
monarch of chaos

Sovereignty over chaos, it's the total control of chaos. Tian Loong is the boy who one day met a miracle that changed the course of his entire life that would make him rule the entire world.

Khaled_Mohammed_3541 · Fantasi
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10 Chs

Ling plant

It had been days since Emperor Luanlong was summoned, and no news of him had been heard.

This was something that worried Lin Xiao so much.

"It's been a long time since Wan-ji and no news about him recently, I hope he is safe."

"Don't worry, Mom, Dad will surely be fine, there are very few who can threaten Dad."

"you are right."

Tian Long reassured his mother who was very nervous and anxious, but inside, he was also worried about his father.

(Hmmm, my father was so late, it is impossible for him to be so late for a summons from the emperor,

There are certainly things that happen behind the scenes that we don't know about.)

While Tian Long was thinking about why his father was so late, he was interrupted by a knock on the room door.

"Madam, young master, a messenger has come by order of the emperor and has left a letter preserved,

He told me to give it to you and then he left."

Lin Xiao grew anxious after hearing the maid's words

(A message came from the emperor, this does not bode well.)

Lin Xiao thought for a bit and then replied to the maid.

"Go in." After hearing Lin Xiao's words, the maid opened the door and then bowed to Lin Xiao and Tian Long,

"Greetings, madam, greetings, young master. Here, madam, this is the message."

"Okay, you can leave now." Lin Xiao took the message and then kicked the maid out of the room.

The maid bowed and then left the room to leave Tian Long and his mother alone.

"Okay, mom, open the letter and let's see what the emperor wants."

"Okay, son." Lin Xiao replied to Tian Long and then opened the message

Then I started reading it out loud.

"My dear Lin, Benny Tian. I will be away from home for the next period and I don't know when I will be back,

The emperor commanded me to go and defend the borders of the empire against the attack and invasion of the barbarians,

I know I promised you I'd come home quickly, but that's an order of the emperor and no

I can disobey his orders. I promise you this time I'll be back soon after defending the frontier

empire. You also have to be careful in the upcoming period."

Lin Xiao finished reading the message and remained silent for a while before Tian Long's voice interrupted her.

"Hmm…, this is not that easy. There are important things going on in the empire."

Lin Xiao looked at Tian Long, worrying still. "I think your words are true, so order to summon your father and send him to the border, and to conclude his letter by being careful.

There are definitely things going on behind the scenes."

Tian Long nodded in agreement with his mother's words and then sighed.

"Hey, there's no trick, we have to be careful and don't think about it too much,

Thinking too much will not help us."

"That's right." Lin Xiao nodded at Tian Long's words and stopped thinking.

"Okay, it's time for dinner, let's go eat." Lin Xiao looked at Tian Long

Then I left the room and they went to eat.


The next morning, Tian Long decided to go out shopping.

Tian Long took two maids with him and then left.

"Young master, is there something specific you are looking for today."

Maid Tian Long asked respectfully.

"Mm, not really. We're going to check out some medicinal plants."

Tian Long replied to her indifferently. Of course it wasn't Tian Long's only purpose

He is looking at medicinal plants, but rather getting some information about the empire

this period of time. The best place to get information is the market.

Tian Long has been searching for valuable plants in stores and collecting information,

Until he came across two figures speaking in a low but audible voice.

"Have you heard this news recently?"

"No news, I haven't heard of anything special lately."

"What are you kidding! Didn't you hear about the appearance of the Ling plant in the Winglan Forest?"

"Ling's plant? What is the purpose of this plant?"

"Man, have you been living under a rock so you don't know the significance of the Ling plant.

It is considered a divine plant among all plants, as it can cure the disease of obstruction of the meridians,

Not only that but also strengthening it and making it bigger, you sure know

An increase in the size and strength of the meridians means an increase in the amount of energy that

You run in it and a person's strength increases remarkably."

"Oh my God, it really is a divine plant without a doubt, but wouldn't making a pill of it require an expert alchemist to do it?"

"You are right, he must be a two-star alchemist to be able to make a pill from this plant."

"Ah, if I had this plant and I sold it. I would have made a fortune that would suffice me for a lifetime."

"You're definitely dreaming, aren't you. Didn't you hear me well? A ling plant appeared in the Winglan Forest."

The man shivered slightly after hearing the word Winglan Forest once more.

It was because Winglan Forest was considered a forbidden place for ordinary cultivators.

Everyone who entered the Winglan Forest under the cultivation of the middle stage of the Earth Realm had never returned alive,

Even late stage cultivators get a lot of fatal injuries at times, but if you want to

To be safe in Winglan Forest, you must reach the Heaven Realm and be extremely careful

So that you can get in and out alive."

"I forgot about this forest, it seems we can't get any use out of it."

Tian Long heard these two men talking and was shocked by what he heard, he knows his Ling plant better than anyone,

It was because Tian Long spent most of his time studying since he couldn't cultivate, but even though he searched a lot for

The whereabouts of Ling's plant could not be found. The Ling Plant was considered a cavalry plant that did not exist in the Desolate Continent at all.

(This is a great opportunity for me, I should take it, but things don't seem so simple, why did the Ling plant appear

At this time and is this news true or is it just useless rumors, I have to go deeper and research

More in Ling's wort news.)

Tian Long thought what he would do, and after he arranged his thoughts, he ordered the two maids to follow him and go home.