
Vol. 4 - Chapter 67

"When was the last time we fought together?" Yumi asked. With the sun on Ash's skin for the second time that day, she felt a bit of sweat roll down the back of her neck. 

"Uhm, against monsters?" Keiko replied. 


"I can't remember," Keiko answered. "If we ever did, it was a long time ago." 

"Possibly. In any case, I'm excited to share a dance or two with you," Yumi replied. Ash watched as Keiko blushed a little. 

"I'd rather you didn't watch me, honestly," Keiko said. "I'm probably going to be a little rusty." 

"I'm sure you'll do just fine," Yumi shrugged. "But, if it matters that much, do let me know and I will try my best to look away. I can't promise anything, though." 

It was just half an hour after Ash's group had walked out of Amber. The five of them, as Sinneah had agreed to come along, were currently chatting a little as they waited to run into monsters, while they walked with no particular destination in mind.