
Monarch of Entertainment

INDEFINITE HIATUS (Read the chapter with the same title to understand why but mostly because I am exhausted due to personal circumstances and want to focus on writing another fanfic idea) At least 2k words per chapter. *** Time:- 1992 Location:- unspecified. *** "Heh, Who would have thought it would just take a single box office hit to stop them from coming after my armour" Tony snickeringly said while he was reading the newspaper in his hands. *Scribble scribble* "Who pissed you off enough to use that notebook." Tony curiously asked a man with blue eyes sitting infront of him. "Some wannabe time traveler." The man with blue eyes said as he wrote 'Nathaniel Richards' including a graphic description on what would happen to him on a black leathered notebook. "Oh, anyways which superhero movie are you planning to release next?" Tony didn't bother and asked what he was actually curious about. "Probably the X-Men, Xavier has been nagging me recently" The man with blue eyes said as he relaxed back into his chair. Before Tony could comment A knock was heard from behind him as a Female voice said "Luke, Odin has sent the list of repairs they had to do because of Goku." Which caused Luke the man with blue eyes to rub his forehead as he muttered "Sigh... Why did I think it would be a good idea to summon him..." *** Anyways hopefully you liked the synopsis, that was a foreshadowing to a future Luke is an OC or self insert. Yes he is a reincarnator. Yes this is a harem but it's more so me trying to wingman him than him being horny, he much rather spend most of his day trying to get rich or explore the other universes. The entire plot of the marvel is fucked, so don't worry about canon stuff, Consider it entirely AU with just the character existing with new background information. Yes there is also a system. Yes He will visit more than one universes after chapter 5. so be warned Anyways join my discord server:- https://discord.com/invite/GqMKJsCUNN, if you wanna.

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19 Chs

Chapter 006: Who's the father of this Rat?


Previous chapter recap:-

Luke's System got upgraded, he can now level up similar to sung Jin woo from solo leveling, He brought a harry potter franchise key, which let's him access a pocket dimension that simulates his improvised version of Harry Potter, the main benefit of this key is, he can gain all cards within that franchise without spending IPs. He unlocks his catalyst there as well.

Chapter 6:-


Time: 9:58pm, 4th of September, 1981, Friday

Location: Luke's Bedroom


Harry, after realizing Luke's circumstances of being an orphan in this pocket dimension and because he already considered Luke a close friend due to their similarities, had asked Minerva if he could stay with them until Hogwarts starts.

Which Minerva didn't mind. As she felt Harry needed some much needed Friendship.

Luke over the course of a month also learned he couldn't fast-forward the time inside the pocket dimension anymore. While he regrets that a bit, overall Luke felt it was a positive as he had more free time he could use to refine his powers.

Luke's most proficient usage of charms and spells were related to physical enchantment as he had specifically categorized different types of catalyst for the purpose of diversifying the world of Harry Potter.

'I might have become the Mash of this world' Luke jokingly thought as he could now pretty much do the Saitama workout without straining himself now.

Eventually It finally came time for them to visit Platform 9 3⁄4 in London's King's Cross Station on September 1st of 1981. Where Luke finally met the Weasleys, especially Ron, who was stocky and tall just as described in the original books.

Afterwards, They also met Hermione inside the train who was also looking for them. Harry and Luke had stayed connected with her via sending mails using Harry's Owl.

When they were sitting together discussing many things, eventually the topic of which house they wanted to be part of.

Ron and Harry were hoping to become Gryffindor, while Hermione was initially hesitant between Slytherin and Ravenclaw.

But after she learned from Ron how cruel Slytherins could be to muggle students due to their blood supremacy nonsense. She decided to hope for Ravenclaw or Gryffindor instead.

When they asked Luke what house he wanted to be in he said he would either pick between Gryffindor or Ravenclaw.

While they were discussing more topics, a distressed Neville arrived trying to search for his frog. The squad pitying him decided to help him find it.

Luke used a simple detection spell which brought them to another compartment where they found Neville's Frog being played around by a trio.

"TREVOR!!" Neville shouted in distress as he saw his poor pet being bullied. Ron noticed a Blonde boy among them as he scowled while muttering "Draco…"

'Hmmm' Luke contemplated after hearing Ron, then decided to silently cast an alert and silent spell over this compartment.

"Well, It seems there is something else we could have fun with, boys" Draco said while letting out a snicker.

"Ah there is also a blood traitor among them…" Draco said when he spotted Ron among them.

Luke, without giving a fuck, immediately casted a spell to turn Draco into a Rat as everyone looked at him with surprise evident in their eyes.

"What? He was distracted…" Luke casually said while Harry and Ron let out a dry chuckle inwardly thinking 'I am never pissing him off…'

Hermione was more curious about the spell he casted but he focused on saying to the duo "So, you guys gonna hand over His Frog or should I turn you into crickets?" The scared duo complied and then just stood there not daring to move in case Luke changed his mind.

"Fantastic…''Luke nodded then continued casually by saying "Now give me half of all your money, Don't try to lie to me I know many painful truth seeking spells and also I know how rich you guys are."

Ron felt enlightened as if he discovered a new Continent. Harry and Hermione felt they might get in trouble but decided to keep quiet since they trusted Luke as friends.

The duo once again immediately Complied, While they could have shouted for help but they didn't want to be turned into crickets and they didn't think of it due to being busy scared shitless.

Afterwards Luke told them to stay put and not to tell anybody about this until their friend turns back to normal in a few hours else they will become mute forever due to another spell.

After Neville thanked them and parted ways, The squad returned back to their Compartment. Ron was the first to speak as he immediately asked "Why didn't you turn them into Crickets either way and take away all of their money?" As Harry and Hermione looked at Ron weirdly.

"Uh, If I did, then it would be suspicious on why that compartment was empty if someone decided to check on them later and I only took half because then they wouldn't be able to tell anyone about it as a robber would have probably taken everything" Luke casually explained as he grabbed a Jerky.

Ron nodded in understanding but Luke cautioned him "Don't try to pull this off unless you are sure there are nobody around, I had casted a detection and silent spell just in case someone was nearby"

Harry then furrowed his brow as he said "This feels wrong…"

"Because it is wrong, but they deserved it. Don't worry I won't do it unless someone tries to mess with me first." Luke answered then said "Besides, I now have extra funds to buy anything I want" while he dangled his Expansion bag for money.

"So what was that spell?" Hermione finally found a moment to ask what she truly wanted to know.

"Uh, a prank spell used by 4th Year students, You will eventually learn it… or just read this book." Luke said as he pulled out a book titled 'The guide to becoming the ultimate prankster'.

"THANKS!" Hermione excitedly said as she grabbed the book, while the spells could be considered unorthodox but she had realized over the weeks that she absolutely loved learning everything related to magic.

Luke shrugged, Ron then introduced Wizard chess to them as they played it in turns to pass time while Hermione was engrossed in reading the many pranking spells.

Eventually after hours, They arrived at the station where they heard a half giant named Hadrid greet Luke with enthusiasm as he said "It's finally nice to meet ya Harry! I would visit ya earlier, but I had to take care of ma farm"

"Uh, He is Harry, My name is actually Luke" Luke said as he grabbed Harry to bring him forth to the giant who greeted nervously "Uhmm Hello?"

"Ah, Ya got the same eyes, My bad" Hadrid said then he looked looked at Harry with his previous excited and happy smile "Hello, Harry, Ya might not remember me, but I met ya when ya were just a tiny baby and look at Cha now! Yer a wizard, Harry!"

Harry then made some small talk with Hadrid then as if Hadrid remembered something he started shouting "Right, then. First years, this way, please! Come on, now, first years, don't be shy. Come on now, hurry up."

They all followed him to boats which could carry 6 different people at the same time. The squad sat together as they followed closely behind Hadrid's Larger boat.

"Woah… so that's Hogwarts… it's beautiful" Harry muttered as he along with the others looked at the Majestic Castle in the distance.

Soon they were welcomed by Minerva who took them to the dining hall, where Dumbledore stood up and welcomed them.

"Welcome to Hogwarts! School of Witchcraft and Wizardry" Dumbledore said with a smile then he continued after a pause "To some it's a place to learn about magic. To others it's a door to a new world they never knew! But for most who have been here, this is their home away from home. Either way, I hope you can have lasting fond memories here."

After that, Dumbledore brought forth the Sorting hat and placed it on an empty stool, and soon began to recite a song.

"One thousand years ago this story starts" The hat continued"There were four sorcerers with strong and kind hearts…"

'Thankfully I didn't write the whole song in my graphic novel…' Luke thought as he heard this long and tedious song. 'I will probably ask some music producer in the future to revise it….'

Then the sorting part began. Minerva started calling the names of each student, Each student took a different amount of time to be sorted, the longest was Harry, who unsurprisingly went to Gryffindor.

After a few more names, It was Hermione's turn, who as Luke had written his improvised version had gotten into Ravenclaw. Mostly due to him making the Sorting hat more balanced and because he felt her true potential would be shown in that house.

Then after many more names finally came Luke's turn, He casually walked forward under the curious gazes of everyone then sat down.

Just as the hat was on his head, It said out loud "Interesting… It's been a long time since a first year student had learned Occlumency before arriving here…" which caused murmurs to be heard all over the hall.

'<I am not letting you inside my head to protect you.>' Luke telepathically said to the hat who replied telepathy '<I sense no lies in your words thus I shall trust you on this…. But be aware of the ever suspicious headmaster. He will probably nag me after this… hohoho>'

'<Yeah I know… Anyways will pick Ravenclaw, both to keep Hermione company and because of my destiny in this world.>' Luke casually answered back.

The hat replied by saying '<Oh truly interesting… I await to hear what greatness you shall achieve… but be warned. Never and mean it as a way protect you. bring the destruction of Hogwarts students within while are here…>'

'< Uh huh… that slacker is probably taking a nap right now, He stopped caring after baldymort broke his trust.>' Luke said uncaringly as the hat appeared surprised but before it could ask Luke said '<Anyways Announce my House, I am hungry>'

'<Sigh, Very well>' The hat muttered as he shouted "RAVENCLAW!!"

'<Thanks… Oh by the way… your body is still in that castle just hidden deeper…>' Luke said as a gesture of thanks even though he himself made this plot point in the first place.

Luke walked and sat next to a happy Hermione who said "I am glad at least someone I know is here." Luke smiled back. They talked some as the sorting ceremony continued, eventually Ron also got into Gryffindor.

Then the feast began after the last student who got sorted.


Time: 9:40 am, 5th of September, 1981, Saturday

Location:- Spencer household's backyard


"There, now you can use Magic." Luke said to Emma who just woke up after her body reconstructed due to the M-Gene.

Emma stared at Luke for a few seconds as she uncertainty asked "Uhm, am I supposed to be able to feel your emotions?".

"Not unless you casted a spell for it. Hmm perhaps it's your own unique power?" Luke asked but inwardly he was thinking 'Hmm, Either her X-gene awakened or this is the prelude to that… which means I need to prepare myself for Xavier even more.'

Afterwards they tried many tests and eventually concluded it was her own power. But her power was very weak, she could only detect the emotions if the other person was within 3 meters to her and it was very jumbled.

'Yeah it's probably the latter, as I remember her being a pretty powerful Meta' Luke Inwardly thought.

Soon Tony also came there with groggy eyes, as he got tired due to researching about the T-800 named Travis Luke had summoned.

"How come you suddenly got so better at casting these spells?" Tony accusingly looked at Luke who was fluently using 'Wingardium Leviosa' against a bigger boulder.

"A lot of Talent and some dashes of hard work Unlike a certain muggleborn." Luke said as he tried to make a Draco Malfoy expression. That caused Tony to cast a water spell at Luke who casually dodged as he said "Skill issue."

Emma let out a chuckle looking at Their interaction as she inwardly thought 'Is this how it feels to have actual friends…?'

It's been 9 months since they became close friends and she gradually became more comfortable around them. She felt deeply touched when Luke had started trusting her enough to tell her about him being able to grant powers to others.

Emma looked at Luke and Tony messing around by shooting water spells at each other as she fondly thought 'I wish this never end-' yet before she could finish a water spell landed on her.

"It was Luke!" Tony shamelessly put the blame on Luke yet Emma didn't fall for it, as she started conjuring a large water spell while showing a not so kind smile while she muttered "This was my favorite dress you know…"

"I think I am in danger…" Tony suddenly felt a foreboding as He tried to escape by running yet alas Emma's spells seem to be faster when she is angry.

"LUKE SAVE M-YOU BASTA–" Tony looked towards Luke to ask for help yet Only saw Luke munching on a hamburger while giving a thumbs up. That slowed him down enough for the attack to land.


Word count:- 2284

Author's section:-

Ah nothing better than rushing to write a chapter today because of my own laziness yesterday.

Anyways, I realized while writing this, that there is nothing much to do in the marvel side of things until October, And he can finish the first year of Hogwarts within September as He spends around 12 days everyday when he goes to inside the pocket dimension

Like 9 hours of sleep in his reality = 12ish days inside the pocket dimension, if that makes sense.

I am thinking of finishing the first year of Harry Potter within a few chapters since there are also not many interesting things that happen in the first year.

Now is the time to decide certain things.

First, Should he publish Dragon ball? He can still get all the shounin stories by purchasing the IPs. The only benefits he could get is gaining access to all that early and making an improvised version of it.

Second, What franchise key should he buy next?

As a reminder:- Franchise Keys as default costs 10 million IPs+ the ranking of that franchise, Thus the Harry Potter franchise cost 12.5m due to it being an S rank pocket dimension after he made all the power scaling changes.

You can check the auxiliary chapter called 'Basic explanations' if you want to read more about the rankings and system in general. Since you have read until this chapter.

The options are Terminator,Ninja Turtles. That time I got reincarnated as a slime (Slife for short), Transformers, Nanatsu no Taizi (Seven deadly sins), The last three can only happen next year I.e 1982, when he focused on drawing and publishing them.

Also, I will probably upload a chapter on Sunday, Else the schedule will get screwed up if I pick Saturday, But it depends on if I can finish writing a chapter before Saturday without being lazy, which would be hard since it's the weekends.

Either way, Thank you for reading this chapter, If you liked my fanfic, consider donating some power stones :)