
Modern Monster

"Everyone's a monster. Some just show it less than others." A small meteor struck the earth close to central Europe in the late 1800s. No one knows how or why it happened, but shortly after, monsters started appearing in the populace, ravaging and eating humans alive. However, the appearance of monsters was merely the tipping point that changed society forever. Along with the phenomenon, humans started to change, causing their senses to heighten. Almost as if it were a superpower. From then on, humans began cultivating their new-found powers, but counterintuitively, the dangers of monsters kept increasing along with the phenomenon. Far into the future, the story follows Sen, a white and black-haired 16-year-old boy. He was smart, blunt, and concise, acting on critical thinking rather than emotions. However, not everything came naturally to him, like his genius brain. He was deprived of a necessary power the rest of the world welded... A Super Sense. Regardless of his disability, he was determined to find someone, someone who had been taken from him all too soon. Along his journey with twists and turns, he uncovers deep-rooted secrets that were better kept sealed while realizing the future that would inevitably come. Or are the future, past, and present all connected?

SenTheSenseless · Fantasi
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56 Chs

Chapter 45– The White Storm's Truth

Asashi furiously walked through the dimly lit corridor, his face twisting in anger and puzzlement as Zizu attempted to catch up to him. He had left the security room without a single explanation, heading to the Whitestorm's office that was stationed in another castle.

Like the lounging quarters, he entered a long, sunlit tube/passageway that connected to another building. The new castle was mostly utilized as an office and living quarters, standing at a reasonable ten stories. Gorgeous medieval architecture was the main emphasis, similar to the rest of the buildings but a bit more luxurious. It wasn't an apartment for students, either. Most occupants were high-ranking Knights or indispensable employees like Zizu; even Asashi had his own office there.

Facing two Knights who guarded the entrance, they gave him a respectful nod before allowing him into the castle, the large Sense-proof door creaking as it opened.

"W-wait for me!" Zizu wheezed from behind. He grudgingly waited for her, his hands crossed and his dress shoes tapping impatiently on the marble floor. 

"Jesus, why are you in such a rush?" she panted beside him, crouching to catch her breath.

He massaged his eyes, unsure if he could explain half of what he desired to say. He wanted to lash out on impulse but restrained himself upon recognizing it wasn't really her fault to begin with.

That's right. I had never told her about Sen and my relationship with that family before. I can't blame her for not telling me. Asashi kept his thoughts to himself, especially anything involving that family. The only people who were even aware of his caution were his wife and Jen.

"It's a personal issue," Asashi said, walking away into another corridor. On the right, windows let in sunlight, while on the left, numbered doors stretched along before sharply turning left.

"Bullshit, you talk about your experiences in war, but not this?" she scowled, then mimicked Asashi's tone, "TEAM SEN? TEAM SEN? What was that all about?" 

"You really are pushy," he remarked, seeing a public elevator come into sight along with stairs going down and up. "We need to take the private elevator that's in the lobby; this public one won't take us to Mr. Storm's office. Let's go down the stairs."

"Yes, I'm aware of that," Zizu deadpanned. "I'm his assistant. Do you think I haven't been there? Why are you even going there to begin with?" Asashi rolled his eyes as he trotted down a spiral of marble stairs. The truth was he hadn't forgotten Zizu was his assistant, but rather, he attempted to switch subjects to no avail.

It didn't take long before the spiral stairs eventually ended with a door. Upon unlocking it, the front lobby of the castle greeted Asashi after exiting the 'staff only' access. A gorgeous waterfall with a wishing well displayed behind the front reception desk.

It felt akin to a very expensive apartment or hotel lobby, gold and pear-white being the preferred color palette, which only alleviated its prestigious appearance. Tapestries hung on the walls, depicting the first-ever Knights who came into existence in the early 800s, way before humans even developed Super Senses to begin with.

To match that, statues of stoic knights stood alongside the front desk, towering menacingly over the employee, as two massive staircases on both sides arched upwards to a second level. There, employees and high-ranking Knights had access to a luxurious buffet. And straight ahead of him, two elevators were visible. One was listed as Public, and the other as private.

Only a few individuals registered in the system would be able to enter because artificial intelligence would monitor those who sought access to the private elevator. 

"Ay Ay, Mr. Asashi!" the front desk employee saluted, his two fingers drawn to his brow, a customary salute for modern-day Knights. Asashi gave a salute in return, even though it was unnecessary because the receptionist wasn't a Knight to begin with.

Just by looking at the young, bulky, brown-haired, and blue-eyed man, Asashi could tell he respected Knights by the burning passion in his eyes. The poor guy looked like a kid who met their hero.

Asashi debated if he should give him a response since he had places to be, and fast, but finally gave in, realizing it was only polite. He didn't want to be labeled as a douchebag who acted above everyone.

"Loid, hope you're well," Asashi nodded.

"N-no way. I can't believe you remembered my name," Loid's eyes sparkled emotionally, almost at the verge of tears.

Asashi decided not to say that he had a tag with his name on it. "Um yes, of course, I wouldn't forget you. You're always hard at work," Asashi lied as Zizu snorted. He scowled, making her regain her composure and adjust her glasses.

"T-thank you, that means the world to me," Loid's voice cracked, giving another salute.

"Uh, no need for that, really…" Asashi sighed.

"Where to today?"

"The White Storm's office, I have an important meeting to attend to," Asashi truthfully answered. But that answer just seemed to ruin the kid's mood. Maybe Loid wanted to use this rare opportunity to chat with a high-ranking Knight, and it almost made Asashi feel sorry, but he had priorities. He could always chat later–

"I see…" Loid lowered his gaze, putting on a fake smile, although Asashi could tell the energy was sucked right out of him. "Sorry, I won't hold you up."

The more he looked at the boy's depressing expression, the more he caved. Asashi sighed.

Fine, I'll make this quick. You might have a few more minutes in the challenge, Sen, but I'll throw you out if it's the last thing I do. You're dangerous. He clenched his fist.

"No need to apologize," Asahi composed his anger and forced a smile. "Shouldn't you be participating in the exams? I can tell how passionate you are about Knights."

"Oh, no, no.. I…" Loid stammered as he waved his hands, a shadow falling on his eyes. "It's not possible for me to be a Knight. I'm far too weak."

That's the right call; don't go down this path, is what Asashi truly wanted to say, but he bit his tongue to prevent it. After all, not everyone would experience what he had been through. WWIII was devastating, cutting a deep and painful wound in a whole generation that had yet to be healed. But now, a new generation has been raised, one not tainted by the sins of the past. There won't be another one anytime soon. Asashi truly hoped so. He didn't want his daughter to live through the same hell he did.

"How so?" Asashi asked. "You don't look weak to me."

"I…I have Taste as my Sense," Loid admitted, his fists clenched. Now Asashi understood the young man's burden. Due to the lack of actual usability, many people with weaker senses like Taste or Smell were ostracized and bullied. It almost reminded him of a certain white and black-haired boy.

"That's no reason to give up," Asashi stated, as Loid gradually met his resolved gaze. "We all have Sense Energy within us; it's just what we do with it that truly defines our strength." He rested his hand on the young man's shoulder.

"Touch, Hearing, Sight, they all don't matter if you can't protect those less fortunate than you. Don't focus on what you can't do, focus on what you can. In fact, many people with Taste and Smell have entered the academy and have become successful Knights, it's not impossible. You might lack the physical abilities that others have, but there are many Sense weapons that you could master to save lives. Don't let this small hiccup stop you from attaining your dream, if you truly want it."

Loid only managed to gawk at him, admiration shining like a dazzling star in his eyes. "Y-Yes sir!" He saluted, his cheeks turning slightly red.

"Good man," Asashi chuckled, "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a meeting." Before walking towards the elevator, Loid exclaimed behind him.

"Thank you, Mr. Asashi!"

With an amused murmur, he raised his hand and waved without looking back. Zizu didn't utter a single word about the conversation until they were finally accepted by the AI camera and marched inside the Private Elevator. Soft jazz started playing in the fancy metallic room as they moved upwards. He could tell she was looking at him with her peripheral vision.

"What?" Asashi broke the silence.

"Nothing," Zizu giggled. He didn't like that smirk on her face. "It's just…" Zizu fumbled her words, reluctant to say what was on her mind.

"Spit it out alrea–"

"You're a kind person," she murmured.

He exhaled after a long pause. "You may see me as a kind person, but the enemy's children see me as a monster." The elevator abruptly opened on the tenth floor to another hotel-like hallway with different doors.

"Aren't you a little old to be in the edgy teenager phase?" Zizu joked, stepping out of the elevator and walking to the door at the very end of the corridor.

"Maybe," Asashi mused at the lighthearted joke. Facing a door that had The WhiteStorm embossed on it, he knocked.

No answer…

"He's in the monitor room, so he probably won't hear us–" Zizu's words were instantly cut off as the door opened.

A tall man with long black hair appeared before them. He was wearing a baggy hoodie that covered the top of his head and a blank white mask hiding his features. An aura of pure power radiated from him, leaving them both motionless and fearful. This was exactly why Asashi hated talking with Mr. Storm. His name was more literal than one thought; he really gave him shivers.

"Jesus, you really thought I couldn't hear you guys yapping away in the hallway? I don't even need to use one of my senses to hear that." Despite his intense aura, the mystery man remained as nonchalant as always. "Aight, come on in and chillax. Don't mind the mess, though," he yawned, opening the door to reveal his office. Before Asashi could take notice of his surroundings, something else caught his eye.

"Uh…" He stared downwards at Mr. Storm, "Why aren't you wearing any pants?"

The masked man followed his gaze, looking at his flannel underwear, and shrugged.

"I don't know. I just felt like it. Ya know, once you're the strongest, you kinda stop caring about what people think of you, hahaha," he laughed. Zizu raised her tablet to cover her face, too embarrassed to look. "Oh, don't act like you haven't seen me in my underwear before Zizu,"

"Huh? Wha, I–" Zizu's face turned red as a rose as she stammered out an incoherent response.

Asashi massaged his eyes. "Seriously how old are you? A teenager or something?" He was like this every goddamn time he had a meeting with him. It irked Asashi that a person this powerful was this retarded.

"Ah, I don't know. l stopped counting after I reached the thousands," he joked. "Just kidding, of course. I think I'm what?" Mr. Storm put a finger on his mask in thought, "Wait, sixteen minus four, which is twelve, now add thirty—oh, forty-two." Asashi blinked.

The math made absolutely no sense, but then again, nothing about this man made sense. The most surprising thing was the fact that Mr. Storm was one year older than Asashi. He couldn't frankly believe it.

"Take a seat, my dear guests!" the masked man said fruitfully in a high-pitched voice. The office was nothing to awe over, but it was still impressive. Many large arched windows were situated throughout the square room, displaying a great view of the large fields and the silhouette of the skyscrapers miles away. A fancy wooden desk with two monitors and an expensive chair sat in front of the beautiful sight, facing the front door, while scattered documents and soda cans covered the floors wherever he stepped foot.

"He really needs to clean this place," Asashi muttered under his breath. But not unpredictably, Mr. Storm heard that from a mile away.

"A clean environment means you're not working, but a dirty one means you are!" he retorted. I hate that he has hearing, too. He always chose to ignore that Mr. Storm had all five senses, although it wasn't fully public knowledge and was just a rumor.

It wasn't because he was jealous in any way, either, but mostly because of how Mr. Storm had attained his powers. It also happened to be the same exact reason why he had so much caution for Sen.

"Sooo," Mr. Storm started, sitting down on his chair with his sockless feet up on the desk, "what can I help you with today? Or should I say what I can't help you with today?" he cackled at his own joke.

Asashi's forehead popped out as he took a seat on an empty chair, his features firm and uneasy. "This is urgent, and it requires immediate attention."

"Well, it's sure not immediate because you're taking your sweet time saying what the actual problem is," Zizu frowned.

"Because you wouldn't get it."

"Um, excuse me? Is that an insult or…"

Asashi shook his head. "No, it's not. It's something that only Mr. Storm and a few others are aware of."

"Well why the hell did you say it like that?" Zizu puffed.

"Don't take offense to that, I was just sa–"

"Oh, this is because of Sen Ano, isn't it?"

… He froze at Mr Storm's words. "What?" Asashi blinked. "I–I mean, yeah, it is, but how did you know?" If he had known all along then, why had he not stepped in?

"Yeah, I saw him in the security cameras a little while ago. Zizu even helped me confirm it, too," he yawned under his mask. Asashi officially realized he must be going insane.

"B-but then you must know we need to throw him out!?" he stood up from his chair and faced the masked man with a raised voice. Mr. Storm started picking at his toenails.

"Nah, but that'd be no fun, man." He gritted his teeth. "With all due respect sir, but that's irrelevant. You must know the dangers if he–"

"If he… what? That's just an anecdotal prediction. Nothing's going to happen. He was a failed Vessel a long time ago."

"It doesn't matter," Asashi growled. "Yami was a madman. Who even knows what the failed Vessels are capable of?"

"Sadly, It's not like we have too much to go off of," his voice turned sour as if remembering disturbing memories. He grimaced.

"Yeah, but–"

"Um, sorry to disturb you," Zizu raised her hand, "but what in the world are you guys talking about?" They both sighed in response as their conversation was suddenly derailed.

Mr. Storm took off his feet and grew serious. "Zizu, you've heard of the White Tiger Monster, no?"

Adjusting her glasses unconsciously, she replied, "I've heard about it. Isn't that the Apex Monster that was discovered after the world war? The one that's said to have control over all monsters?"

"Almost all monsters. It never achieved that goal," Asashi chimed in. "You see, the Monster's unexplained ability was to drain energy from its opponents when they feared it, and in return, it grew stronger. But in the end, it never had enough power to fully control every monster, the whole population would need to be sucked dry in order for that to happen."

"Ha! Suck dry… funny." Mr. Storm laughed. Asashi decided to ignore his immature comment.

"Ahem, not to mention the White Tiger was a gifted monster, too, controlling all five Senses." Zizu turned pale as a radish. "T-that…. cant be true. How can a monster even be that strong? That sounds like something out of a fairytale."

"Oh, trust me, it truly possesses those powers," Mr. Storm confirmed. "In fact, I got my powers from that monster."

"I still find it hard to believe it, though, a monster being able to– wait, what did you just…?" Zizu didn't seem to process what the masked man had said. "IM SORRY WHAT?" she dropped her tablet on the ground, the screen glitching as it cracked down the middle.

"Oh boy, you didn't tell her did you?" Asashi was a bit surprised, knowing how much he blabbered about nonsense. No secrets were safe around him.

"Huh? I thought you knew already?" Mr. Storm extended his disgusting feet on the desk again, sighing. "Well, I'm not really lying. I did get all my powers from that monster."

"I'm sorry, but you can't just say that and expect me to agree. What the hell is going on!" Zizu's frustration was evident.

Mr. Storm grumbled rebelliously, "Fine, fine, geez, women are so complicated."

"This doesn't have anything to do with being a wome–"

"Yami Huya," Mr. Storm started, cutting her off. "He was a hard-working scientist working for the AOK, dealing with various research on monsters. He was quite a genius who contributed a lot to the academy's as well as public knowledge, but in retrospect, he was a little too smart for his own good. After the AOK had captured the White Tiger Monster, when it was classified as a national threat, Yami pleaded with the administration to allow him to research it and conduct experiments, stating, 'This could very well crack the code in eliminating all monsters.' And well, he did, except they weren't just simple studies and research; No, they were human experiments," he revealed. Zizu's puzzled expression turned into disbelief.

"One after another, Yami experimented on children and young adults, attempting to splice their DNA so that, hopefully, a human would be able to harness the White Tiger's ability to control Monsters. But sadly, almost every vessel he experimented with…" Mr. Storm paused, "Died…"

Zizu gagged, covering her mouth with revulsion as he continued.

"It turned out that trying to splice DNA resulted in the person rejecting the monster and being defeated by it. However, some vessels were outliers. Can you guess who they are?" Mr. Storm made a cute gesture with his hands, but Zizu was still frozen in shock. "Bingooo, that's right! You just won a fully paid vacation to the Bahamas!"

"T-then that means you can control monsters?" she stammered out a response, still trying to process what she was hearing.

"Nope, I have all five senses, and I can suck fear from people to restore my energy. HA, suck, funny word..."

"So that's why I always feel an evil presence from you. I thought I was imagining it."

"Yep, sorry about that. It's the White Tiger Monster's doing," Mr. Storm prayed apologetically.

Asashi was growing impatient. "Enough discussion. What do we do about Sen? We can't just leave him be?"

"Why? Just because he's Senseless? Do you know how bad the PR would look if we threw him out? He'll probably get disqualified anyway. It's not like he's going to go ape-shit suddenly. Besides, If we remove him, I would need to disqualify all the other failed vessels participating in the challenge."


"Other vessels!?" Asashi couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Just how much were you doing behind my back?!" He spat while seizing Mr. Storm's hoodie, his eyes gleaming blue as he unlocked his Sense. Lifting the black-haired man in the air, Asashi glared furiously at him before suddenly feeling Mr. Storm grip his hand.

"Oi…" Mr. Storm said emotionlessly, "That's quite enough…"

Asashi felt a sharp pain on his wrist as the masked man gripped it. Cursing in pain, Asashi let go, leaving Mr. Storm plummeting back into his chair. Adjusting his hoodie again, Mr. Storm cleared his throat with a cough.

"Anyway, I hope that answered your question. No disqualification for today! Now, if you guys can, could you leave? I'm going to play some Parkour games; I swear it's my four-hundred-and-forty-second attempt!" he smiled under his mask while Asashi glared at him.

"I–I have one more question," Zizu managed to whimper out. Her eyes were sagged and distant, almost traumatized from what she had heard. "This Sen kid, is he… a vessel too?"

Mr. Storm stayed silent, then snorted amusingly. "Well, not really; he's just lucky to be alive after his mad father experimented on him."

Zizu eyes widened. "You don't mean…"

"Yes, the same scientist who gave me these powers experimented on his very own son…"