
Monkey in the Multiverse

My computer exploded, next thing I know, I'm in a new world with a system! Patre.on: patr.eon.com/MonkeyGodking

Monkey_Godking · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
371 Chs

The little loli goes to school

Hiro, Zerotwo, Isabella, and Mittens appeared in a forest again. Hiro sighed and said "Why are we always in forests. Super annoying." Zerotwo giggled and said "We can't just pop into a city can we?" Hiro sighed and replied "We fell onto Roger's ship." she rolled her eyes and said "Special circumstance."

Hiro shook his head and held Isabella's hand as Zerotwo said "We have guests." Hiro looked in the trees and said "Excuse me, do you know where this is?" A few men appeared in front of them and Isabella's eyes widened.

A man said coldly "Who are you." Hiro smiled and said "We were travelling from the Land of Wind, fleeing from an attack. The Jonins with us died and we came here. You are from Konoha?" Zerotwo just stayed silent and Isabella was getting antsy, Mittens' eyes sparkled and the duo looked at each other in joy.

The man narrowed his eyes and said "You're from the Hidden Village of Sand?" Hiro shook his head and said "No, a smaller village on the outskirts near Roran. Unfortunately, we were wiped out." the man was still alert and said "You came here for..."

Hiro smiled and said "Refuge, hoping to start a new life in a new place less dangerous than the deserts." the man looked at his group and communicated with his eyes before saying "Follow us." Hiro smiled and followed the group with his family.

Zerotwo let Hiro take care of it as they walked into a Village called Konoha.

They were taken to the Hokage's office.

Hiro, Zerotwo, Isabella, and Mittens were in the Hokage's office and there were several other people inside. An old man, Hiro identified as Hiruzen Sarutobi, looked at him and said "Land of Wind, a small village by Roran, fleeing from an attack, looking for refuge..."

He picked up a file and said "Why were you protected by Jonins?" Hiro said with a smile "I'm a blacksmith. Me and my wife were the only blacksmiths in our village, we were supposed to go to the Hidden Village of Sand but we were forced to flee North-East as our other paths were cut off." he threw his hands out and sighed "Otherwise, I would stay in the Land of Wind. As you can see, I have no Chakra."

Sarutobi squinted and said "The Horns?" Hiro replied "Family Bloodline. Only boosts strength, hence why our family is blacksmiths." Sarutobi nodded and looked at the information gathered about Hiro and his family as well as the small village in the Land of Wind.

Hiro stood there silently, he suddenly wanted Isabella to go to the Ninja academy. Otherwise he would've left, he just wanted to chill and make ninja weapons while Isabella went to ninja school. This should be fun for her, right?

She looked pretty awed by the ninjas, his eyes twitched secretly. She really wasn't helping his story here with her silly face. Her little body was also something completely new. It was like a spirit body, he couldn't put his finger on it but he could tell she was able to form Chakra in her body.

As for how that was going to work with her mana, he had no idea but he knew that if the mana and Chakra fused or something like that, she would have more Chakra than Naruto.


Was his professional analysis.

Sarutobi said "Names?" Hiro replied "I'm Hiro, this is my wife Zerotwo, our child Isabella and her cat Mittens." Sarutobi nodded and smiled saying "Welcome to Konoha." Hiro smiled and said "Thank you, Hokage. May I set up a shop?" Sarutobi nodded with a smile and said "Of course. Glad to have you here."

Hiro smiled and left with his family.

Sarutobi lost his smile and a man with white hair and a face mask said "I didn't sense any Chakra from either of them, but the kid had some." another guy in a green leotard said seriously "He has a seriously strong body!" Sarutobi said "I want you to watch him very closely. They are too suspicious. The Land of Wind might be trying to infiltrate our village..."

He stood up and looked out the window muttering "But for what..." he suddenly said "Kakashi, Guy. Can you do this?" Kakashi, the white haired man, said "No problem." Guy, the man in a green leotard, just nodded.

Kakashi added "What about the kid?" Sarutobi hummed "If he wants to enroll her into the Ninja academy, there's still a week left before it starts. Let him know." Kakashi nodded and disappeared along with Guy.

Hiro walked through town and Isabella said "Baba! Am I going to be a ninja too?!" Hiro smiled and said "If you want to." Isabella jumped and danced in joy as Mittens mimicked her. Hiro and Zerotwo smiled and looked for a good place to plop down the Store and House.

Hiro found the Legendary Ramen shop and looked at the building next to it. It was abandoned and Hiro said to the air "Can I take this building?" Kakashi appeared and said "Sure. Also, if you want to enroll the kid in the Ninja academy it starts in a week." before disappearing again.

Hiro nodded and said "Thanks." before snapping his fingers and letting out a white light, making all the ninjas and people in the town dazed. Hiro destroyed the abandoned building and placed God Slayer Goods down before making everyone in Konoha think that the build was always there and Hiro just put up a sign and cleaned it up.

Zerotwo said "So extra." Hiro smiled and said "Gonna have the brand name!" She shook her head and giggled as they walked into the store as everyone came back to their senses and acted like nothing even happened.

Hiro quickly set up the shop and left to go put down his house right next to the Store. He did the same as before and kicked himself for not just doing it all at once.

Anyway, his house and store were set down and he was ready to start production.

He went to the Ramen shop and decided to go eat there as Zerotwo went to go look around with Isabella.

Hiro sat down and spoke, but a young voice spoke as well as they said in unison "One bowl of Ramen, boss!" Hiro was startled and looked to his side, there was a yellow haired kid sitting right next to him!

The kid looked at him and said "Woah! You have horns!" Hiro laughed and said "You have whiskers. Big deal." the man laughed and said "No problem." before going to cook as the kid shouted "So!? You makin' fun of me?!"

Hiro rested his elbow on the counter and propped up his cheek saying "What are you gonna do about it, Neko-boy." the kid said "You! Don't call me Neko-boy!" Hiro said "Neeeeeeko-boy~" the kid was obviously Naruto.

Naruto and Hiro argued about whether Naruto was a Neko or not, until their ramen came.

Hiro ate some of the Ramen and he and Naruto said in unison "So good!" Hiro looked at Naruto and said "You copying me, Neko-boy?" Naruto pointed at Hiro's nose and said "You're the one copying me!"

Hiro looked at Teuchi, the owner of the Ramen shop, and asked "What do you think, boss. Is he a neko or what." Teuchi chuckled and looked at Naruto 'seriously' before nodding as he said "Neko, forsure." Naruto wilted and buried his face in the ramen, mumbling "Not a neko..." Hiro and Teuchi laughed and Hiro ate his food, talking to Teuchi and revealing that he opened a weapons store next door.

Teuchi was surprised and happy that there was somebody new to talk to. Naruto just listened from the side, labeling Hiro as the Mysterious Oni next to Uncle Ramen. Hiro also said that he only had gold and no money.

Teuchi's eyes popped out of their sockets at the gold coins Hiro gave him, but Hiro offered to make him kitchen ware to pay for his meal. Teuchi was overwhelmed and said it really wasn't necessary and Hiro said that he would save it for the next time he came then, leaving Teuchi helpless.

Naruto said "Are you a ninja?" Hiro said "Do I look like a ninja to you?" Naruto shook his head and Hiro smiled "I'm not." Naruto clicked his tongue and Hiro chuckled "Boss Teuchi isn't a ninja either. What's that look for?"

Naruto grumbled "You're too mysterious. You must be a ninja and lied to me." Hiro didn't know whether to laugh or cry for the first time in his life, Teuchi shook his head and chuckled. Hiro finally left Teuchi's ramen shop and went back home, saying goodbye to Naruto and Teuchi as he walked away.

Naruto followed him secretly and Hiro chuckled walking literally to his house which was like 15 meters away and making Naruto fall over in shock. He was ready for some serious tracking! This damn mysterious Oni!

Hiro walked into his house and closed the door before going to sleep.

The next day

Hiro went to go enroll Isabella in the ninja academy and was helpless at all the fucking paperwork needed to just put in a kid. It was just a school, did he need to write a goddamn book just for her to be accepted?!

Though, he still filled in all the paperwork, looking troubled at the kitchen table as he read the forms carefully and filled them out seriously. Zerotwo saw him and looked at what he was doing, she was in love. His seriousness in everything that had to do with their daughter made her heart beat faster, not only was he strong but he also cared deeply for them.

If this wasn't a man, she didn't know what was.

Needless to say, Hiro was rewarded that night.

The day after

Hiro brought in all the paperwork and paid in gold because he still didn't have any money. The school accepted the gold thankfully and Isabella was accepted into the Ninja Academy. Hiro was omega confused though, how did all this paperwork and paid for Naruto?

He was 100000000000000% sure none of the citizens did it.

He assumed it was Sarutobi, who just said to take Naruto in. Otherwise, how could Naruto even afford to pay for the school.

Speaking of affording things, where the fuck was Naruto getting the money to even live?

Hiro frowned big time, he went to the library and started reading up on the history of Konoha, he spent the day there reading all the books before going back home that night. He learned quite a bit actually. Though, nothing on the Nine Tail attack. Obviously these people were retarded.

He didn't care though, he liked Naruto, he didn't know anybody who actually didn't like him. Though some people thought he was annoying, Hiro thought he was just a kid. Isabella was annoying too. He was probably annoying when he was a kid too.

Hiro decided to take care of Naruto whenever possible. His dad instincts were acting up.

The days passed and Hiro opened up his shop when he made several ninja weapons. He just used normal materials to make them, he would make better weapons later and sell them as exclusives, but he was 100% sure that his goods were the best.

He even put up potions and ninja bags.

He had his grand opening ceremony and Teuchi, Kakashi, Guy, and Naruto were there. He smiled and welcomed them inside, letting them see his stuff. He had Kunai, Swords, Fans, Staves, Shurikens, Giant Shurikens, Daggers, and Sickle Chains.

Kakashi was impressed and bought a Kunai. Hiro celebrated his first customer and gave him the Kunai for free. He also told Guy that he would make weights in the future, making Guy excited. Hiro smiled happily at his little business.

The next day

The little loli went to ninja school with Mittens, Hiro and Zerotwo brought her to school and had a tearful goodbye as they let her off. Zerotwo was emotional and Hiro patted her back with a warm smile as they went back home.

His little girl grew up so fast...

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