
Moonfall: Shine

Life is mind-bendingly boring and cruelly unfair for the lives of Maxwell and Elias. So they both jump in head deep into the new world of Twicefall and through truly confusing circumstances, they meet and discover some very curious and stunning things.

Rafee_Harth · Game
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2 Chs

In The Beginning, There Was Incoherent Screaming.

Lon's Point, Paristown.

If I remember everything well, which I'm not sure I do, it wasn't raining that day. One of the few days when the storm lets us breathe.. honestly, I like it more when it tries smothering us. I don't have to get out of bed. Classes aren't in person. I get to stay in pyjamas. I don't have to get a glimpse of my stupid eyes in the hallway monitors and mirrors...

Anyways, the story starts when I finally get my email on my visionline. Right at the upper right corner, that little red beep I had been waiting a few weeks now for. It was an amazing flow of excitement. Seriously I don't think people will understand unless they experience it themselves. I mentally clicked on the beep as I got out of my desk and turned my monitor off. It had a game on, but I didn't care for it at that moment. The excitement was coursing through my veins when the notification popped up.



Without a second thought, "YES!!"

The link immediately redirected me to a download file before starting to download. Excitement slowly faded. What was left was a slowly increasing boredom. I sighed and placed my hands in my hoodie pouch, looking around my room to see if there was anything that needed fixing up before the game file could be opened.

The marshmallow bed was fine. The blue metallic colour blankets were folded up at the foot of the bed, and the pillow was still proper and fluffy. Thankfully I had fixed it up as an excuse for getting out of my desk and games. I really needed a good hobby.. eh, it's not like I have a life anyway! Back to this stupid story.

As I looked around the room, everything seemed in its usual spots. The posters hovered on the perfect spots from the hologram projector. The music boxes still had their bobbleheads sitting in front of them, sitting at the corners of the room. The rug was still there, covered with littered books and albums for my card collection.. Yes, I collect things. Focus on the story. I sighed, content with everything. No dust covering the wooden walls. No piles of laundry left to drop off at the dispenser downstairs. Mom and dad not coming home for 5 to 6 more hours.. perfect.

I waited around, going up and down the stairs, tidying up the house while the file downloaded. After it finally did, it felt like it had been hours. No, it had just been half an hour. Shut up. I'm impatient with things I'm excited about. And I was very excited about this. I got my sandwiches and a bottle of water, running upstairs back to my room. Sitting down at the desk, it placed all the refreshments to the side and checked the connection lines, the ocean current, the time, and the storm forecasts.

The electricity connection lines for the house and the whole hive seemed pretty stable. My ocean current into the worldway also looked smooth sailings for now. the time was… a quarter to 3. everything looked good!.. except for the storm. It looked like the storm was gonna hit in close to 30 minutes. This could mess everything over… those acid and hail thunderstorm chains are the most annoying things in the world. right after a clogged up ocean current but still… they are deadly to anyone outside. Kinda why we live inside this mountain, it's like those giant malls from the old days... if the malls were inside a massive dead volcano connected to a mountain range. Basically, since most societies are different in the way they are structured and you guys might not be getting the idea, the central circular hole that has lava has a hatchet built over it. We let the rain from the storms collect in the hole before it's all funnelled straight into the lava. The corresponding steam blasts are used to create energy. The steam goes back up, and the same thing happens over and over again. Unlimited power. Our homes are built into the walls and in the mountain ranges. The volcano crater is like the city centre. The walls to the volcano crater are glass. in levels, the entire city is divided and organized. Crime is nearly unheard of. Because people learned the result of fighting and law-breaking. Plus there really isn't a reason to do anything like that.

Anywho, I took a few bites of my sandwich and got up, dropping into bed and taking my hurricane boost odyssey from the nightstand. I connected it with the back of my Odyssey and with a satisfying click, I was connected to the worldway. the HUD in my vision became much sharper and more and more menu options and shortcuts popped up in the corners of my vision. The hurricane boost was made specifically for these reasons, high-end connections with the worldway from your odyssey for high-end work and such. or… Dive. Immerse. Virtual. Escape. or, D.I.V.E. your conscience is flown into the worldway before being sent into either a game or any form of application that supports it. many full D.I.V.E. games exist. from shooters to fighters to cooking to world management.

But nothing could ever bring up as much hype as TwiceFall did. A D.I.V.E. MMORPG where you can create a character and drop into a completely new world to do whatever you wanted to? fight dragons, farm, rule cities, be whoever or whatever you want to be? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? THAT'S HEAVEN. And now I can join this world. The first D.I.V.E. Game I ever played was gonna be this one. As the game downloaded, my mind wandered to the lands of daydreaming. The possibility of being someone new… someone perfect… It was one of my biggest dreams. And now it was coming true.

I asked my odyssey to turn on the game and immediately, A notice popped up in my vision.

=================== ACCEPT D.I.V.E REQUEST?? ================

Without a second thought, I accepted it. and immediately, the entire world in my vision started spinning and started getting sucked into a black ball at the centre of my vision. all my senses left. and I felt like I was watching myself shoot in a beam of a million colours, straight into the starry void of space…