
Monsters of My Making

After dying to the hand—tentacles of an Eldritch Spawn, an ordinary soul finds themselves with the power to create monsters of myths and legends. — — — She’s known by many titles; She-Viper. The Hidden Horror. The Nurturer of Nightmares. The Cave Dweller. The Serpent’s Wife. The Drakaina. But most of all, she is The Culmination of Chaos and The Mother of All Monsters…Echidna.

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34 Chs

Aria’s Status


Name: Aria Echidna Tempest

Race: Echidna(?)

Rank: Special S (Catastrophe Class)

EP: Genesis Class

Titles: Mother of All Monsters | Deviant Dragon |

Abilities: Essence of Echidna | Cleaning | Living Anomaly | Body Supremacy | Metamagic | Essence of Blank | Great Sword Proficiency | ?̵̫̓̒̐̔?̶̢̹̂?̴͔̼̻̕

Unique Skills: «Evolution» «Infinity Prison» «Scholar» «Gluttony» «Battle Junkie»

Extra Skills: «Archivist» «Analytical Appraisal» «All of Creation» «Law Manipulation» «Parallel Operation» «Magic Sense» «Thought Communication» «Elemental Communication» «Light & Heat Manipulation» «Gravity Manipulation»

Intrinsic Skills: «Dragon Spirit Haki» «Universal Sense» «Universal Shapeshift»

Resistances: Abnormal Conditions Resistance | Spiritual Attack Nullification

Arts: Spatial Transfer | Dark Cloaked Dimension Slash | Infinity

Magic: Light Spirit Magic | Darkness Spirit Magic | Earth Spirit Magic | Flame Spirit Magic | Water Spirit Magic | Wind Spirit Magic | Space Spirit Magic | Time Spirit Magic

Flaws: Sin of Gluttony | Chaos Magnet | Moderate Sadist

~End of Status~


A/N: Just thought that I'll remind you, Aria can actually use the intrinsic skills of all species of the world, the only reason I didn't mention them was because it's too much, and also because the True Dragon factor is the one that is currently dominant.

Though it doesn't mean she can't have more than one factor dominant at a time, it's just that True Dragons are the strongest, so why not have their factor always active? But even without the True Dragon factor she could easily be a challenge to one.

Law Manipulation = Black Lightning + Black Flames + Water, Manipulation + Wind Manipulation + Space Manipulation

Archivist = Analytical Appraisal + Chant Annulment + All of Creation