
Death of the Leaders II

"The battle isn't over; kill all the natives to take revenge for Ukrs death!" roared the massive Apeman and moved toward our leader, at earth-shaking momentum.


The Grimms cheered and moved toward the enemy, but their enthusiasm seemed lacking. Still, it is surprising they are holding on; in most cases, the Grimms run away, as their leader dies.


There are multiple reasons for that, first Apeman quickly took command after the death and second, the Grimms still have large numbers, despite our edge.




I defended against another attack and moved forward with a grin. It seemed to understand what I was planning to do as it shook, but to my surprise, didn't retreat, instead harnessed everything it had.


"DIE!" It roared top of its lungs, harnessing a surprising amount of power from its bloodline for its last stand.