

What happens when a two-century-old witch is infuriated? It leads to an unbreakable curse, a multitude of problems, chaos, and eternal life. While some may perceive this as a blessing or a non-issue, the Grade 9 West students at Berkeley Hills High School have a different opinion. This unfortunate class fell victim to the witch's curse due to their constant noise and disruptive behaviour. The curse transformed them into supernaturals, commonly known as "monsters" among humans. However, there's a significant predicament. They must conceal their true identities from their loved ones and evade the attention of authorities. Failure to do so could result in becoming subjects of deranged scientists or meeting a gruesome fate at the hands of the townspeople. Meet Jean Hathaway, the protagonist (MC), and her classmates as they embark on a journey into a world where humans are deemed feeble, power reigns supreme, and darkness pervades every corner. Will Jean and her classmates find their way through this treacherous new reality? Or will they succumb to the allure of the darkness?

Quiet_Crocheter · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs


Whenever you come across someone you haven't seen in a while, it's always surprising how different they look compared to your last encounter. Sometimes, you might not even recognize them at all and mistake them for a completely different person, when in reality, it's still the same individual as before.

The previous time I encountered Georgina was three days ago in class, right when we were all struck by lightning. However, it's quite astonishing to see how drastically she has changed from her original appearance. It's almost as if she underwent some sort of mutation from a failed experiment. Witnessing her devouring an actual human arm made me believe that she was beyond redemption and might face extermination from Phil if she attempted to harm me.

But as she turned towards us and called out, "Jael?" I immediately felt a sense of relief, realizing that I wouldn't have to deal with another near-death experience. The half-eaten arm slipped from her grasp as she hurriedly made her way towards us, embracing Jael on his stretcher and showering him with "blood" kisses all over his face.

Phil struggled to contain his laughter, witnessing the comical display of affection between Jael and his girlfriend, who had just engaged in cannibalism. On the other hand, I couldn't help but feel repulsed as I watched their reunion.

After five minutes of intense P.D.A, Georgina reluctantly lets go of Jael but continues to hold his hand. "Bae, where have you been all this time? Do you know how worried I was about you? Why are you even on a stretcher? Who did this to you?" She asked. Jael responded, "Relax, Gina. I'm partially fine." Georgina had a terrified look once she heard that. "What do you mean 'partially fine'? Did you break a bone? Did the lightning strike mess with you? Did-" Jael silenced her with his index finger. "Calm down, Bae. I assure you that only my legs and part of my spine are fractured and it's because I had to transform from my wolf form which was the reason for my fractures," he calmly spoke. "You're a werewolf?! Since when?" She said with shock. "Since the lightning strike and I believe everyone else in class has gone through the same thing, including you," he replied, with his hand caressing her cheek.

She glanced at Me and Philip. "Oh, I did see you both. Hi Jean," She greeted me with a wave. I reciprocated the gesture. She then turned to Phil. "Hello, Trajan," she said with disdain. "Oh my, if it isn't the one and only Bell. Or should I refer to you as 'Bell the Cannibal' since you were happily devouring the arm of a human you just slaughtered," Phil sarcastically retorted, crossing his arms. "Shut up, you worthless piece of garbage," she taunted. He replied, "Wow, and here I was hoping that a stroke of lightning would have changed your nasty attitude towards me. But you're still the same old bitch." Georgina growled and was about to do something reckless, but Jael intervened by holding her hand, preventing his 'brother' and girlfriend from tearing each other apart.

"Babe, please take a chill pill. He's not saying it in a way to annoy you. Plus, he turned into a vampire so he's on the same boat as you," He said. She turned towards him. "So he's one of those stupid mosquitoes that everybody dreams to be like. Hilarious," she chuckled. Phil retorted, "At least I know what I am, but what about you? Someone may mistake you to be their worst nightmare just by looking at you." Before Georgina could respond, I intervened. "I believe I know what Georgina could be. Judging by her black orbs and appetite for human flesh, she could be a ghoul," Phil chuckled as I spoke. " Hey! What's so funny?" Georgina barked. He proudly replied, "Nothing, it's just that whatever I said was right. Who thought that you are actually now a real cannibal?" "Call me a cannibal one more time I'll show you the true meaning of it," she growled. "Guys, please don't fight. We are to figure out what could have happened to us after the lightning strike," Jael intervened. He turned to Georgina and asked, "Gina, why don't you tell us what happened? Like how did this room become this messy?" She sighed, "All right, I'll tell you everything." She then narrates the whole incident.

As Georgina revealed the gruesome details of what had occurred in the room, a wave of nausea washed over me. I couldn't help but wish that Jael had never asked in the first place. Phil's incredulous question cut through the tension, "So the best thing you could think of punishing that rapist was eating him?" Georgina's nonchalant response only added to the unease, "Yeah, so?" Phil suggested an alternative, "You could have just killed him and stopped there. You didn't really have to make a mess of this room." Georgina's frustration was palpable as she retorted, "Well what did you want me to do? I couldn't think that in the spur of the moment. Plus, the food he gave me was trash and disgusting. That's when my impulsive thoughts came in and told me to eat him." Jael, trying to mediate, chimed in, "Yeah, babe... I agree with Phil on this one. You could have just killed him. No need for the whole kind cannibalism act. But I get where you're coming from."

In that very moment, a wave of disbelief washed over me, causing me to question every single decision I had ever made in my life. The atmosphere was thick with disturbing conversations, as the people around me engaged in a horrifying debate about the most efficient ways to end someone's life. One person was even attempting to justify the act of cannibalism, while the other two were defending the act of murder. It was a chilling sight.

Realizing the urgency of the situation, I felt compelled to intervene and put an end to this macabre discussion. "Alright, everyone, enough with the arguments on how to send someone to their grave," I asserted, my voice filled with a mix of frustration and concern. "We have a much bigger problem at hand. This room is drenched in blood because 'someone' decided it was best to kill another person and consume their flesh. Our priority right now should be to leave this room and make it appear as if a monstrous creature had ravaged the place, devouring the nurse's body."

My words seemed to strike a chord with the group, as they began to realize the gravity of the situation. Phil, in agreement with my point, spoke up, "You're absolutely right. We need to check on our other classmates immediately. There's a chance that some of them might have succumbed to the same gruesome temptation."

Turning my attention to Georgina, who was still covered in blood, I couldn't bear to see her in such a state. "Georgina, it would be best if we head to the bathroom and clean you up. I refuse to let you walk around like that," I said, gesturing towards her blood-soaked gown.

With a heavy sigh, Georgina reluctantly agreed, "Alright, let's go wash up."

Turning towards the boys, I felt the need to create some privacy for Georgina. "If you don't mind, please wait outside," I requested, ushering them out of the room. It was crucial to give Georgina the space she needed to regain her composure and ensure her dignity remained intact.

When I found myself alone, I guided her to the bathroom and dedicated a full 20 minutes to meticulously cleanse away the blood and remnants from her body. Afterwards, I ensured the proper disposal of her soiled gown in the designated black bin, specifically designated for blood samples and waste. Exiting the bathroom, I made my way to the closet where I retrieved a fresh, pristine gown for her to wear. Carefully, I presented it to her, allowing her to dress herself. Once she was fully dressed, I procured a pair of delightful orange bunny slippers for her to slip into, adding a touch of comfort and whimsy to her attire.

Having completed all of our tasks, we were finally prepared to depart from the room. I have to admit, this room filled me with an overwhelming sense of unease and sent shivers down my spine in every possible way. Needless to say, I would never willingly choose to spend any more time in this eerie environment.

Suddenly, Georgina broke the silence by asking a rather peculiar question, "Jean, do you think I could take a body part as a snack for later?" Her inquiry caught me off guard, and I couldn't help but think she must have been joking.

My response to her request was straightforward, "Georgina, taking a body part with you is out of the question. Can you imagine what others would think of you? They'd label you a psychopath, or even worse, a serial killer!" I vehemently refused the idea, trying to reason with her.

However, Georgina persisted, fear creeping into her eyes as she pleaded, "But what if I become hungry later? Do you want me to go on some sort of bloodlust rampage?" Her eyes, resembling those of a desperate puppy, conveyed her genuine concern.

Her statement caused me to pause and consider her predicament. Reluctantly, I finally agreed to her unsettling request, albeit hesitantly. "Fine, Georgina. You can choose one body part to take with you. Just one, though," I conceded, realizing that this was our only solution. "We will use a disposable bag to conceal it," I added, as I retrieved a bag for her to use.

Georgina's face lit up with joy and excitement as soon as I granted her permission. She wasted no time in selecting an arm from the bed, promptly placing it in the bag. It was clear that this bizarre decision had brought her immense satisfaction and relief.

We finally exited the room and rendezvoused with the boys eagerly awaiting our arrival outside. Jael noticed the disposable bag and asked, "What's the deal with that?" Georgina casually replied, "Oh, it's just the arm - I needed a quick snack on the run." As Georgina displayed the arm, I glanced at Phil, who looked utterly repulsed by her nonchalant attitude. I approached Phil and quietly murmured, "Don't forget, you're no saint either. Remember what you did to me?" My words triggered a shift in his expression, reminding him of his own past actions. Phil, with a hint of annoyance in his voice, wasted no time in questioning our tardiness. "What took you so long? You kept us waiting for nearly an hour," he grumbled. Georgina, determined to defend our actions, promptly responded, "Well, you should be well aware by now that girls take their time. We strive to look our best and make a lasting impression." Despite her explanation, Phil remained unconvinced and seemed poised to engage in another argument. Sensing the tension, I interjected, "Alright, let's not dwell on how long it takes for girls to get ready. Our priority now is to check on our other classmates." The three of us nodded in agreement and ensured that the room was securely locked, preventing any unsuspecting individuals from stumbling upon something they shouldn't. With the room safely sealed, we leisurely strolled towards the heart of the floor we were on, the bustling lobby and reception area.

After a solid 10 minutes of strolling, we finally reached the lobby. The walls were painted in a soothing cream color, complemented by the warm brown furniture and an array of lush potted plants. Surprisingly, the reception desk was unattended, which worked in our favor as we preferred to keep a low profile. Just as I was about to take a step forward, Phil grasped my hand, halting me in my tracks. "Hold on... I don't think we're alone here. I can hear faint voices," he whispered, gesturing towards the source of the sound. With cautious steps, he moved towards the unseen part of the lobby. After a minute of careful observation, he motioned for us to join him and investigate further.

Before us stood our classmates: Namesake, Jowan, Joy Ruth, Edith, Ciara, Muni, Miri, Zoe, Cinnamon Roll, Gonda, Alvan, Cyrus, Ineza, Elijah, Hashim, Matthew, Samuel, and Rania, all dressed in hospital gowns like ours. A wave of relief washed over me as I dashed towards Namesake and enveloped her in a tight hug. "I've missed you all so much! Where have you been?" I exclaimed excitedly. "Hey, let go of me! We're all here, as you can see," Namesake replied, slightly annoyed. "But I thought you were all in comas. I woke up first and thought I was alone for a while," I pouted, refusing to release her. "Wait, when did you wake up, Jean?" Jowan asked. "Around 10:30, I think... it was definitely last night at 10:30," I answered. "What have you been up to since waking up?" Alvan inquired. "It's a long story, so let's all sit down and I'll tell you everything," I said, pulling away from Namesake and motioning for everyone to take a seat. Once they were settled, I recounted everything that had happened to me since waking up.

After recounting my experience, their reactions were a mixed bag. "Jean, seriously? How could you be so foolish? You were attacked not once, but twice, and one of those attacks nearly drained the life out of you. Couldn't you have just stayed in your room and waited for two more days?" Edith complained. "No, Edith. I can see where she's coming from. It's just that her curiosity and poor decision-making led her into those dangerous situations," Ciara chimed in, leaving me internally regretting why I even shared my story in the first place. "Man, Philip, you're so lucky. You've become what I've always dreamed of," Cyrus whined. Phil was puzzled by Cyrus's wish and asked, "What's wrong with him? This isn't the Cyrus I know." "He's just obsessed with supernatural beings, especially vampires. And now that you're one, his obsession has gone into overdrive," Elijah explained. "I can't believe you've become what you wished for - a big, strong dog!" Zoe giggled, teasing Jael. "Just so you know, I'm much stronger and more dangerous than I appear," Jael smugly retorted. "Yeah, but what landed you on the stretcher? Oh right, your transformation from a dog!" she laughed at him loudly. In that moment, Jael felt as low as the Titanic at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, consumed by self-pity. "Is human flesh the only thing you can eat?" Cinnamon Roll innocently asked Georgina. "Unfortunately, yes. Normal human food is toxic to my body. I can't even have a small slice of cake," she wailed in response, prompting Rania to envelop her in a warm hug. "It's okay... It's not your fault. We'll figure out who did this to you. Even though you're now a monster, you're still our friend," she reassured her, trying to calm her down.

Joy Ruth inquired, "Jael, have you noticed any improvement since the transformation? Are you able to move any part of your body?" She approached his stretcher with concern. Jael explained, "Being a werewolf, my body heals rapidly compared to a regular human. Currently, I can move my arms, but unfortunately, I am paralyzed from the abdomen down and my legs are severely injured." I recalled how he used his hands during our visit to Georgina. Phil leaned in and whispered, "Werewolves indeed have remarkable healing abilities." Joy Ruth then asked, "May I check your heartbeat, if you don't mind?" Jael turned to Georgina and sought her permission, to which she agreed. Joy Ruth expressed her gratitude and proceeded to place her palm on his chest to feel his heartbeat. Suddenly, a bright golden light radiated from her hand onto his chest, leaving everyone, including myself, in awe. Joy Ruth appeared bewildered, as she had never experienced or witnessed such a phenomenon before. Jael, too, was puzzled by this unexpected turn of events. The golden light persisted for three minutes before fading away. Joy Ruth withdrew her hand from Jael's chest, and to everyone's surprise, Jael attempted to stand up, despite our attempts to prevent him from potentially injuring himself. What followed left us all dumbfounded - Jael was standing on his supposedly broken feet without any support, effortlessly walking around. "It's unbelievable that I can walk now," he remarked, as we exchanged bewildered glances and turned to Joy Ruth, seeking an explanation for this miraculous occurrence.

N.B: If you don't know or remember these characters mentioned in this chapter, refer to Chapter 1 & 2.

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