
Moonlight: The Unfold Story

Sam was a normal teenage girl with a normal family and live to a normal world. What if one day she encounter a creatures who was exist in a myth story she heard of? What if she entrap on the other world and live with this scary creatures? Is she going to escape and leave all the nightmare or She's going to stay and live with his soulmate who supposedly a king of darkness?

xrazer_dean13x · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

Even They're Gone.

>>>His PoV

After that news I rushed on where I last saw him and talk to and when I came it's already to late., he was gone.

An ashed of him that was I saw...

'Damn it! '

Why you guys always leaving me behind?

Why should this happen to our family?

I walk closer where on he's dust before I could mourning for him I saw a glimpsed of shadow at the corner of my mom's garden.

Before I caught that shadow it's already gone even I look around the garden there's nothing but me.

So I let the guards go roamed on the place until they catch behind that shadow.

I came back at her room and let the maid kept his dust and put besides my mom's space.

When I enter her room she's already asleep, in a deep and peaceful sleep. I'll just stare at her face at peace and everything happen to me now get lighten and eased just in her presence and I felt like this.

'I'm sorry if I can't promise you not to be alone but I'll do what I can just stay by your side. '

I'm tried to touch her innocent face when she pulling my hand that cause of my balance out and now I'm lying beside her.

She's still asleep and I hear her snore lightly and when I try to touch her face she winced and turn on my side like we're facing each other now.

I've gulped for a times when I look at her lips that parted slightly and a thought pop on my head.

It's not the time to think that way and beside she just yet know what will happen now and where should start after losing her parents that's same on me.

I shook away my thoughts for the things that I'll shouldn't do to her and calm myself.


I stared at the ceiling and make my mind for everything just happened today and what I should do next for the 'familia's' in this country.

And especially 'her' and her safety for she in my care now.

I'm sure other heads and our nemesis knew about her already and they're would do some reckless reaction and ruckus at the whole vampire society.


"I'm sorry mi luna."

I said while facing her sleeping face of her and rubbing my thumbnail on her cheeks as she flinch cause open her sleepy eyes on me.

"Did I woke you up? " I said it a low tone almost a whispered but just right to hear it.

"No... " she answered and look at me intently and that make me surprise when she try to touch me.

"Are you alright? " She asking me but I didn't bother to answer her I just stared at her face that looking at me worriedly and that's what given me warm in my chest.

"Can I hug you?" a moment passed and I uttered those words and she just stared at me before she nodded. So, I hugging her tightly and she did too.

I don't know but when I'll held her in my arms I feel at peace by her side.

"Everything will be fine, right? " she murmured in my ear and I nodded.

"Yeah. "

I closed my eyes and stay like that in more few minutes before I feel her heavy breath and her hug slightly slipped on me.

When I look at her she fall asleep again and so I made my place and put her head on my chest so that I'll can look at her peaceful yet beautiful face on me and caressed her hair with my finger.

"You're my peace, mi luna. " and then I kiss her on her hair.

It took a minute before I decided to sleep with her to.

But one thing I realized for everything what happened to me right now.

'Even they're gone yet I'll have you at my side and that's what matters to me now. '