
Monsters Convention

Clay Somers is a student at Brookshire high school and a failed lacrosse player. When Clay finds out the truth about his birth, it leads him to study more and he finds out about a Monsters Convention being held in Slidore Academy for the Arcane, a boarding school for mystical creatures like himself.

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Clay was running out of the woods, it was the middle of the night and the full moon shone really bright. Suddenly two people join Clay in his race, it seemed like they were being chased. They kept running, when multiple gunshots were heard.

The crowd which had gathered to watch them, suddenly dispersed after the gunshots. People were running and shouting. Some even screamed that people had been killed. In the midst of this turmoil, Clay found himself on the floor with the two people who were with him, they were dead.One had two gunshot wounds and the other looked like his face was roasted with fire. He decided to take off their hoods and see who they were. To his greatest surprise, they were Luka and Rachél Garza, his dead parents. He was confused and the people who were chasing him found him.

As they took off their masks, Clay was more surprised than before, it was Ed, Martin, Floyd and Jane Ann Somers. While trying to process what he just saw, a strange fog began to spread. Clay felt dizzy and fainted. When he woke up, he got up from the top of the bunk bed and found out that it was just a dream.

"Just a dream... " Clay said and laid back on the bed. The next morning, Clay got up, had his shower and walked to the hallway where he met Enid Deveraux. "Good morning. You look pale, are you alright? " Enid asked. "I'm fine, it's just... Nevermind. " Clay said. "Okay, seeing as we couldn't complete our tour yesterday, I think it would be nice to finish it up. " Enid said. "Okay, show me around Adrar. " Clay suggested. "So eager to see the city, huh? " Enid asked. "Let's go. " She further said.

They both walked out of Slidore Academy, far from the premises they took a taxi cab. "What's your destination? " The driver asked. "Russo's. " Enid replied and the driver drove off. "Here we are. " The driver said and they got down. "How much? " Clay asked. "150. " The driver replied and Clay handed him $150. "They don't accept Dollars. They have their own currency, it's called Recupa. " Enid replied and handed the money to the driver.

"There you go, Ꞧ150, all yours. " Enid said, the driver drove off and they went into the restaurant. They walked to a table and the waiter came to them. "Your order, please? " The waiter said. "Two chicken and bacon burger, bean tart with chicken sauce an...d... Chicken and bean casserole. " Enid said and the waiter left. "I don't think those are in the U.S. of A. " Clay said and the waiter returned with the food which they began to eat.

"Oh wow... That is amazing. " Clay said. "The burger? " Enid said. "Yea, yeah, it's.... wonderful? " Clay said. "Buddy, you gotta taste that casserole. " Enid said. "Why were you looking tired this morning? " Enid asked. "Ion' know. Aren't you supposed to be tired when you wake up. " Clay said. "Okay, so who's your roommate? " Enid asked. "It's a nerd that like to draw. " Clay said. "Crazy Matt. " Enid said. "He's an Omnificient. He draws and whatever's in the picture, he brings it to life. " Enid explained. "The dimensional manipulators, can they travel through dimensions? " Clay asked.

"Yes, if Kim and Sheila merge. " Enid answered. "Kim and Sheila West, identical twins, daughters of a billionaire? " Clay asked. "Yeah, you guys' friends. " Enid said. "Sheila's my ex. " Clay said. "Ohh, Try to keep a low profile, cause she will twist you inside out. But I can't believe that the almighty Clay the tormentor is scared of his ex. " Enid said.

"I'm sure it's gon' be okay, 'cause what the heck, we're billionaires, right? Them, Philip and me, we've known each other since forever. " Clay said. "I hope so. Come on, let's pay and go somewhere else. Check please... " Enid said and the waiter brought their bills, Enid paid and they left.

While they were strolling down the streets of Adar, they came across a poster which read "The Beating Dungeon". Clay was a fan of violence so he persuaded Enid into going.

Finally, they got there. It was a wild west, people fighting and breaking each other's bones for money, that was the kind of fun Clay liked to have. "Our champion, Kraven does it again!! " The spectator shouted.

"Who thinks he is man enough to beat Kraven? Can I get a show of hands? " The spectator asked. "No one? " The spectator asked again. "I'll do it. " Clay said.

When people saw Clay they were surprised at how he thought he could defeat the Kraven.


Clay walked into the ring and took off his shirt. His body was covered in scar tissue and at least 16 fractures that never properly healed. "You think you can defeat me then you must be day dreaming. " Kraven said and laughed. "Fighting isn't about strength, it's about strategy and experience. " Clay replied and his trademark smirk crossed his face.

Kraven ran towards Clay with all his might, Clay just stood patiently waiting for Kraven to get close to him. As Kraven got closer, he used his speed to dodge Kraven's punch and he jumped and hit Kraven's spine with his elbow. "Ahhh!!! " Kraven let out a cry of pain. As he tried to hold Clay down, Clay ran out of Kraven's way and slammed his back to the ground.

"And we have a new Champion, Clay Somers!! " The spectator said. Clay was given a bag of hundreds of Recupas and he gave it to Enid. "It's yours. " Clay said.

Just as they left the Beating Dungeon, about to get a taxi, they were ambushed and kidnapped.

Few hours later, Clay and Enid woke up. "Kraven, have you come back for a rematch? " Clay asked. "No, but I would like my money back. " Kraven said. "Clay let's give it to him, so we can leave. " Enid said. "Fine! " Clay said and pointed the bag to Kraven which took it. "Now let us go. " Clay commanded. "I can let the pretty face go but not you. " Kraven said and pointed at Clay.

"You're Clay Somers, your family has money. I will collect a ransom for your kidnap. And I will be well compensated when I rescue you. " Kraven said and laughed.

"I'm gonna kill you! " Clay said. "Hahahaha!! " Kraven let out a mocking laugh. "How? You're zip-cuffed to that chair. " Kraven's bodyguard said. "Not anymore. " Clay said and raised his hands above the chair.

Kraven's bodyguards brought out their guns, but before they could shoot, Clay picked up the chair and threw it at one of them and he was decapitated.

His eyes glowed yellow and he brought out his claws which he used to scratch two of the bodyguards. He cut Enid's zip-cuff and she ran towards one of the bodyguards and bit him. Immediately, her wolf venom spread to his brain and he bled to death.

As Clay was about to run to the last man standing who was Kraven, he was stopped in his tracks by a trance. In this trance, Kraven and Enid weren't there instead in place of Kraven was Martin Somers and in place of Enid was Jane Ann Somers. And the dead bodies were Luka and Rachél Garza and an unknown boy.

He walked down to the dead bodies, filled with rage and agony. While he was distracted, Martin was about to shoot him when he fed on Martin's fear. All of a sudden, he leaves the trance and Kraven was dead. It was Kraven he killed not Martin.

Clay and Enid left the warehouse and went back to Slidore Academy. In Enid's room, Clay and Enid were involved in a serious conversation. "For the last time, What is happening to you? " Enid asked. "You wanna know what's going on, fine! I didn't get to meet my real parents, When I became a Skyprowler, I've been having these dreams and trances were, My parents die but I still don't know what exactly happened. But I was there, as a baby, it's like I'm re-living a déjà vu.

"You should have talked to someone, a problem shared is a problem solved. " Enid said and a knock interrupted the discussion. "Who is it? " Enid asked. "Yo, Principal Sherwood wants to see ya'll her office. You and Clay. " Hale Bradshaw said.

In Emily Sherwood's office, she confronts Clay and Enid for their tour. "What were you thinking? The Beating Dungeon!! And what about all those bodies that were in that warehouse, you both did that too? " Ms. Sherwood asked. "It was self-defense. " Enid justified. "Enid didn't do anything, it was me. " Clay said. "You killed those people? " Ms. Sherwood asked. "Tell her. She might help. " Enid said.

"I've been falling into trances about my real parents death. And when I'm in a trance, I do unimaginable things. " Clay said. "We will find a way to stop it, Clay. " Ms. Sherwood said.