
Moon Touched Child of the Sea

Born of the Sea. Connected to the Dream. Fear the Old Blood. Fear the mad Titan. Don't expect too much from me I am not a great author. This idea has been in my head for a while, and I figure this will get it out of my system.

HangerBaby · Derivasi dari karya
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs


Deciding that I would rather ask the Doll about what happened with the skull than Gehrman, I looked at her and asked, "Hey Doll, one what should I call you? And two, you wouldn't happen to know why a skull I broke had white mist that flew into my brain would you?"

"It t'was the skull of a madman touched by the wisdom of the Great Ones.

Used to gain Insight.

Making contact with eldritch wisdom is a blessing, for even if it drives one mad, it allows one to serve a grander purpose, for posterity." She responded.

Honestly it kinda scared me. Serve a grander purpose... that's ominous. In my past life I was agnostic, but in this life I have to live in two different worlds with actual Gods in them, beings that could and would kill me at the snap of a finger. Deciding I wouldn't think too much about it I told the doll, " I'll be seeing you then, it's time for me to go back."

"Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world." She responded.

"I hope I do." With that I headed back to Yharnam.

Hunting my way through, I found a part of the sewer that was elevated above another section. In it I found more of an item I had found previously, blood stone shards, I only knew what they were but for some reason I couldn't remember what they do... oh well I guess I'll have to ask Gehrman. I also found a dead hunter, I knew that clothing items were taken in the game from bodies, but it felt wrong for me to do that, maybe I could find a way to get hunter clothes without stripping dead bodies.

Eventually I found my self back topside and out of the sewers in front of a massive empty bridge. My nerves were telling me something was wrong as everywhere else I'd been there had always been at least rats trying to kill me. As I walked forward I heard an earth quaking roar so loud it made me lose my balance, then a massive beast, that looked like a windego, landed on the bridge in from of me. It was truly huge, if the biggest guy I'd fought till now was 8 foot tall then this thing was thrice that while being hunched over.

As soon as it saw me it leaned back and roared as if to scare me, and it worked. I didn't know how I was to fight this thing because of it's size, that's when it charged. Fast was the only thought I had before I had to dive out of the way of it's barreling body, as I hit the ground in a roll the ground around me quaked from the beast's weight. Standing up and turning around I extended my axe to its full size, I knew my pistol wouldn't do anything to a beast this large, and swung at its legs. I wanted to cripple its movement, and give me room to move around it. As I hit the back of its knee, I was shocked as my axe barely cut into the beast. Jumping away to dodge a backhand from the beast, I grabbed a molatov and threw it after it was lit. The beast roared as its skin peeled back due to the fire, it scratched at its own face to remove the fire as it went down on one knee, I saw this as a chance to viceral so I ran in at top speed. At that moment the beast grabbed me, as it lifted me up high and squeezed I felt my bones being crushed. The beast then threw me down and I felt my back snap, I lost all feeling in my lower half so all I could do was wait and watch as the beast charged at me.

Another death... Another painful memory... I wanted it to all end to be honest, but I knew that I had made this problem for myself. I decided to go ask Gehrman how to make my weapon stronger, since I had just died all I had to do reach down to the lamp next to me. Standing up in the dream, I walked up to the workshop where I spotted Gehrman in his wheelchair.

Walking over to him I asked, "Gehrman, I know you were a hunter for quite a while so I have a question for you. How can I make my axe stronger? I ran into a beast that is massive and my axe barely even scratched it."

"Ah I see you've encountered your first true beast, not just a madman or a crazy dog hehe. You will need to embed blood stone shards into your axe using blood echoes to bind them." He replied, his voice slow and methodical.

"... I don't believe I have any blood echoes right now though."

"If you have coldblood dew you can crush it for echoes" Gehrman replies.

"What do coldblood dew and blood stone shards look like?" I ask.

"Coldblood dew looks like a ball of blood thats squishy and can be popped, blood stone shards look like a think red glass tube with spider web like patterns in it. I hope this helps hunter."

"I hope so too." With that I walk over to the workbench and put my axe down. Reaching into my bad I pull out the only three blood stone shards I had and the only coldblood dew I'd found. Crushing the coldblood dew, I then tried pushing the shards into the axe. Thats when it hit me, my memories of a third wish. I was only to find out after my first successful weapon enhancing, the wish would let me use souls of defeated enemies to strengthen my weapons. I could only use stronger souls for each strengthening though, if I used a gods soul then no mortal soul could ever be used on the weapon unless a mortal was found with a soul stronger than a god. One good thing was that all the souls of the enemies I'd defeated thus far were still with me. Infusing the weakest soul first, a dog soul, I moved on to a base Yharnamite, then a brick Yharnamite, then a spear wielding Yharnamite that was pretty strong, then the beast that killed me for my first death in this world, and finally the axe/halberd man the killed me for the second and third time in this world.

With that I went back to Yharnam, it was time to kill that beast. I could feel my axe was far stronger, it honestly felt connected to me. Plus anytime I got near a Yharnamite they would recoil, I'm guessing they could sense the power of the axe, that or the souls in it. When I finally got to the bridge I noticed a fog wall, I honestly didn't think it was going to exist here as the world so far acted as a true world. The enemies didn't follow a set attack pattern and while they couldn't learn my attacks they always attacked and moved in different ways than in the game so I didn't truly expect to see a fog wall in front of me. Deciding to think on it later I put my hand to the wall and stepped through.


Sorry for taking so long to update. I had no motivation to write so I didn't in fear of writing garbage. If you like the chap thanks. Don't worry there are no more wishes, there will be some changes to his BB wish because if he was only able to leave BB once he defeats a boss then he would complete BB within a month or two. Also who should be the love interest? No goddesses and no Annabeth, also this will not be a harem fic as harems are for horny losers.

Should Percy be able to go to BB?



?what do you all think?