
The Program I

It is a huge hall and in the center of it is an oval table with twelve seats for twelve council members. A few meters away from the main table, there is a lone chair on which a projection of lord of Glass is sitting.

There is always projection or physical self of Grand Lord present in the central command. The authority of the Grand Lords are supreme, they could override any decision made by the council, but they seldom do that.

They just watch and advise when asked by the council; this had been a thing for thousands of years, and it worked extremly well for us humans.

As I entered the hall, many people looked at me, and some of them were downright shocked. They were not shocked seeing me but shocked seeing the metals, especially the black ones, which shows how many Grandmasters I have killed, and it is a lot.

It is more than anyone; even council members have not killed this many Grandmasters. Lady may herself had said that.