
Rule of Strength I

I woke up quite late the next morning as I had quite safe after sorting out all the stuff.

I feel quite good though, I had gained more stuff than I had imagined and this is not the end as I will come across more till the fifth Region.

After taking a shower, I started to cook lunch but today's lunch is quite special as except for meat it is wholly made by materials from the central continent.

I had gained more than enough food-related stuff, if I use it quite frugally It can last me a year.

As I am about to start making food, I pleasant thought came into my mind and I decided to make today's meal a four-course.

It will take me just a little effort and time which today I am willing to give, Ashlyn was quite angry at first seeing it is taking time to make but when she saw that the food going to be amazing, she became quite but not before demanding the snack from the stuff I got yesterday.