
Monster Of Blacksmithing

Not my cover Image. If you want more of a synopsis read and make your own.

TheGodEater · Fantasi
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3 Chs

I guess this is my backstory...

This is my story, the story of a human formerly known as Testa Lagusa (If you know, you know.) reincarnated into a beast. I lived a shitty life, my parents died when I was 3 or so I was told by my grandparents who took care of me until I was 10 years old before both dying of natural causes.

I lived in an orphanage for about a year before being adopted by a man called Bob, he was a great guy, the nicest person I've ever meant in my life actually, kinder than even my grandparents, but that only lasted about 2 years before trying to, you know, do his job as a so-called 'booty warrior'.

Luckily I escaped and ran away without losing my chastity to the man known as Bob, ever since then I guess you could say I've been on my own. I've learned how to somewhat defend myself, steal, dodge cops since I was classified as a missing person when I look back at it now tho I really had no reason to dodge the cops, but I guess that encounter with Bob scarred me more than I thought, I knew they would send me back to the orphanage to get adopted, and I didn't want that.

I was on edge around anything, the only thing I could find solace in was the library. The lady there was truly a kind lady, Ms.Sherry, she would allow me to sleep there some days, feed me, and teach me since I wasn't in school, I enjoyed learning very much, but my favorite things to read was manga, fantasy books, the books about historical weapons, but my favorite of all was the blacksmithing books. Obviously, I didn't have anywhere to try what I learned out, but I understood the process.

This life continued until I was 19-years-old, I could recall any weapons in history that were recorded in those books which were a lot. My life at this point had taken a great turn, Ms.Sherry had helped me get a job and I moved in with her since she was getting old and needed help getting around, she was the only person I trusted in this world, she had become my keeper, guardian, and my life. In this world that seemed to have given up on me, she had shown me there was hope for me still in this world...that was until she was murdered.

Murdered by some lowlife bastard who decided it was a good idea to rob a 70-year-old lady. When I got the news I was shattered, that kind old lady murdered on the sidewalk like some dog, the bastard was caught 2 days later enjoying life with his family, 2 kids, and a pregnant wife. When I heard he had a family I was happy, I was going to make him feel the same way I felt so I went a bought a gun (from Illegal sources) knocked on the guy's door then shot everyone in there.

First his 2 children and then his wife, I was disgusted with myself of course, but It had to be done, revenge was my only thought, I then went down to the police station where he was being held until trial and told them I wanted to talk with him, I was the foster son of the woman he killed, which they agreed to for some reason, most likely out of pity. When I saw him I immediately shot him Of course, I knew what was going to happen after I shot him in the police station, I was going to die.


'I truly do hate humans...' was the last thing he said before falling into the dark abyss known as death.

I'll squeeze out another chapter after I take a shower

If you like it add it to your library motherfuckers!

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