraid this is the end.", he declared, summoning his sword, its brilliance outshining even its former glory, as he closed in on Mordred.

"Shit.", the young Pendragon muttered as the paladin grew closer.

Carlo and Krystal watched in horror as Isaac advanced towards their fallen vice-captain, his armor ablaze with renewed intensity.

But just as he raised his sword to deliver the final blow, Isaac faltered, stumbling forward as the glow of his armor dimmed.

His eyes widened in disbelief at a sudden horrifying realization.


Mordred's earpiece crackled with Artemis's excited voice

"We found the artifact! We've lit it up!"

Isaac Zierhart staggered, "Impossible! That artifact has no hold of me! I am strong enough to exist without an anchor!"

"True. But it weakened you significantly.", a female voice remarked from behind him.

For the first time in his life and afterlife, Isaac Zierhart felt the fear of death.

Rising like a harbinger of death, Iris's bloody form emerged from his shadow, darkness swirling around her as the crimson markings on her face glowed with ominous intensity.

Coup de Grace.

Her black daggers flashed, and a burst of darkness tore through Isaac's chest, releasing a surge of pure white light.

"Ah. My Goddess...", Isaac murmured, a sense of weightlessness enveloping him as he sank to his knees with Iris standing behind him.

As his spirit faded away, he summoned the strength to pose one final question.

"Child of Darkness. What is your name?"

Iris's blue eyes met the gaze of the fallen paladin as his spirit dissipated from his armor.

"My name is Iris Kar-"

She stopped, thought for a bit, and shook her head with a smile.

"No. I'll no longer use that name."

She looked at Mordred and then at the paladin.

"My name is Iris LeFay."

"Ah. The Fairy.", Isaac Zierhart, the paladin of the Incarnus of Lux breathed out as his spirit faded away.

And that's a wrap. Whew! What a fight!

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