After being killed in an accident, a young man finds himself on a stage with an over the top game show host claiming to be able to give him another chance at life by taking part in his games. This is the story of his reincarnation. *MHA world with some abilities from one piece. Smoke-Smoke Fruit, Paw-Paw Fruit, Gum-Gum Fruit. * -if anyone that likes this can leave a review so I can get a rating and more exposure it would really help me out. Peace out dudes-
I was confident that I would be the best in this test and had a clearly excited expression on my face. The test would only last ten minutes but that was more than enough time to get enough points to pass with flying colours.
While waiting outside the large entrance to the testing ground, I scanned the area for who was in my arena.
While I was doing this, I felt a tap on my shoulder, "Hey, your hair is almost the same colour as mine."
I turned around to see who it was despite already having a pretty good idea. Seeing that I was correct, and it was Mina Ashido I responded, "I guess it is huh. My name's Espen Algar. Nice to meet you."
She looked a bit surprised but replied nonetheless replied, "I'm Mina Ashido, I hope you don't mind me saying but I thought you were a girl from behind."
This was an average occurrence for me, so I wasn't too surprised, "I get that a lot. Don't worry about it, I probably would have thought the same thing if I was in your position. How confident are you about this test?"
"I know it's going to go well, how about you?"
As usual, I acted like I was more average than I really was, "Should be alright, I guess. What type of quirk have you got to be so confident?" I asked her this despite already knowing.
Enthusiastically, she smiled and said, "I can produce acid, what's your quirk?"
"I'm rubber." I could have elaborated, but it was much more fun for me this way.
Despite my incredibly underwhelming explanation, Mina was still beaming. She was about to reply, but the doors started opening and present mic's voice boomed telling us that the test had begun.
Mina turned to try and wish me luck, but I was already gone.
The moment that the doors opened I had launched myself through them and I was instantly in the arena.
I spotted a two-point robot and extended my leg and while still in the air I kicked right through it. I retracted my leg and bounced off a building into the air.
While above the arena, I shot off some pressure cannons and took down around fifteen robots worth varying amounts of points. I landed on top of one of the buildings and used my Moku Moku no Mi to spread smoke throughout the entire test ground. This made it so nobody below the clouds of smoke could see properly while I could sense the location of the robots.
I encased the robots in smoke that I increased the density of and gradually crushed them until they were destroyed.
While my smoke was doing this, I also manually propelled myself through the arena destroying any robots I came across.
Before I had realised it there was only one minute left of the test and the robot worth zero points emerged. It was larger than any of the buildings in the arena and all of the participants of the exam ran from it.
I stood on top of the highest building and created a giant air bubble. I slowly condensed it until it was even smaller than my palm and shot it out towards the giant robot.
As soon as my attack made contact with its target, the robot was torn to shreds and exploded. However, it was not just the robot that got destroyed as everything behind it was absolutely decimated as well.
Everyone in the same arena stared at the destruction in awe. They weren't the only ones though. In the room where the teachers were watching the tests from, they were all in shock from the skill and power demonstrated by the participant with such an average seeming quirk.
*Teacher's Spectator Room*
Nezu, the principal, who was a small white creature that looked like a mixture between a dog, mouse and bear was thinking deeply and then searched the participant's name in the quirk database.
After analysing the data for around thirty seconds, he instantly realised that the descriptions of the quirk were definitely not up to date.
While Nezu was doing this, All Might was thinking to himself about how Midoriya would have a lot more competition than he had expected.
After destroying the zero pointer, the time was up, and the top ten places were projected into the sky.
1: Espen Algar: Villain Points: 247 Hero Points: 65
2: Bakugou Katsuki: Villain Points: 77 Hero Points: 0
3: Kirishima Eijiro: Villain Points: 39 Hero Points: 35
4: Uraraka Ochaco: Villain Points: 28 Hero Points: 45
5: Shiozaki Ibara: Villain Points: 36 Hero Points: 32
6: Kendo Itsuka: Villain Points: 25 Hero Points: 40
7: Tenya Iida: Villain Points: 52 Hero Points: 9
8: Izuku Midoriya: Villain Points: 0 Hero Points: 60
9: Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu: Villain Points: 49 Hero Points: 10
10: Yosetsu Awase: Villain Points: 50 Hero Points: 6
After taking a look at the scores, everyone was baffled at the immense point difference between the first and second place.
They attempted to find me to see who it was that had gotten the highest score in the history of the UA entrance exams. Mina also wanted to find me as she was going to complain about how much I undersold my abilities to her.
However, I was already walking through my house's door without a care in the world.
"Hey guys, I'm back."
My mother was the first to respond, "You're back, how did it go?"
"It was alright, nothing special."
My father seemed unconvinced, "You sure about that? You have a tendency to make big deals seem like nothing."
"I got first place in the physical part of the examination. Like I said, nothing special."
My parents would have been shocked had they not known that it was the likely outcome.
After some food and drinks with my parents, I decided that I had done enough celebrating and went to sleep.
Now all I had to do was wait a few weeks for my acceptance letter to UA.