
The suicide

MORASS (complicated situation)

Episode 1

Reporters were seen taking pictures of a woman in a pool of blood. She was killed in the masters bedroom in a 3-bedroom flat, located in the eastern part of Lagos island. "Just imagine the way she was killed" said detective Steve looking very sad. "Sir, you see, i saw this woman 3days ago in the market" one of the police officer said to detective Steve. "Infact she was with her child, who is not more than 6 years old" he continued. "God of mercy!!" Steve exclaimed, "she has a child?" He asked. Officer James scoffed and said "she has more than one child, i think they are 4 in number" he said. "Uhmmmm, how did you know about that?" Steve asked. "According to the information I got from my colleague, her first child is a successful business man and is married, the second child will be graduating from  UNILAG soon" James narrated. "But why w....." Steve was not able to complete his question because Officer James was called and without waiting left. "He did not wait to give more information and I still have more questions to ask"  detective Steve said as he watched the officer walk away. "Well, maybe some other time" he said. He looked at the corpse and felt sorry for the children. "I must get to the root of this case and fish out the murderer" he concluded.

After the corpse had been packed and and it was remaining detective Steve, Joe the first child of the deceased, officer Jade and inspector Kelvin. "She's the best" Joe said with tears filled in his eyes. "I've been so harsh towards her this few days, how I wish I could just say sorry" Joe cried. "It's not your fault boy, all she needs now is prayer" officer Jade consoled. "I don't think she killed herself, because she has no reason to" inspector Kelvin said. Joe wept more as inspector Kelvin spoke. "I think she's right, i.....i...." Joe couldn't complete his statement as he could not control his tears. Officer Jade moved closer to him and patted him on his back, "be a man" he consoled. Joe tried to control his tears. "Last week, she complained about me not paying attention to my younger ones and out of annoyance..." he paused and continued "i got angry because of   the pressure from work that day and I mistakenly called her a lazy mother" Joe wept as he paused again. "I'm so sorry mom, please forgive me " he added and went down on his knees and cried bitterly. This time officer Jade and inspector Kelvin moved closer to him and tried consoling him. But as for detective Steve, he just stood firm and watched, with his hands in his pocket. "I'm sorry for your loss Mr Joe, but i still think she was murdered" detective Steve said and Joe stopped crying, he quickly stood to his feet and held detective Steve's shoulder. "Are you serious" Joe asked. "Detective Steve, please let bygone be bygone, she killed herself and everyone saw it" inspector Kelvin said. "Saw what? Because the assassin wants you to believe that she murdered herself that's why he placed her hands on the knife" detective Steve noted. "How do you get to know that the killer is a male" Joe asked curiously. "This" detective Steve said bringing out some strands of hair and showed it to them. "This is a male hair, i think Mrs Gold pulled that out while struggling with the assassin" detective Steve added. "But what if she wasn't murdered, i mean we all saw the knife in her hands" officer Jade said looking very confused. "Yes, how can you explain that" inspector Kelvin confronted. "Immediately she stabs herself and blood flows out, she would have been too weak to stab herself the second time" detective Steve said. "What do you mean by second time?" Joe asked. "If you all had looked closely, you would notice that the knife didn't fit in, telling that another stab took place in that same spot but not the exact position" detective Steve explained. Joe snapped his middle finger and thumb together, "shit, that idiot made her go through sharp pains. I swear with my life, I'll stab him a million times if i ever see him". Joe uttered and hatred can be heard in his voice. "You are quite good detective Steve" inspector Kelvin said, "I'll live to work as the partner" he added. "Just to get to the root of this case, I'll also live to work you" officer Jade said. "Well, I'm so sorry, i don't do team works" detective Steve said and turned to Joe "by the way, you are under arrest Mr Joe, you are the prime suspect" detective Steve said. "What?!" inspector Kelvin and officer Jade exclaimed simultaneously. In the twinkle of an eye, detective Steve handcuffed Joe and asked him to lead the way. "Seriously" Joe said and faced the officer and the inspector. "I don't have much to say, but i can explain when we get to the station" detective Steve said. Officer Jade and inspector Kelvin could only watch with confusion.

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