


Luo Yunhai found himself utterly shocked by the turn of events. Although Qin Wentian had showcased impressive power earlier, he had never expected that Qin Wentian would actually defeat his nephew, Luo Qianqiu.

Reflecting on the past, Luo Yunhai couldn't help but think about his older brother, Luo Tianya. He had been an exceptionally talented individual, recognized by the Nine Mystical Palace and subsequently recruited. Acting under the Nine Mystical Palace's decree and following Luo Tianya's instructions, Luo Yunhai had come to the Chu region for the Jun Lin Banquet. His sole mission was to ensure that Luo Qianqiu secured the first place, by any means necessary. Failure was simply not an option.

In the grand scheme of things, everything else faded in significance compared to the success of Luo Qianqiu's mission. If only he had known the true extent of Qin Wentian's martial prowess, he might have taken action earlier, perhaps even disqualifying Qin Wentian when he arrived late. Although he had resorted to some underhanded tactics after Qin Wentian defeated Sikong Mingyue, evidently, it had not been enough.

Who could have predicted that Qin Wentian would undergo an unexpected breakthrough, snatching the number one position away from Luo Qianqiu's grasp?

Deep inside, Luo Yunhai recognized Qin Wentian's exceptional talent and had even considered recruiting him to the Nine Mystical Palace. What a shame that Qin Wentian wasn't interested.

"He did this for glory?" Luo Yunhai couldn't help but ponder as he gazed at the youth standing on the platform. "What a fool." In pursuit of a fleeting moment of glory, Qin Wentian had dared to defy the Nine Mystical Palace's decree?

Such behavior, in Luo Yunhai's eyes, was truly foolish.

The majority of the spectators remained oblivious to Luo Yunhai's thoughts. Only those with influential backgrounds and great power were aware of the reasons behind Luo Yunhai and his group of Nine Mystical Palace disciples' presence at the event.

The rest of the spectators were completely focused on the youth standing on the platform. Their faces lit up with congratulatory smiles. Qin Wentian, a 17-year-old from Sky Harmony City, had achieved an unprecedented victory in the history of the Jun Lin Banquet.

This remarkable youth was none other than Qin Wentian, a member of the Qin Clan. His smile radiated as brightly as the sun. He looked at the delighted academy elders, Mo Qingcheng's triumphant raised fist, the congratulatory glint in Mu Rou's eyes, and Fan Le's ecstatic cheers. It filled him with immense happiness. He didn't seek empty pride or glory; as long as he didn't disappoint those who cared about him, he was content.

And so, he was happy.

However, his happiness came at a price. As he basked in the jubilation, there were others who seethed with discontent.

A surge of intense killing intent suddenly focused on him, originating from the Yuanfu Realm young man on the stage. With another step forward, a deafening rumble shook the platform.

"Hmm?" Amidst the celebration, shock and astonishment spread as Qin Wentian secured the top ranking. The spectators had almost forgotten about the Yuanfu Realm disciple who had appeared earlier.

"The Jun Lin Banquet has already concluded, and it's time to announce the results. What is the meaning of your intrusion onto the platform? Are you intentionally disrespecting Chu's Royal Clan?" a stern voice rang out, expressing the collective confusion of the onlookers.

Old Gu, from the Emperor Star Academy, rose from his seat with a stern expression. He directed a cold remark towards the unfolding scene. All eyes shifted to Chu Tianjiao, seated in the illustrious Azure Dragon Jadeite Seat, but he remained composed, as if the turmoil had no bearing on him.

Chu Tianjiao had no intention of entangling himself in these murky waters. This dispute was primarily between the Emperor Star Academy and the Nine Mystical Palace, and he wanted no part in it.

His thoughts meandered, wondering if the Nine Mystical Palace would still spare Qin Wentian after he defied their orders and snatched the first rank from Luo Qianqiu.

Nobody barred the Yuanfu Realm young man on the platform, and the Royal Clan seemed to pay no heed to the Emperor Star Academy's protests.

"In a battle between fellow sect members, your methods are truly ruthless," the young man sneered at Qin Wentian as he took another stride forward. This time, he clenched his fist, unleashing a formidable energy that surged toward Qin Wentian. Qin Wentian raised his ancient halberd to defend, but the sheer force almost wrenched the weapon from his grasp. The impact was so mighty that it sent Qin Wentian stumbling backward.

Luo Qianqiu and Qin Wentian were indeed from the same academy and could be considered members of the same sect. However, the excuse offered by the Yuanfu disciple was laughable. How had Luo Qianqiu treated Qin Wentian in the past? Now, in defeat, they had the audacity to cite the 'same sect' reason. It was evident that they were merely grasping at straws.

"How audacious!"

"Absolutely ridiculous!"

The spectators voiced their disdain. Old Gu, Mustang, and several other Yuanfu cultivators from the Emperor Star Academy took to the air, soaring toward the towering platform.

However, at this precise moment, another figure materialized on the platform. It was none other than Luo Yunhai.

He stood there with an air of serenity, exuding a towering and formidable pressure that rippled through the skies. Old Gu and the others froze mid-air, their faces draining of color.

"What do you all think this platform signifies at the Jun Lin Banquet?" Luo Yunhai calmly inquired. When that overwhelming pressure burst forth, it rendered the entire space eerily silent. They all felt how stifling this terrifying force was, as though it had the power to subdue them.

"Luo Yunhai," Old Gu retorted with ice in his voice, "if Luo Qianqiu lost, he lost. Is the Nine Mystical Palace planning to stoop so low?"

"Luo Yunhai... his last name is Luo too. Could he be related to Luo Qianqiu?" The onlookers began to silently speculate.

"Don't fret; we're simply helping the Emperor Star Academy discipline a junior. We won't be too harsh on him," Luo Yunhai's voice remained as composed as ever.

Puzzled expressions appeared on the faces of the crowd as they absorbed this unexpected turn of events.

The Jun Lin Banquet had been a Chu tradition for many years, and from the outset, nobody had dared to cause trouble here.

But today, someone was daring to create a disturbance at the banquet?

Moreover, the Chu Royal Clan seemed oblivious to it, showing no intention of intervening. Chu Tianjiao sat calmly in the Emperor Seat, appearing almost indifferent to the turmoil.

"The Nine Mystical Palace."

A few in the crowd had heard of the Nine Mystical Palace before. As realization washed over them, a shiver ran down their spines. So, Luo Qianqiu hailed from there. Did this mean the Jun Lin Banquet had always been a sham from the start?

Previously, there was no trouble because there was no Luo Qianqiu.

But this year was different. The Nine Mystical Palace was determined to ensure Luo Qianqiu became the champion, yet all their schemes had been unraveled by Qin Wentian.

"The top nine ranked participants of the Jun Lin Banquet, come forward," Luo Yunhai continued, undeterred. A moment later, Luo Qianqiu, Sikong Mingyue, Chu Chen, Orchon, and the rest assembled atop the towering platform. Everyone was there except for 2nd Sword, who had been killed, as well as Luo Huan and Gu Xing.

"We, the Nine Mystical Palace, have always closely monitored the Jun Lin Banquet's top talents. Those with sufficient promise receive invitations to join our Nine Mystical Palace for cultivation. Naturally, this year will be no exception," Luo Yunhai declared indifferently, his tone dripping with arrogance. And they indeed had the right to be arrogant within Chu, where they were the puppeteers behind the throne.

In Chu, they were the silent rulers, the power that pulsed beneath the throne.

"Today, I'd like to seize this opportunity to announce that Chu Tianjiao and Xiao Lǜ are both already disciples of the Nine Mystical Palace."

Chu Tianjiao, the Crown Prince of Chu, and Xiao Lǜ, the Crown Prince of Snowcloud, were not only future emperors of their respective realms but also held another significant identity – they were disciples of the Nine Mystical Palace.

"Luo Qianqiu is also a disciple. And today, I extend an invitation to Sikong Mingyue, Chu Chen, Orchon, and Hou Tie. Are you all willing to join the Nine Mystical Palace?" Luo Yunhai didn't acknowledge the crowd's astonishment but continued, extending his invitations to the other distinguished participants.

"I'm willing," Sikong Mingyue concurred with a bow.

"I'm willing," Chu Chen affirmed.

"I'm willing," Orchon chimed in.

"I'm willing," Hou Tie added his consent.

Thunderous agreement reverberated through the air. Not only that, even Chu Tianjiao and Xiao Lǜ left their seats of honor to stand beneath the platform, showing their respect for the Nine Mystical Palace.

"Very well. From today onward, you are welcome to visit the Nine Mystical Palace anytime. Of course, if you wish to spend some years cultivating elsewhere before joining, that is acceptable too. You have the freedom to choose," Luo Yunhai continued with a smile. "This time, we've unearthed many elite talents at the Jun Lin Banquet, which fills me with joy. I hope all of you can cooperate and respect one another. Don't emulate someone so ruthless, even toward fellow sect members."

Luo Yunhai's intentions were clear, and the crowd's gazes shifted to Qin Wentian once more.

The champion, Qin Wentian, hadn't been invited to join the Nine Mystical Palace? He should have been the most dazzling figure, yet it seemed the Nine Mystical Palace intended to humiliate him for going against their decree.

The Nine Mystical Palace had offered him a chance before, but he had rejected it. The Emperor Star Academy's representatives wore grim expressions. They never anticipated that the Nine Mystical Palace would employ such a tactic, using their overwhelming brilliance to overshadow Qin Wentian's radiance.

The Nine Mystical Palace indeed had the qualifications to do so.

Boom! Another deafening sound echoed through the platform as the Yuanfu Realm young man took yet another step toward Qin Wentian.

The Nine Mystical Palace claimed they were merely teaching Qin Wentian a lesson, but to what extent? Did they intend to cripple his cultivation? The experts from the Emperor Star Academy would never accept such an outcome. Ignoring Luo Yunhai, they soared toward the platform, only to find Luo Yunhai ascending into the sky, his peak Yuanfu Realm aura sweeping out, earning the reverence of many.

If the Mo Clan expert or the Emperor Star Academy's principal didn't intervene, there might not be anyone strong enough to stand against Luo Yunhai.

"Is this the power of the Nine Mystical Palace?"

"Mighty, hegemonic, unreasonable."

This was the embodiment of true power. In this world, there were no rights or wrongs, no logic to be found. There existed only power.

"Who dares to meddle in the affairs of the Nine Mystical Palace?" Luo Yunhai's voice thundered, and a heavy silence fell over the stage.

The spectators couldn't help but feel a strange mix of emotions as they looked at Luo Yunhai and then at Qin Wentian.

"Is this all the Nine Mystical Palace stands for?" A voice emerged from the crowd, prompting a path to form among the masses. An elderly man with flowing white hair made his way forward.

Wearing a gentle smile, he looked at the solitary figure standing on the platform.

"Since you've managed to seize the championship of the Jun Lin Banquet, today I shall stand with you as we conquer the world." The old man's serene voice swept through the crowd, a promise that resonated like a soothing breeze on a hot day.

"Today, I shall stand with you as we conquer the world!"