
Flaming Colds

Third Person's POV

"Valkyrie," she chanted. Her thorn uniform was changed into yellow armor. She looked fierce.

"Woah, I didn't know she could cast that spell," her twin said.

"What is that spell," Conner asked

"It was taught by our grandma. She thought her some of her magic spells when she was still alive," he replied. As they witness a glorious transformation of the Princess.

She dashed to the enemy area and started plundering her enemy bot. Her speed and strength were increased.

"She's quicker," their professor said while controlling the bots.

Only the strongest and biggest were alive in the arena, trying to hit some punch. Still, the Princess dodged it with grace and poise.

"What a beautiful combat skill" the audience exclaimed.

"Let's finish this," Zane said, and she jumped in the air.

"Shine upon me, Grant me Light, Annihilated Light," she spins in the air, changing her position.

Her body was facing downward as well as her spear.

She started to charge down. As she fell, a sizeable yellow magic circle appeared on the floor, like a dart making a hit in the middle of the magic circle.

"Cover your eyes," Zein warned as her twin struck the middle of the circle.

A white flash as soon she hit the ground, making the audience goes blind.

"Can we look now?" some students asked, and they uncovered their eyes.

The bots didn't flinch as Zane held her spear that was struck on the cracked floor.

Before she could grab her spear, the bots shuttered like glass as well her spear.

"Unbelievable," Sir Moris said, looking at the Princess.

Zane started walking down in the arena as her armor started to disappear.

Before she collapsed and lost consciousness, her twin brother caught her.

"you did great well. I'm sure grandma is happy," he to her twin before her eyelids fall.

"You're up," Miss. Maris said, and she taps Luke's shoulder.

"What did you choose?" Conner asked

"Secret," Luke answered, and he walked to and entered the arena.

As he enter the arena a group of bots summoned him to another side of the platform

"So he also choose what Zane did army," Sir Doris said.

" I guess so, looking at the number of bots," Conner said while rubbing some ointment on his body.

"How's your twin?" he questioned

"She's fine at the moment" Zein answered

"So he pick the same as my sister did" he added while looking at the group of bots.

"It's getting hot," one of the students said as the temperature began to rise at the arena. Most of the students started to sweat.

"Why it's getting hot?", Conner said and he remove his coat leaving him topless, only the bandages on his body were his coat. Even Zein removes his coat and can't stand the heat.

"Look!" one of the students shouts while looking at Luke.

Luke's clothes started to burn, burning with blue flames, dripping in some parts of his body.

"A liquid Blue fire" Doris commented.

Luke's body started to release some fire on its body. He throws his petal blades in the air and it came dashing on his back creating an angel wing.

He started to fly above creating a massive blue fireball. "Burn in the flames of purity" he casted

"Majestic fire" the large flame ball split into small balls and it crashes down in the bots. Burning them completely and leaving no trace even ashes.

"His flames are dangerous," Sir Doris said, The professor started to create a barrier so there won't get, affected by the rising temperature in the arena.

The bot started to fly and dashes to Luke with their weapons pointed at him.

He flapped his wings to throw petals blades at the bots, with the blue flame attached to the blades the bots started to fall one by one.

"Majestic flames" he cast again his spell and started to dash through his enemy flying towards him, he created a whip. With his flame and started striking bots.

He flew above and stop in midway and started to cast.

"This will be the end," he said

He created a large blue flame on his right hand and it started to expand after it reach its limit the flame immediately turned to a size of a tennis ball, turning a massive destructive flame ball into a concentrated one.

He flew down into the platform of the arena and hit the concentrated flame in the ground making a huge flame devouring the platform reaching the flames it even extends above the platform.

People were appalled seeing what happened to the bot for they did not burn into ashes but were frozen.

"Oh my god, what happened?" the audience was surprised

"How did it happen" even the Professor was shocked

The Frozen bots started to crack causing all of the bots to be destroyed one by one.

Since he can manipulate his magic to any element, he changes the nature of his from burning to freezing.

The people in the arena are still dumbfounded at what happened, Luke flew down and the blue fire on his body started to fade away, even his petal blade wings didn't withstand the heat of his fire. He walks down on the frozen platform and enters the infirmary to get some bandages.

After 15 minutes Professor Maris arrived at the Infirmary, all of her students Zane and Luke.

"I like to congratulate you for giving your best and passing my practical test" She stated.

"Here are your result for your test" and she gave them a single paper with their scores, " I'm suggesting you go to your dorm and have a rest." And she leave the infirmary of the Arena and returned to the administration office.

"Both of you did great!" A woman appeared, it's their adviser, Rielle Jang.

"All of you take rest, for now, exam our coming, so all of you should take rest." She reminded since the exam is coming and It will have two parts practical and a written exam.