

Adam looks over to me "You hungry?" I thought about it for a few minutes and shook my head no, after everything I'm not hungry. Not one bit, to be honest with my self, I'm disgusted. Thinking about what happened I started flipping through pictures of my dad and me.

Adam looks over, pulls over on the side of the road, gets out of the car, approaches the passenger side where I'm sitting and opens the door. I looked at him as he pulled me into a close embrace I started crying just holding on to him.

After a few minutes, he spoke not letting go "Why didn't you just tell the Warden? Maybe he could have helped" he spoke softly to me.

I typed into my phone, "No, he couldn't. Because my Dad lives out of state"

"Dation has many friends there, he wouldn't need to leave the state... And If I tell anyone, my dad, my friends, and whoever I told would be in danger." I showed him, a tear running the trail on my cheek. Adam looked at me, he brought his hand to my cheek and wiped the tears away. "Don't worry I can handle myself, I'm not afraid of him."

He pulled me into another hug. We didn't say anything, because the silence was enough. He eventually let go, closed my door and got in on the driver's side. He turned on the truck noticing a car was passing he waited a few minutes and grabbed my hand when I looked at him, he smiled.

When the car passed we got back on the road. When we finally got to his house, he smiled got out and walked to my side I was about to step down when he shook his head no. I guess he didn't trust me not to fall over or pass out again. He picked me up closing my door behind him and walked to the door unlocking it, he closed it behind him and locked it he then carried me to his room and set me on the bed

He passed me one of his long shirts I looked at it and giggled, watching me he smile and asked me what's so funny I typed in "I could wear this for a dress" he laughed, it lightened the mood after the night we had.

"You'll be sleeping here. I'm gonna shower, I'll be out in a few minutes." I noded

He left for the shower and I changed into his shirt and laid down after a few minutes of the shower running, I fell asleep.

Adams POV

With what was going on I was surprised she kept her cool, looking over I could tell I thought it to soon. She looked like she was going to cry, I pulled over got out and opened her side. She looked at me not sure what I was doing. I pulled her close to me she started crying just holding on to me.

We got to my house after what happened I needed a shower, I put her on the bed and passed her one of my longer shirts. Will she even be able to sleep after that? I got into the shower, finished and put a pair of pants on. I look at the cream and bandages... I forgot about that, of course, how could I forget the bruised red traces of a hand on her neck.

I looked down slamming my fist down on the counter. I opened the door to see her cuddled up to one of the pillows. I was angry with my self about it, there was no fix to what I allowed to happen..... After what happened I was kind of glad he released me for the week... I deserve much more then that..... That was a true nightmare, I was in charge of her... I was supposed to make sure she didn't get hurt... I sighed. I leave walking into the closet grabbing a blanket and placing it onto the couch. I walk into the room to grab a pillow off the bed, noticing she's in some cases sleep talking.

She looks like she's crying, I approach the bed sitting next to her. She's moving around not very much but frantically I sighed, "She must be having a nightmare"

I lightly shook her at first. "Kat?" I shook her again she jumped up pushing away from me, shaking.

"Hey it's ok, you were having a nightmare... Are you alright?"She nodded grabbing her phone. I stayed giving her a few minutes to calm down. I got up and started to leave when I felt one of my plush pillows hit my back.

I turned to her with an eyebrow raised reading the message from her. "Please don't leave me alone. I'm scared" I smiled as she looked away, I guess it embarrassed her. I smiled and nodded. I went and turned out all the lights and slid onto the bed next to her. She cuddled up next to me, I smiled to my self. That's cute I thought. I pulled her close to me knowing she's kind of scared... If I was in her shoes I would be too...

After some time she fell asleep I was moving to scoot over when she pulled me into a hug in her sleep laying her head on my abdomen. I pulled the covers over her, I wrapped my arms protectively around her. Laying there a while sleep finally overtook me, and I fell into a deep sleep.

Kat's point of view

I woke up with his arms around me, I was hugging his abdomen. I looked at him not sure if he's awake or not, lightly rubbing my shoulder he met my gaze. Blushing I looked away pulling away from him, he laughed.


"I'll make us some coffee ok?" he said smiling as he got up. "You can get changed if you need to."

I blushed looking away, noticing he wasn't wearing a shirt. He left the room to make the coffee. Getting up I went through my duffle that was in the storage of the holding block. There wasn't much, only for 2 nights. Looking through it, I picked out a black dress that crossed in the front and winded around the waist, with pointed flares at the end barley passing my knees.

I walked out to get some coffee not seeing Adam anywhere, I looked through the cabinets finding the cups. Pulling one, I poured my coffee added sugar and milk, turning around as Adam set the medicine the doctor gave him. He smiled, I shrugged in response and sat down.

He looked at me and passed me the cream and bandages, I sighed I applied the cold cream gently to my neck.

He looked at me, walking over and starts loosely applying the bandages to my neck and applied the cream gently to my wrist and then rapping it. He finished and sat down next to me. He looked at me drinking my coffee.


"We'll stop by your place today, so you can grab some more clothes. ok?"

I nodded, opening my mouth I thought I'd try to speak, barley a hum came out. I sighed, looking at me he said: "Doc said to give it at least a week." I nodded slightly. I go up and grabbed my phone seeing text messages from a few friends that were worried and an unknown number, curiosity overtook me, and I opened the message.