
Three Months



"Trimar city," I said as I landed on the hill through which I could see the huge city, on the banks of the bold sea.


It had been over three months since I had started traveling. I have crossed the Kaliv region and reached the end of the Behill Region.


Once I cross the bold seal, I will reach the Ikris region, where the Javelin city is.


It is technically a lake, but it is so huge that people call it a seal. It is many times bigger than all oceans combine in my world, where nearly 80% was the ocean.


I will take a ship from here and in our two weeks, I will reach the other side, into the Behill region.


It will be a dangerous journey. The bold seal is not calm, but what other choice do I have? The safest route is as dangerous as it is and will take five to six months, at the least.


Traveling through the ship is much quicker.