
Moonlight memories

Darius walked along the castle corridors, barefoot, it was very late into the night, the castle was silent, all the servants were very much asleep. He walked until he stopped at her door, he opened it gently , not wanting to wake her and crept inside her bedchamber. There he saw her, the reason for his restlessness and inability to fall asleep. She was sleeping soundly with the moon lighting up the room. He went closer to her and he couldn't help wanting to lie next to her which he did. He thought that lying next to her will help calm his wolf that has been very restless, he turned to his left side watching her as she slept. he still wasn't satisfied, he crept closer to her until he was now looming over her, before he knew it he's hand was brushing the strands of her hair off her face, she looked very beautiful to him. he sniffed her hair, and he couldn't help growling "mine". he placed a kiss on her forehead then her eyes, her cheeks and finally he hovered over her lips, his wolf singing in his head "mine, mine". finally he could kissed her on her lips, the first was a little peck and than he pried her lips open and kissed her with such verocity that only a hungry man could have, which waked the poor girl up, she gasped and he used that opportunity to insert his tongue inside, and my,he has never tasted such sweet delicay before, he continued his administrations with his hands trailing all over her legsto her bottom, he was driving her insane, she needs to snap out of it............ in the kingdom of silvervale, where humans and werewolves coexist, the moonlight holds a special kind of magic. The moon casts it's silvery light over the land, creating a magical atmosphere that seemed to whisper of secrets and untold stories. Rosaline, a young dormant half wolf, her true nature dormant beneath the surface, waiting to be awakened by the touch of her mate. she grew up in the shadow of her mother lady Eleanor's broken heart. her father had abandoned them both for his true mate , leaving them to fend for themselves. Darius, the narcissistic alpha king of silvervale, had sworn off finding his true mate after witnessing the tragic fate of his own parents. He believed that love only brought pain and loss and he was content ruling his kingdom with an iron fist. But fate had other plans for Rosaline and Darius, when they crossed paths under the light of the full moon, something stirred within that they couldn't ignore. despite their differences, they found solace in each other's company and slowly began to unravel the mysteries of their pasts.

Unique_A · Fantasi
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11 Chs

Chapter 6: Decision to Act

The council chamber was abuzz with murmurs as Darius sat at the head of the long, mahogany table, his gaze fixed on the council members seated before him, flanked by Marcus who stood at his side, a silent sentinel.

The council members, representing the four great families of Silvervale, watched him intently, their expressions a mix of curiosity and concern.

"I have called this meeting to inform you of my decision," Darius began, his voice steady. "Seraphina McMillan will be my chosen mate."

The room erupted into whispers, the council members exchanging surprised glances.

Elder Donovan, the eldest member of the council, cleared his throat and spoke up.

"Your Majesty, with all due respect, choosing a mate is a decision that should not be taken lightly. Have you truly considered the implications of your choice?"

Darius's eyes flashed with annoyance. "I have considered everything, Elder Donovan. Seraphina is a strong and capable woman who will make an excellent queen. She has the support of her family and the respect of many in the kingdom."

there was a murmur of discontent among some council members. Darius knew that his decision to choose serephina as his chosen mate would not sit well with everyone but he was determined to stand by his choice.

Elder Donovan frowned. "But what about your true mate? Have you given up on the possibility of finding her?"

Darius's jaw clenched, his patience wearing thin, a hint of frustration in his voice. "My true mate is irrelevant. Seraphina is the one I have chosen, and that is final."

The council members continued to voice their concerns, some expressing support for Darius's decision, while others remained skeptical.

Lady Selena Blackwood, the head of the Blackwood family, spoke up. "Your Majesty, while I understand your decision, I must voice my reservations. Seraphina McMillan is a fine woman, but is she truly the best choice for our king?"

Sir Gregory Whitewood, the head of the Whitewood family and a renowned warrior, stood up.

"I agree with Lady Blackwood. Choosing a mate is a decision that will affect the entire kingdom. Shouldn't we consider all options before making a final decision?"

Darius's gaze hardened. He turned his attention to the other members of the council.

" I understand that my decision may come as a surprise to some of you. However, I believe that serephina is the best choice for me and for the kingdom".

"I have made my decision, and I will not be swayed. Seraphina is the one I have chosen, and that is final."

The council members exchanged uneasy glances, sensing the king's resolve.

He gestured towards the council members.

" Each of you represents one of the great families of silvervale and I value your opinions. But ultimately, this decision is mine to make".

Elder Donovan sighed, realizing that further argument would be futile.

"Very well, Your Majesty. We will respect your decision. But please, consider the implications carefully. The kingdom's future depends on it."

With the discussion about the king's mate settled, the council turned their attention to the upcoming celebration of King Darius's birthday.

The grand chamber was adorned with banners of the five great families, creating a regal atmosphere befitting of the occasion.

Elder Donovan, the eldest member of the council, cleared his throat to address the gathered members.

"As we prepare for the king's birthday celebration, we must ensure that it reflects the majesty of our kingdom and the esteem in which we hold our king."

Lady Arabella McMillan, the head of the McMillan family, spoke up. "I propose a grand feast, with dishes from all corners of the kingdom. It should be a celebration of our unity and diversity."

Sir Roland Whitewood, the second head of the Whitewood family and the father of Marcus, nodded in agreement.

"I suggest we hold a tournament in the courtyard, with competitions in swordsmanship and archery. It would be a fitting tribute to our king's strength and leadership."

Lady Selena Blackwood, the head of the Blackwood family, raised an eyebrow.

"While I agree that the celebration should be grand, we must also be mindful of our resources. We cannot afford to overspend, especially in these uncertain times."

Elder Donovan nodded. "Lady Selena raises a valid point. We must find a balance between extravagance and restraint.

We want the celebration to be memorable, but we must also be prudent in our expenditures."

Lord Alistair Greymoor, who had been silent until now, spoke up. "I suggest we invite performers from far and wide to entertain the guests. Music, dance, and storytelling will add to the festive atmosphere and showcase our kingdom's rich culture."

Darius listened to the council's suggestions, nodding thoughtfully.

"I agree with Lord Greymoor's suggestion. Let us ensure that the celebration is not only grand but also a true reflection of the beauty and diversity of our kingdom.

And on that day, I will introduce my chosen mate to my people. So they will know who is to be their future queen."

"Then my king I propose that we leave the planning of the king's birthday celebration to Lady Serephina McMillan.

As she has been chosen and is to be our future queen, it would be wise to see how she handles such an important task.

And if it's handled wonderfully, the people will see for themselves that the king made a wonderful choice ". Elder Donovan suggested.

The king nodded in agreement. " I agree with elder Donovan's suggestion. Lady Serephina shall plan for the celebration, with the assistance of the council, so she'll do beautifully ".

The council members murmured their agreement.

As the discussion continued, the council members began to outline their plans in more detail. Tables would be arranged in the grand hall, laden with delicacies from all corners of the kingdom. Performers would entertain the guests with music, dance, and storytelling. In the courtyard, knights and archers would compete in tournaments, displaying their skills for all to see.

As the meeting drew to a close, Elder Donovan addressed the council once more.

"I believe we have a solid plan for the king's birthday celebration. And a message will be relayed to Lady Serephina on our discussion today.

Let us work together to ensure that it is a day to remember, not only for our king but for all who attend."

The council members nodded in agreement, their faces filled with determination. They knew that the king's birthday celebration would be a reflection of their love and loyalty to their king and their kingdom.

As the council meeting adjourned, Darius couldn't shake the feeling that his decision would have far-reaching consequences, not only for himself but for the entire kingdom.

As Darius made his way to the courtyard, where preparations for his birthday celebration were already underway, he couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation for the festivities to come.

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