
money heist : el profesor

Sergio awoke with a start, his heart racing as he found himself in an unfamiliar place. He was no longer in his cozy hideout, surrounded by maps and plans, but instead lying on a comfortable bed in a lavish penthouse. Confusion clouded his thoughts as he tried to piece together what had just occurred. He sat up, rubbing his temples as he struggled to remember.

blindmice · Televisi
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10 Chs

Chapter 1: Awakening in the Mastermind's Shoes

The distant sound of sirens echoed through the bustling streets of Madrid, a constant reminder of the chaos that was unfolding. Sergio Marquina, known to the world as "The Professor," was a genius mastermind behind the meticulously planned heist on the Royal Mint of Spain and the Bank of Spain. But today, something extraordinary had happened.

Sergio awoke with a start, his heart racing as he found himself in an unfamiliar place. He was no longer in his cozy hideout, surrounded by maps and plans, but instead lying on a comfortable bed in a lavish penthouse. Confusion clouded his thoughts as he tried to piece together what had just occurred. He sat up, rubbing his temples as he struggled to remember.

"Am I dreaming?" he muttered to himself, his voice hoarse from disuse.

The room was modern and sleek, a far cry from his cluttered sanctuary. As he swung his legs over the edge of the bed and stood up, Sergio caught sight of a mirror on the wall. His reflection revealed a stark truth – he was not in his own body.

Staring back at him was Álvaro Morte's face, a face he had seen countless times on screen and in photographs. He was now occupying the body of the actor who portrayed him in the television series "Money Heist."

"This can't be real," he mumbled, pinching his arm in an attempt to wake himself from what he assumed must be a bizarre dream.

But the pinch produced an undeniable sting, confirming that he was, in fact, awake and experiencing an inexplicable reality. He stumbled towards a nearby desk, where he noticed a laptop open to a series of news articles about the heist, all written in Spanish. His proficiency in the language allowed him to quickly read through the headlines – "El Profesor's Audacious Heist," "Bank of Spain Robbery Continues."

Sergio's heart raced as the realization sunk in. He was not in his own world but rather a parallel reality where he inhabited the body of Álvaro Morte. The heist he had meticulously planned was still in motion, but he was no longer the mastermind behind it.

As panic threatened to consume him, Sergio took a deep breath and forced himself to think. He had always prided himself on his ability to adapt and outwit any situation. While he might not have his original resources and crew, he still possessed the knowledge and strategic mindset that had made him "The Professor."

Sergio's eyes landed on a notepad on the desk, and an idea began to form. He picked up a pen and began to jot down notes, outlining a new approach to the heist – one that utilized the skills and talents of his newfound self, Álvaro Morte.

His plan involved becoming an actor playing "The Professor" in a television series. By doing so, he could indirectly influence the public perception of himself, using the show's popularity to distract authorities and manipulate public sentiment. It was a bold and unconventional move, but Sergio knew that his success depended on thinking outside the box.

With the new plan outlined, Sergio – now Álvaro – knew he had to act quickly. He reached for his phone, scrolling through the contacts until he found the number of the show's director. He dialed the number, heart pounding as he awaited an answer.

"Hello?" came the director's voice through the phone.

"Hello," Álvaro replied, adopting a confident tone. "I have some ideas to make the character of 'The Professor' even more compelling..."

And so began Álvaro Morte's unexpected journey as both an actor and a strategic genius, navigating the intricate web of his own creation in a world that was both familiar and foreign. As he delved deeper into the role, he discovered that the lines between reality and fiction were more blurred than he could have ever imagined.