
Monster Weapon Academy

Aaron is the monster king's son, he is half-human, half-demon. He never knew his mother that was human, but he knows his dad, but he always where's a mask. 1 year ago he got a weapon that was made from a human girl who was begging for food and money. Aaron took her to the demon world and made her his living weapon. Monster Weapon Academy is a school that Aaron's dad owns. The students protect humans from monsters with living weapons. Living weapons are weapons that are alive that can change from human form and their weapon form. Most living weapons are born, but some are created from humans and other races.

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Luna Turned Living Weapon

My name is Aaron and my father is the monster king, meaning he rules over monsters and is the strongest of them all. He owns a school that's in the demon world, my father always wears a mask, so no one has ever seen his face and that includes me.

The school that my dad owns protects humans from monsters with living weapons, some living weapons are born, but some are created from humans like my weapon.

My weapon is a black sword that was made from a human girl.

1 year ago...

I was walking at night in the human world and a girl was begging people for food and money, but no one cared.

I walked up to her well she's sitting down, and I smiled. She is tall, her skin is light, her hair is long and the colour blonde, her eyes are blue, her face is cute, her breasts are very large, her body is skinny, and she only has dirty rags on.

"What's your name?" I asked, and she looked up at me.

"Luna." said the girl.

"Do you want food everyday?" I asked.

"Yes," said Luna.

"Then I will give you food as long as you become my weapon," I said and I tell her that im a demon, well im not a full-blooded demon im half-human because my mom was human, but I never met her because shes dead.

"Demons aren't real," said Luna, and I use magic to open a portal to the demon world.

"Well, they are, now come with me," I said and we go through the portal. We are now at the entrance to the school my dad owns called monster weapon academy.

I take her into the school and she sees monsters everywhere. She is scared, so she holds my hand. We then go to my dad's office.

"Aaron why are you here and why is there a human with you?" asked my father.

"She is going to be my living weapon," I said and I tell Luna what a living weapon is.

"I don't want to be a weapon," said Luna.

"You will be able to change to human and weapon form and you will get food everyday," I said.

"As long as I get food then I will be your weapon," said Luna.

"Good then let's begin." said my father and I use magic on Luna. This is magic that will turn her into a living weapon.


It has been a year since I got my living weapon Luna and she is happy to have met me. Right now we are in our dormitory that is all to ourselves because my father gave me a dormitory of my own and it's nighttime.

"Luna do you like being my weapon?" I asked.

"Yes I do," said Luna.

"Luna you were scared when you first became a living weapon, but I guess all the blood that you took has made you not scared anymore," I said.

"No im still scared of killing even with they are monsters," said Luna.

"Well let's go to sleep," I said and we go to sleep.