
Start Of The Main Story

-Time Skip Eleven Years-


Since I had gained my abilities, I had been training them at every given chance to strengthen them as much as possible.

My Moku Moku no Mi was at a level where I could instinctively turn into smoke if I felt any form of a threat around me. I could also produce an endless amount of smoke and control its density and form. There was no range to which it could not extend and my control over it did not weaken depending on range. I was also able to sense things with my smoke even if it was far away from me. This allowed me to have a sixth sense when using it. These were not the only things I could do with it though as I had developed offensive abilities as well. These were things like blasting condensed smoke towards something to cause major damage, or to encase something in smoke and trap it. Obviously these were not the only techniques I could use but there are too many to list.

My Nikyu Nikyu no Mi could launch things at insanely high speeds to any location I wanted by just touching them. However, I could also launch myself by propelling myself which would not cause damage to me and would seem like teleportation to others. Attacks could be deflected with my paws and would cause no damage to me. I learnt how to repel the air around me and send it out as a pressure cannon to wherever I wanted. I was able to do this in fast succession with weaker, but still powerful, attacks or I could charge it up and create my most devastating attack. This involved making a giant bubble of air and compressing it down until it fit in my hand, I would then fire it towards my target and it would cause mass destruction.

The Gomu Gomu no Mi did not have much offensive power, this led me to train my control over it and the speed at which I could stretch my body parts out and then retract them. This allowed me to very quickly manipulate my body for any scenario and use it to my advantage. I could also increase the speed and power in my attacks with my body by changing the form and density of any part of myself.

I had trained my Moku Moku no Mi, Nikyu Nikyu no Mi and Gomu Gomu no Mi to work together in battle scenarios. They fit well as the Nikyu Nikyu no mi could transport me to wherever I wanted. My Gomu Gomu no Mi would allow me to bounce off of whatever surface I hit and into the direction of an enemy at speeds they would not even be able to comprehend. Then finally, I would use my Moku Moku no Mi to turn into smoke right before I hit them and phase through their body. After I was behind them, I could use any number of means to incapacitate the enemy.

My parents had inevitably found out about my other abilities but summed it as me discovering different aspects of my quirk. I had to register the at the hospital but i gave the most underwhelming explanation and demonstration possible.

Seeing as the name for my 'quirk' didn't really make sense anymore, I had to rename it. I could not think of a suitable name that encompassed the three abilities so I chose to call it DLFT (First and last letters of both Devil and Fruit). On my file, it had three subsections for my ability but it was recognised as a single overall 'quirk'.

I had not only been training my quirks though as I knew how important training my body was. Instead of going the normal route of training in just martial arts and my overall body, I chose a more specific path. This was the path of flexibility. Even with the unlimited stretchiness of my body, it would be useless if I could not utilise it well.

The training of my body was done by taking up lessons in multiple sports.

Capoeira: to learn how to utilise all parts of my body in a fight and increase the fluidity in my movement.

Break Dancing: to increase the coordination in my movements and to add some style to my physical attacks.

Gymnastics: to increase both my strength and endurance along with movement techniques for different environments.

Ballet: to increase my balance and footwork.

Weight Training and Cardio: To increase general physical strength and well being.

This had led me to have an incredibly healthy body that was not too muscular but also not too thin. However, my muscles were very compact and held more power than what their appearance would suggest.

My appearance had not really altered that much over the years apart from my height becoming five foot eleven and my face maturing. I chose not to cut my hair which had made it very long, it ended at around the middle of my back. This might seem like a hindrance to fighting, but I had never really seen it as an issue.

I was fifteen and the UA entrance exam just so happened to be on my birthday. I had applied for the test a few months before and was accepted to take it. This meant as soon as I woke up, I started making my way there.

Being a Hero was not the sort of thing I would have wanted to do in the past. However, I realised that I could become rich and get famous and didn't have to be some sort of symbol of peace. I had no doubts about being able to become the number one Hero in not just Japan but also the world.

As I was thinking this, my train stopped. It was the station closest to UA which meant I could just run over there quickly.

When I arrived, there were a lot of other people around my age of varying appearance. They were all technically my opponents for this exam.

We were all taken into a massive hall with seats and tables for each of us and tests on each of them.

I sat down in my seat that was the third chair back in row H. I looked around me and spotted most of the people who would be classed as main or side characters.

-Time Skip One Hour and Thirty Minutes-

The test was not too hard, and I knew I would either get full or at least close to full marks.

After the written test was done, we were informed of the next test we would have.

The physical test where we would have to destroy robots and gain points.