
Modern Magus Era

20 years into magic being introduced in everybody's daily lives, there are ever growing obvious signs of First Global Magus War along with several Civil Wars. In such chaotic times, Asnor has awakened as a Magus and he also strives to be a very powerful magus. >AUTHOR NOTE: ->I will definitely complete this novel. My first novel had problems in word building since I had just rushed it by transferring my imagined story into words. I will fix it later on as soon I finish writing this novel. ->The plot won't be dragged at all since like I said in first point, I would like to finish writing this story as soon as possible. ->The plot won't be rushed as long as I enjoy writing this novel. Currently, I enjoy writing the novel a lot. Or maybe the parts where I don't enjoy it, I just write them in as much fast pace possible. ->The plot won't be repetitive at all. That's kind of like my motto or policy when writing this novel since I don't enjoy writing repetitive parts. ->Writing is a hobby, not profession. So, the novel will have a lot of passion placed in it but there will be grammar problems since English ain't my native language. I would need the assistance of readers to correct my grammar problems.

fauxis · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs

Veteran Magus Humiliates Five Young Magi (2)

Aramis arrived right next to Fauxis. He then pulled back his hands back to swing his sword. Right when he was supposed to swing his sword, Fauxis jumped back.

Aramis didn't stop as this time he tried to stab his sword with just one of his hands. This time rather than jumping back, Fauxis barely dodged the stab.

Aramis repeated his stabs again and again. But Fauxis always barely dodged them.

Aramis thought, 'What's going on? How can he always dodge them precisely? If he had used his magus abilities then it's fine if I had lost. But he ain't using them at all. Could he be hiding the fact that he is using it? Or maybe not.'

Aramis stabbed yet again. Fauxis dodged it again but this time right after dodging, he also stepped forward to grip Aramis's wrist to stop him from stabbing again.

Aramis then tried to use his other hand and also one of his legs to hit at Fauxis. But before he could even do it, Fauxis used his other hand to grip Aramis's other hand. Finally, Fauxis used his leg to trip Aramis backwards. Aramis then fell on his butt. Fauxis didn't stop as he used his leg again to slam at Aramis's wrist that held the sword. The sword then flew far away.

"Huh? My sword!"

Aramis tried to figure out a way to get back his sword but it was at that moment, Fauxis's leg slammed at Aramis's face. Aramis spit out blood in response and laid on the floor.

"Looking for your sword? Why? Because you're nothing without sword?

Aramis slowly got up and stared at Fauxis.

"No! Sword is just an utility. Never be dependent on it. You're a Magus. Always try to figure out alternatives to be strong by yourself. Though you're weaker without the sword, you can still put out a fight. While fighting, always strive to figure out a way to get stronger without depending on the sword. Come on! Get up! Show me that you're not nothing without the sword!"

Aramis got up and and glared at Fauxis.

"Angry? Vent it on me if you can. Hahaha."

Aramis then enveloped his hands with whitish coloured energy. He slashed both of his hands at Fauxis. But he always dodged them barely by jumping back. Aramis then charged his legs instead of hands with whitish coloured energy.

Fauxis rolled sideways to dodge Aramis's dash. Aramis then rerouted the whitish energy to his hands but not in time to hit Fauxis. Aramis then used his whitish energy enveloped hands to balance his dash by standing upside down with his hands instead of legs.

"That's right. Keep improvising."

Aramis and Fauxis then repeated the clash for like 1 minute but Aramis never managed to reroute his whitish energy called magic in time.

Aramis tried to do clash again with Fauxis yet again but this time Fauxis arrived right next to him, grabbed his hands and then kneed his face. Aramis was thus knocked unconscious.

Fauxis dusted off his hands as if he had finished off a job.

"Three down, two to go."

Natsuko gulped her own saliva nervously while Asnor put on a poker face but inwardly he thought, 'DAMN YOU! STOP PRETENDING TO BE LIKE ME!'

Fauxis's brows furrowed when he noticed Asnor's kunai. All of the kunai had pinkish coloured magic enveloped over them.

"Ho? It seems you two are teaming up?"

Natsuko gulped her own saliva while there was no change in Asnor's expression.

A while back when Aramis dashed at Fauxis,

"Hey, Natsuko! We were told to showcase our true strength. But you can only currently showcase your capability by supporting someone else. Enchant all these shuriken hanging from my upper body outfit, but not the ones hanging from my lower body outfit. You can then showcase your true capability. I won't let you down. I assure you of that fact."

Natsuko glanced at the shuriken hanging from Asnor's outfit that he had got from somewhere in training ground. Natsuko thought for a while but glancing at Aramis, she relented.

"But the enchantment wouldn't be that effective if I had to enchant all these shuriken. It's because-"

"I know. But the enchantment I want you to put on these kunai can handle this much amount of kunai."

"What kind of enchantment do you need?"

Fauxis dashed in Natsuko's and Asnor's direction like how a normal human would do so.

Asnor threw ten of his shuriken towards Fauxis.

Fauxis inwardly thought, 'Hmm...? Five of the shuriken will encircle me while the other five will be moving towards me at a slow speed. Come on! Show me the full extent of your magic!'

Asnor then was ready to throw out the kunai and the enchanted shuriken that he had just grabbed by tens in one hand and other hand respectively, and thus he threw his shuriken and kunai in a certain pattern.

Few enchanted shuriken then clashed at previously thrown shuriken and moved in certain directions respectively. The kunai then clashed with both enchanted shuriken and previously thrown shuriken. Asnor didn't stop as he kept throwing enchanted shuriken, normal shuriken and normal kunai.

It was only after few clashes of weapons with themselves did Fauxis realize that shuriken and kunai were moving in a different direction than he had predicted.

It was at that moment, Fauxis witnessed several enchanted shuriken, normal shuriken and kunai had encircled himself. But Fauxis found a way to get out of this encirclement.

But before he could even completely get out of the encirclement by moving in that specific direction, Asnor threw his last 10 kunai in that specific direction.

Fauxis didn't know how to even get out of the encirclement. He realized that he was outclassed by a mere kid.

Fauxis furrowed his brows. He eventually just decided to a create an almost invisible bluish barrier. All the weapons just bounced off after clashing with the barrier.

Right when Fauxis was about to cancel the barrier, he noticed that it wasn't over yet. Few enchanted shuriken circled back to bounce off his barrier. Fauxis furrowed his brows deeper.

The shuriken kept circling back and clashing with his barrier for a while. Eventually, the shuriken stopped circling back and clashing with his barrier.

Fauxis then canceled the barrier.

Fauxis thought inwardly, 'DAMN IT! THERE WAS AN IMBALANCE OF WEIGHT IN THOSE ENCHANTED SHURIKEN! THAT WAS THE ENCHANTMENT EFFECT! I ONLY WITNESSED THIS FACT AFTER APPLYING MAGIC OVER MY OWN EYES! That Asnor kid must have witnessed me using magic on my eyes since there will be a slight bluish tint on my eyes when I used magic in such a manner. That kid is good at noticing such stuff. I could have used the magic by hiding it but my over confidence forced me to not rely on it. It was too late by the time I realized that I had to use it and just used it when I created that barrier.'

Fauxis then glared at Asnor.

Asnor smiled and spoke, "Sir, both Natsuko and I, Asnor went all out in this clash of ours. Natsuko went all out in enhancing these weapons. She is very mentally exhausted. Just look at her."

Fauxis then glanced at Natsuko who seems to have a very tired expression on her face even though she is not which in turn tells about her mental exhaustion. Fauxis confirmed it by applying magic over his eyes. Fauxis then glanced at Asnor.

Asnor continued, "As for myself, I pretty much used all the weapons on my disposal. Despite the weight imbalance applied over 20 shuriken, I still managed to precisely encircle you with those weapons of mine. I went beyond my limit by utilizing such imbalanced weapons enchanted by my partner, Natsuko."

Asnor continued, "Now if you want to just test my persistence when it comes to getting back up after getting beaten up, I will just report to my family about your tendency to just bully me. In the end, you were the one who said we just needed to thrill you. I guess it's by being innovative. So, I went all out in giving you a thrilling experience. If you still want to beat me up despite my innovative fight style, that's just because you want to bully me. Right from the start, I realized that you not only wanted to teach others a lesson, but also to bully them for your own enjoyment. As for Natsuko, there is also no need for her to learn a lesson. She had already learned the lesson to be very innovative by just fighting like before. The fact that if she would be able to escape getting humiliated, she would then have this lesson deeply engraved in her memories."

By the end of Asnor's message, Fauxis had a dumbfounded expression on his face.

'This guy... he's right! Even though no one of Gremory family would criticize me for my treatment of students since I can always argue back because of my strength and expertise. But considering the effort they had put into this spar, it might get slightly annoying for me. NO! Not just annoying! Elaine would probably beat me up if she had known that I had mistreated her son. No, she will definitely know it!'

Fauxis then stared at Asnor as if he had met a foe after a long time.

'This kid... he's the first kid that has ever put me in such dilemma. I can't just bully him. Considering his intelligence, he might even trick me to bully him after he realizes the fact that I know his true identity.'

Fauxis then coughed a few times.

"Ahem! You're right. Both of you did a good job.", spoke Fauxis while putting on a gentlemanly stance for the first time since Natsuko and Asnor had met Fauxis, their instructor.

Natsuko was dumbfounded by such a new outlook of her instructor. Natsuko then glanced at Fauxis who was still smiling unlike his usual poker face.

'Gremory Family is truly very terrifying. But still! Instructor still could bully us as long as we make a single mistake.'

Fauxis then walked towards Aramis, used his bluish magic on Aramis's head. Aramis then slowly woke up by grunting. He was definitely in pain.

Fauxis then similarly woke up Kronos. But unlike Aramis, this guy had a confused look on his face. He then glanced at Athena who had by now stopped crying.

Kronos furrowed his brows while looking at Athena's face that looked ugly due to make up removal stains because of her crying.

"You might be wondering why you tried to protect her, hah? That's her magic. Unconsciously, you got influenced by her magic to do anything for her just like how a fanatic follower would do anything for his/her god."

"W-what did you just say?", Kronos then glared at Athena.