
Chapter one; First day in Clayton University.

I recall when the monster ate my family and we were all wiped out. When I remember the incident, it kills me since I can't do anything, and I was just 10 years old at the time. I was going to be attacked by a monster but my mother interrupted and yelled for me to run. "Cassandra, run!". They're human, with white skin and strong white fangs that used to suck on human blood. I dashed away as quickly as I could. That night, while running and out of breath, I lost consciousness and assumed it was the last time I would be pursued by monsters, but a guy pulled me up. He was a martial arts instructor. I informed him what had happened, but it wasn't new to him. He was well aware that such beasts existed in this place. I discovered that his wife and son had also been a victim. We then moved to a new location, far away from that place. He taught me everything and told me that I would continue to hunt monsters before he died because of cancer. I decide to moved here last year to take my revenge. And now it's been 7 years, yet it still hurts I also figured out where they were hidden, and now it's time to hunt!

A four loud knocks came from my front door. "senorita, your breakfast is ready downstairs" my maid said gracefully. "Coming" I respond.

I stepped out of my room and came to the dining table. Nanny was already seated when I arrived. "come here and eat with me" she said very sweetly. I smile, and I sat in the seat next to her.

When my father, the one who adopted me, died, he left me all he owned. He treated me as if I were his own child. Our elderly helpers, Carla and Mina, as well as nanny, my father's mother, have all adopted me as their own blood. I was with them in this enormous mansion that seemed like a castle, and indeed, it felt like we were genuine family.

"Oh, and why haven't you changed yet? Isn't today your first day of school in Clayton?" nanny asked in astonishment. "oh shocks i forgot" I muttered as I rushed to finish my meal. "Slow down you might choke" nanny said.

Today is the first day of school at Clayton University, School of Vampires. And I've already lost it in my mind, just as I did last night when wondering what I'll do today. I kissed nanny on the cheek after eating and drinking water, and then left to get ready for school.

I quickly went to my room and went straight to the bathroom and took a shower, after a while I finished and then got dressed. and now what I'm wearing is a shirt, maroon blazer and tie, with short maroon skirts. When I stepped downstairs, Nanny, Carla, and Mina were waiting for me at our open front door. "Bye nanny, carla, and mina," I said as I embraced each of them. "Take care here, I love you all." as i continued and smiled sweetly.

I just walked because the school is nearby and it's not a long distance. It's my first time walking here again, as I walking it feels like what happened last time is still fresh in my mind. If I want to see something here, I want to see our house from before, but I can't remember where it is; all I remember is that there is nothing but pristine forest around our house.

I arrived at school a few minutes later. I looked at the school and it is huge, I can't afford to kill them all in one day, and I believe there are much more vampires here than I can battle and kill one by one. On the other side, I'm having difficulties as well. But everything will work out great; my only want is that they didn't exist in this place.