
Mordred's Rebirth

This story is kind of based on the Arthurian legend. ******* He was called many things. Bastard, the False King, The Traitor, Treacherous Knight. Sir Mordred was a villain, one who according to the prophecy of the grand wizard Merlin, would destroy the kingdom of King Arthur Pendragon. And he did but at the cost of his life. As he lay dying on the bloody ground of Camlann after the mighty clash between him and Arthur, a bloody tear fell down his face. All he wanted was to be acknowledged by his father but all the things he did eventually led to disaster. Now with death’s cold hands grasping him, he hoped for a short peace before the fiery rings of hell. But that was not the end of his journey. ******* “Hold up.” “What is that infernal noise?” “Oh my goodness! It's driving me crazy! And it's not stopping!” Mordred sprang awake, slamming his fist on the digital alarm clock on the nightstand. 'What in Merlin's Beard is happening!?', he thought when he realized something. Well, a lot of things. First of all. How the heck is he alive? Second. What is a digital alarm? That's when memories that didn't belong to him flooded his head. They felt familiar but everything was wrong. How the heck is Morgan Le Fay his sister? She was his aunt! And how is the wizard Merlin so young! “Oh. I get it now”. He, Sir Mordred has been reborn in the body of a different version of himself, in a modern and futuristic world where he is the youngest son of Arthur Pendragon. But even in this world, He is the hated son of the High King. "Now what?", Mordred realized that the world he is in now is different from his previous one, with the only familiar details being the names of the people he knew. “Oh? Are you still reading?” Mordred smiled, looking at the readers. “Well, how about you join me on this new crazy journey in a crazy new world of heroes, villains, monsters, and even gods?” “Are you ready?” "Let's go!" ********************************************** The story is loosely based on the Arthurian legend. I am only using the popular names but the plot is different. The story is purely fictional with a few things from the actual legend being incorporated along with some stuff from other popular works. The characters may have different personalities from the original ones from the legend. There will also be names that may seem quite familiar as well. 5-6 chapters per week except on Sundays, usually after 12:30 pm (GMT). The cover image doesn't belong to me. Please check out my other work: The First Deviation.

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93 Chs


The explosion ripped through the sanctuary, sending white stones flying out into the cavern beyond.

A swirling cloud of dust, mingled with black and crimson smoke, engulfed us as we searched for any sign of our foe.

"Did we get him?", Carlo squinted through the haze, his voice tense with anticipation.

"Nope!", Iris shook her head and crossed her daggers, her blue eyes glowing as smoky darkness swirled around her.

A slight movement in the smoke caught my eyes and my instincts screamed at me.

"CARLO! BLOCK!", I yelled as the huge longsword hurtled toward the rookie, its speed breaking the sound barrier.

His abyssal black eyes widened and he raised his claymore just to block at the last second.

That was a terrible idea.

The sheer power sent him hurtling into the inner area, crashing into the pillars.

But we didn't have time to worry about him.

Transcendence saved my life.

Isaac Zierhart appeared before me and aimed a powerful haymaker at my head.

I tilted my body to the side and the ardor-laden punch missed my head by a hair's breadth.

A powerful shockwave shattered the ground beneath us, and I seized the opportunity to dart beneath his exposed side

I went for a counterattack from behind.

Iris appeared beside the paladin, her daggers coated in black flames.

Blood swirled and darkness roared as we attacked Isaac on two sides.

Isaac shifted his weight, narrowly evading Iris's strike as she sailed overhead. In a swift motion, he lashed out with a backward kick aimed squarely at me.

With little time to react, I raised my sword to block, channeling my blood to reinforce the defense.

The impact reverberated through my body as the armored boot collided with the flat of my blade, sending me hurtling toward the sanctuary doors like a human cannon.

Ah, shit.

Instantly, my blood tentacles reacted and cushioned the impact as I slammed into the unforgiving stone.

Bones cracked and my pain exploded all over my body.


That bloody hurts!

As I collapsed to the ground, Apollo quickly caught me.

"By the Incarni!", he exclaimed, "What was that? One second you were ready to give him the hurt and the next second you are pasted to the doors!"

"Thanks for the motivation.", I coughed out, trying to recover the breath that got knocked out of me.

Grimacing, I pushed through the pain, my strand already working to heal my injuries. My arms throbbed, my body aching from the brutal assault.

That was just insane. 

What a monster.

I observed the current situation.

Good news. Isaac is no longer focused on me or the rookies.

And the bad news?

He's trying to kill Iris.

Iris moved with lightning speed, her daggers flashing as she attacked Isaac.

Her Tenebris strand swirled around her, adding power to her strikes aimed at the paladin's weak points.

Isaac skillfully countered her moves, wielding his daggers with precision. His blades, gleaming with white light, emitted smoke that matched the aura of his armor. 

Their relentless clashes generated shockwaves that shook the chamber and rained down debris from above.

I was just blown away by his skills, each calculated and dealt with a finesse that matched his position as a paladin.

But the most amazing one is Iris. 

She is holding out against an S-ranked being who could decimate her in a matter of minutes by herself, disappearing into shadows and reappearing instantly in the blind spot of the paladin.

Like me, she formed jagged tentacles with her strand, both protecting and attacking as she fought Isaac with the same graceful ferocity as fighting a daemon.

But she won't last for long. Even from here, I can hear her heavy breathing as exhaustion and damage accumulated on her body.

I gripped my sword and readied myself.

I used my special breathing technique to enhance Transcendence. I increased blood acceleration and ardor flowed over my body.

The world slowed down to an almost standstill and I can now see the paladin's attacks.

In our brief encounter, I had a glimpse of his swordsmanship.

It was truly marvelous.

But mine, despite being from an archaic world is better.

I exhaled and blood swirled around my sword, making it more deadlier along with the coating of ardor on the white blade.

I summoned eight blood tentacles, their crystallized tips quivering as they unfurled behind me.

I relaxed my sword arm and leaned forward.

"Here I go."

Releasing a burst of ardor I shot forward like a bullet toward Isaac.

With a flick of my wrist, I slashed upward, aiming for the Paladin's left shoulder.

In a swift response, Isaac knocked Iris aside with his dagger and swiftly moved to block my attack. Our blades clashed with a shower of sparks, sending shockwaves rippling through the air.

"Glad to see you back, young Pendragon.", Isaac greeted me before pushing me away with his formidable strength.

I staggered back and quickly regained my footing.

"Likewise.", I responded.

My tentacles surged forward attacking him from all sides.

Isaac quickly slashed them into crimson mist, his daggers a glowing blur.

Seizing the moment, I focused my control over my blood, gathering it at the green edge of my blade.

With a surge of ardor and Haema, I executed a horizontal slash, propelling a crescent blade of ardor covered in blood toward the paladin.

Isaac extended his hand behind him, and his longsword flew into his grasp.

With lightning reflexes, he intercepted my attack, blocking it with the flat of his sword.

The paladin wasted no time.

Lunging forward, he unleashed a furious onslaught upon me.

A storm of swords surged forth, each strike calculated, precise, and brimming with power.

I calmed my mind and met his attacks head-on, my sword moving with fluid grace as I deflected and parried his blows.

Every clash sent a shockwave rippling through the sanctuary, each burst of ardor crackling in the air and adding to the intensity of our battle.

And boy do they hurt!

My entire body screamed in pain every time my sword clashed with his, each strike getting stronger than the one before.

If I wasn't an A rank with a body enhanced with layers of ardor, I would be blown into bloody bits by one impact of our clash.

Despite my best efforts, cuts began to appear across my body as the sheer force of his strikes broke through my defenses, tearing through my tough Deathwalker uniform.

In my heightened state of Transcendence, I could see Isaac's sword paths shifting with each strike, making it increasingly difficult to predict them.

But I can predict them.

With each exchange, my reactions grew sharper and my parries more precise.

And with each exchange, the paladin became even faster and fiercer, his sword paths shifting faster than I could predict his next movement.

The next strike will be a horizontal slash at my abdomen.

His swordpath shifted and I barely blocked a vertical slash at my chest.

The next one will be a thrust at my throat.

Again in changed and his blade grazed my thigh as I quickly shifted my body and deflected it desperately.


He was overwhelming me at every turn!

As we darted across the chamber in this deadly dance of blades, fatigue ravaged my body and slowed me down.

Blood flowed from numerous wounds, my bones cracked from the force of the blows and my muscles were on fire. 

The relentless assault was taking its toll. I could feel my blood acceleration slowing and a terrible headache threatened to shut down Transcendence.

I gritted my teeth. It won't be long before my body gives up on me and I will stumble.

And that would be my last act on Asteris.

Suddenly I felt a tingle and a black wisp appeared in the corner of my eye.

Despite the furious onslaught bearing down on me and my many injuries threatening to shut down my body, a smile escaped my lips.

I'm not alone.

Barely dodging a fatal strike to my beautiful face, I deflected a follow-up strike and shifted my stance.

In the blink of an eye, a black dagger, its edges tinged with bright purple, materialized in a swirl of darkness and hurtled toward the paladin's sword arm.

The blade sliced through the metal between his fingers, shearing off the clawed tip of his little finger with a satisfying clang.

Iris emerged from the shadows beside me, seamlessly integrating herself into our assault on Isaac.

Having her by my side filled me with renewed vigor, infusing my attacks with newfound speed and intensity.

A whirlwind of Blood and Darkness enveloped us as we unleashed a relentless barrage of strikes against the paladin.

Our movements synchronized effortlessly, with Iris's daggers seamlessly complementing the slashes of my sword.

Whenever she launched a fierce assault, I instinctively stepped back, deploying my blood tentacles to shield her from counterattacks.

And when I surged forward with a barrage of deadly sword strikes, Iris was there to provide cover, deflecting blows and creating openings for me.

But despite two A rankers going crazy on him, Isaac remained steadfast.

If anything, he seemed to grow even more relentless, pressing his assault with renewed ferocity, as if he still had more in the tank.

What a bloody monster!

S rankers are truly on a whole other insane level!

But it seemed our barrage of ardor and strand-heavy attacks was kind of taking its toll as Isaac abruptly halted his onslaught and took a step back.

I and Iris both surged forward, runes encircling our outstretched arms.

{Tenebris: Blackrose Snare}

Iris conjured forth black thorny vines of darkness from her palm, swiftly ensnaring Isaac in their thorny embrace.

Seizing the opportunity, I unleashed one of my favorite codes.

{Haema: Blood Grenade}

A powerful explosion of crimson engulfed Isaac as I hurled the grenade right into his face.

"That stung.", Isaac's voice reverberated through the ruined sanctuary as he swept away the crimson smoke, holding the shredded remains of Iris's vines that dissipated into nothing.

He leaned forward to take a step toward us only to freeze in place.



His glowing eyes darted down to his armored boots, which were frozen solid and stuck to the ground.

I watched as he attempted to shift his feet to shatter the ice, only to find himself unable to move.

He couldn't even move his sword.


That's when I noticed the thin black wire entangling his whole body, immobilizing him in place.

A yoyo string.

"How's that for support?", Artemis chimed in, standing beside me and casually twirling the head of her yoyo on her fingers.

"Having cold feet, Mr Paladin?", Krystal added with a mischievous grin as she landed beside Iris.

There was a clinking of chains as a chained blade wrapped around Isaac's sword, and with a yank, tore it away from his grip.

"I'll take that.", Apollo quipped from the other side of the chamber.

"Good thing you forgot about us!", Ava's voice rang out as she descended from above, her sharp claws enveloped in silver flames.

"Lunar flames. A trait unique to strands of pure-blooded Baskervilles.", Iris remarked between breaths.

Ava slashed at the tattered cape of the paladin, immediately igniting it like a spirit-soaked cloth.

Silver flames erupted all over Isaac's body as the young Baskerville rolled on the ground and joined Apollo on the other side of the chamber.

"Impressive.", Isaac remarked, despite the silver flames licking greedily at his armor

He then turned his gaze towards us individually.

"You children are truly amazing. But is this all?"

"Not yet.", A steely and determined voice spoke from the direction of the inner area.

My eyes widened to see Carlo Devereux, looking quite bloodied and covered in dust glaring at the paladin.

He extended his arm, electric blue runes encircling it.

The air in the sanctuary crackled, and what appeared to be thunderclouds formed above Isaac Ziierhart's head, crackling with red lightning and rumbling menacingly.

With a calm smile, Carlo snapped his fingers.

"Surprise, motherfucker."

"Oh no. Anyway."

Isaac probably.

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