
Monster maker in the making~

A young man receives the 'blessing' of a random god and gained the ability to Alter anything in any way possible. but just how much will it do in a world where angels, gods, demons, and other supernatural beings exist? Our protagonist got sent to war filled world with a few twists involved! P.s. the title relates a lot to what will happen within this world so don't be quick to judge~

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25 Chs

Altercation 16 first step to chaos complete now on to the next~

shit! Shit! SHIT!!!

A particular batkin leader was grieving over the damage done to his forces.

The forest they got found inside of had undergone a drastic change!

Before, it used to be simply dark and gloomy, but now, not only was it covered in large amounts of spider web, it also had the bones of the dead decorating the edges of the territory owned by the new occupant.

Transversing through the area was CLEARLY suicide, as there were no signs of whatever became the master of the site. While Kirovski really wanted to deal with the human that Hiptoglir was making a big deal about, there was no information on where he had gone.

There was a chance that he was inside of the territory of the hidden monster. The batkin sure as hell wasn't going to try his luck to find out.

No matter how much the loss he had suffered from ached, Kirovski was more curious as to what that annoying Naga will decide to do next after learning this...

Will he try to break through even if it meant the loss of hundreds of precious men?

Or will he give up?

The loss of his spies should've done quite a bit of damage to his spy network.

This thought brought a smile to the beastkin as even if they were working together... it was only temporary.

Business partners dealing with the same problem, for Kirovski, using more men to scour the deadly forest was against his best interests. At least that's what his instincts were telling him.


While it took the man a few hours, Joseph finally subdued the insectoid that was now lying on his chest, passed out, and still 'connected' to each other.

His partner had long red hair, and two antennas peeked out from the bangs that covered her forehead. In place of her ears was another set of antennas that twitched to every breath Joseph made.

Besides those mentioned features, QFA bore many European facial features, with a primarily human-like pale brown torso maintaining the weight of a pair of breasts too big for one hand to cup entirely.

A slim yet curvy body line that was fun to slide one's hand against.

Her chitin-covered limbs were mostly covered in scars, four arms that rested on the ground, two legs that were still clamped around Joseph's waist as if intending never to let go of him.

Her fairy wings could fold and compress themselves into her back to prevent any extra damage and repair it when the wings needed it.

He started checking more details about his new companion, that was burying her head into his chest while sleeping. Due to the boost of the ring, his stamina was much higher than a regular person as the solution QFA had given him further increased it.

Even now, his engorged member was hoping for more action, but Joseph wasn't into screwing sleeping women. Thus, he endured.

As Joseph looked through her details, one particular status effect that QFA had garnered his attention.

Curse of infertility: this brings the effect of rendering the bearer unable to have offspring.

>Additional effect: loss of lifeforce and lifespan should the bearer of this curse attempt to bare a child through other means.

An evil smile formed on the man's face while thinking.

What will happen should he, for example, flip this effect the other way?

But he would wait for QFA to wake up first before doing that. Joseph didn't know if this curse got applied of her choice or if someone else put it there.

The man shivered from the shifting insides of his partner, he got tempted to continue where they left off, but another thing came to mind as he looked around trying to distract himself from the pleasurable feeling that enveloped his third leg.

"Where was Morgana?"

The man cupped his chin, trying to think about where did she go?

Or if she got left behind?

Or if his new partner had killed his creation.

It disturbed him a bit, but due to how long their interaction was together, Joseph didn't overthink it before deciding might as well as his new companion about it when she woke up.

However, another temptation took hold of him. He thought back about how helpless this girl made him feel when she captured him.

He needed to reverse the effects of the curse to make full use of his cheat, BUT there was one thing that he didn't realize about QFA, as soon as the curse was reversed due to his greed for more power.

Their session was purely her showing her uncontrollable affection towards him, upon reversing the curse, it well...

It not only caused her to wake up in excitement then put her into a complete breeding mode.

By the way, her energy levels reached over 9000!

So he's got himself into quite the pickle for the next few days until this wears off!

The bonus is another army of bugs that could also fall under his commands~.

Just another problem that the other factions will have to deal with again.


Inside of an incredibly colossal room with dimly lit candles, At the center stood a large table with four powerful beings sitting on exquisite chairs.

While the darkness shrouded most of their features, their bat-like wings made clear what their heritage was, a man with long dark blonde hair and glowing red eyes was the first to speak.

"Any news on the angel's movements?"

His deep voice asked in a kind manner yet the demonic magic that it was laced with made the others around him shift in their seats.

The speaker seemed to enjoy acting so domineering towards others, especially to the other three that acted as his aides.

A female on the left side of him replied with a warped voice.

"RePoRtS StAtE ThAt tHe aNgElS ArE PrEpArInG FoR AnOtHeR AsSaUlT On tHe fAlLeN AnGeLs."

The blonde-haired man leaned to the side while resting his head against the hand before asking.

"what of the monsters and magicians?"

The man across from him reported.

"The monsters have been rather quiet as of late, while the magicians are vaguely aware of our recent actions but know nothing of the plans."

The blonde-haired man grinned widely at that before asking about one more thing.

"how much longer until our preparations are complete?"

A ghastly voice from his right answered with anticipation.

"they will be ready within three days, four if you decide to add some new arrangements."

The blonde-haired man chuckled with disturbing glee.

"Yes, it won't be long now...!"

The blonde-haired man relayed his last command before the other three left the room in their own unique way of using magic.

"Make sure everything goes according to plan, while I add a few more super devils into our ranks with my 'wife's' help!"

The blonde-haired man teleported to another location, it was a laboratory filled with countless devices that seemed beyond its years, as hundreds of glass containers that held embryos of devils.

At the center of it all, was a pale and tired woman that was unnaturally alluring, as a feeding tube was connected to her mouth as well as tens of IV drop-like devices that kept her alive...


The woman was Lilith, the fallen spouse of Adam, ever since she had been cast away by the father of all beings, Her life was reduced to this!

She was forced to give birth to the oldest generation of devils as well as grow the current army of the man that was going to use her again until the time arrives.

This man was the original Lucifer, one of the true father's of the devils, the man looked lustfully towards his weakened wife, no matter how many times he had violated her, her body would remain perfect.

He intended on using more of his seed to create more of the perfect soldiers to help with his ambition...

Lucifer wanted to conquer this realm!

The only obstacles that stood in his path, were the other factions that were fighting against each other.

So once the chance comes, Lucifer will have his army eradicate them as it takes him one step closer to his goals!

"My dear wife, It looks like I'll need you to work hard for the next few days... hm hm, try not to die during these few days~ GWAHAHAHAHA!"

Despite him saying that, the IV's made sure to keep her in 'working' condition so that no matter what he does to her, she'd never die!

She'd be on the brink of death but even that could ruin the mind of any long-lived being regardless of how powerful they were.

War was coming, but for the arrogant lucifer, it was not in the way he'd hope~.