
Modern Magus Era

20 years into magic being introduced in everybody's daily lives, there are ever growing obvious signs of First Global Magus War along with several Civil Wars. In such chaotic times, Asnor has awakened as a Magus and he also strives to be a very powerful magus. >AUTHOR NOTE: ->I will definitely complete this novel. My first novel had problems in word building since I had just rushed it by transferring my imagined story into words. I will fix it later on as soon I finish writing this novel. ->The plot won't be dragged at all since like I said in first point, I would like to finish writing this story as soon as possible. ->The plot won't be rushed as long as I enjoy writing this novel. Currently, I enjoy writing the novel a lot. Or maybe the parts where I don't enjoy it, I just write them in as much fast pace possible. ->The plot won't be repetitive at all. That's kind of like my motto or policy when writing this novel since I don't enjoy writing repetitive parts. ->Writing is a hobby, not profession. So, the novel will have a lot of passion placed in it but there will be grammar problems since English ain't my native language. I would need the assistance of readers to correct my grammar problems.

fauxis · Fantasi
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19 Chs

Magus Enters Dead Land Devoid Of Magic


Right after vanishing, Asnor found himself moving through magic flow pathway so fast that if others saw how fast he was moving, they wouldn't see him at all and would just say he had teleported.

It only took few seconds for Asnor to arrive at a Dead Land underwater near Holy Empire. As soon as Asnor entered the dead land, he felt like he couldn't use his magic and he just started descending since he had just entered Dead Land somewhere in the middle of ocean, not the underwater ground. Asnor looked around and saw black colored magic everywhere around him

But Asnor still used his magic and he could slowly start feeling the easiness in how he could move in underwater.

'As expected! I can use my magic due to it's chaos attribute. In Dead Land, there is no pure magic but magic still exists. I call it dead magic for now. Only magic that can resist the chaotic nature of dead land or the dead magic could be used.'

Asnor continued, 'Magic is utilized by interacting with the surrounding of a magus but what if dead magic in surrounding just tries to destroy the magic that tried to interact with them? In fact if not for the magic inside a magus that defends it's host from surrounding dead magic, that person would definitely by forcefully influenced by surrounding dead magic and go crazy.'

Asnor swam deeper into underwater dead land.

Asnor then saw a fish far away. Asnor swam towards the fish. Asnor didn't need to do anything. By just utilizing his magic, he can swim in any direction. Eventually, Asnor could see the fish.

The fish was 10 times his size, it was a crazy beast influenced by dead magic.

'Shark but much much stronger. It's body is just so large and strong, I could easily feel it.'

The shark sensed Asnor and started swimming in Asnor's direction in a much faster pace.

Asnor had already witnessed the pace at which the fish was swimming before which he couldn't even believe. But now the shark was swimming even faster.

'I might get shocked many times today. I better be ready.'

Asnor and shark swam towards each other, Asnor not swimming at full speed but the shark was. Just before both of them crashed into each other, Asnor rotated himself by 180 degree and vanished.

Asnor reappeared right above the shark's fin. Asnor's hands that was enveloped in black blue magic grasped on fin meanwhile Asnor's legs enveloped in black blue colored magic grasped on shark's back body. The shark kept moving ahead for a while before stopping and looking around as if it was confused. Asnor was still on shark's back and the shark didn't even realize someone was on it's back.

'My chaos magic will help me grasp on shark without it even realizing someone was on it's back. But that's not only what I can do.'

Asnor focused on the shark and delivered his thoughts to the shark. The shark then started moving descending.

After a while, Asnor realized something shocking.

'I was suspicious as to why I couldn't detect anything beyond a limit in this dead land. But I know why. It's not a matter of range, it's just I couldn't sense what's exists beyond a boundary. The boundary is in spherical shape. There seems to be a barrier that's acting as a counter to my perception.'

Eventually, Asnor crossed the boundary.

'I truly can't sense anything. But I can still use my powers. A barrier that's made to suppress magi that had sensory capabilities. Who could have created this barrier?'

The shark kept heading deeper. Eventually Asnor could see other fishes or creatures. Asnor then focused on enveloping magic around himself which in turn made him invisible.

Asnor had a pained expression on his face.

'It's very hard to manage two magic that are used on my own body.'

Eventually, Asnor could see other fishes.


Asnor could see an uncountable number of fishes. Many are small but there are still 1000s that are as big as 20 times himself. Bigger the dead beat, the stronger it will be.

Asnor transferred his thoughts to the shark so that the shark would know to not ram himself at some other fish while swimming.

'Whales, Ray, Sunfish, Mola, and Shark etc. So many big and strong fishes. I wonder if they will ever get out of this dead land. It's just very dangerous to even imagine it.'

Asnor witnessed several small fishes swimming in a speed he couldn't even imagine at how they are even doing it.

'Thankfully, this shark was very fast or else I would have been in too much of a shock.'

Eventually, Asnor could see the ground. Asnor then told the shark to swim towards a certain direction.

Asnor then slowly descended down and had his feet placed on ground. Asnor then sighed and tried to rest.

'Teleporting is probably the right word regarding what I had done to travel from Gremory Utopia to this dead land.'

Asnor then focused on trying to float himself while being invisible.

'This invisibility magic is taking too much of my mental strength. If it was just invisibility magic, it was ok. But simultaneously using another magic is too much of a strain.'

Asnor floated himself and moved in a direction faster and faster. Asnor then swam looking around. Asnor witnessed several destroyed structures.


Asnor then witnessed two crazy beasts smashing themselves at each other. It started a chain reaction with several other crazy beasts starting a fight with each other.

'DAMN IT! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING WITH THESE CRAZY BEASTS?! Now that I think about it... these are dumb and crazy beasts. So why didn't they start a fight before? Damn it! My sensory abilities are not working at all because of this barrier. I first need to figure out a miraculous way to shut down this barrier. I can only search around hoping that I find the place.'

Asnor could still hear beasts fighting with themselves. Some crashed down in his way as he dodged them. Asnor even witnessed small fishes that became crazy beasts fighting. Asnor shivered upon witnessing the number of crazy beasts fighting with themselves.

'I feel so weak with no sensory capabilities of mine. I wonder when this fight will stop.'

It was when Asnor was moving between crazy beast fights, he heard a sound that was deeply engraved in his memories.


Underwater vibrated at a terrifying intense rate. Asnor stopped moving and looked around while shivering.



This time, Asnor heard the sound much closer!

'Huh. Something big is moving far away.' Asnor couldn't what was it but eventually he realized it.

'This is a serpent like dragon that can be shown in fantasy stories available in United Nations.'

Wherever it moved, all the other beasts moved away. Asnor teleported away to not get in contact with snake dragon's body.

Few hours later,

Asnor who had teleported far away got back and didn't see the dragon anywhere.

'Phew... I miss my sensory powers too much.'

Eventually Asnor started searching around in the dead land.

It took weeks but Asnor eventually found a a huge building designed in a way that seemed like sci-fi building.

'Weeks... it took weeks for me to find this place. This dead land was much bigger than I thought. Must be the largest dead land ever! How the hell did no one notice that there was such a huge dead land? Why did my vision only give glimpses of this place? Luckily, magi doesn't need food as energy. We are self sufficient.'

Asnor then wondered how he could safely get himself inside this building without his sensory capabilities.

'What if I use my magic as a core to sense things? It's not exactly sensory power. So, it might work.'

Asnor focused on himself and balanced his blue black colored magic on his body. Asnor just started looking and sensing around.

Asnor then smirked.

'I knew it! My eyes is a sensory capability yet I can use it. So, I thought if I just can normally sense things passively except with my magic equally placed inside me all over my body. My chaos magic helps me in sensing flaws. The flaws in a building like this is the key to opening them and getting inside.'

Asnor then teleported himself next to a pillar and then sat right besides the pillar.

'Now, I must use my passive sensory powers to crack the way to get inside this building. It will be time consuming but it's fine.

Inside a certain underground space of Gremory Utopia,

Elaine spoke nonchalantly, "Just few more hours before 6 month training period is over. Will he come ack just like you said before, Ragnar?"

Ragnar shivered. All though Miss Elaine spoke nonchalantly, he knew more than anyone else that Miss Elaine never speaks in that manner.

'Miss Elaine must be so angry that she is not even realizing her obvious change in tone. She must be speaking in that tone to hide her anger but she doesn't realize that her anger has failed her acting.'

"He will. He doesn't go back on his word that easily unless he forgets about it."

"Forget? If he doesn't come back within few hours, the punishment I am probably going to give it to him will be engraved in his memories forever."

Leona asked, "But how could he still have vanished? It's impossible! This Utopia is too heavily fortified for him to forcefully break those invisible barriers to the outside."

"Leona, are you really sure that you couldn't find him no where inside Utopia?"


Elaine then thought, 'There's one way, that is, the magical flow pathway that connects this utopia with other utopias and dead lands. From what Leona had said, Asnor seems to have disappeared right on the spot which held the entrance of that magical flow pathway. Was it a mistake to not have done anything about it? If people truly wanted to take advantage of this pathway externally, there is nothing I could have done to prevent it.

Elaine continued, 'The most important fact is that it's kind of impossible to utilize this pathway. The magic in this pathway is too pure such that anyone who utilizes this pathway will die due to pure magic's influence unless that person has learned to control his or her magic so well that he doesn't have to be afraid of pure magic. If not, pure magic will destroy the magus's body due to flaws in his or her control of magic. Pure magic will then interact with that magus's magic and cause magic poisoning. Thus, the magus dies.

Elaine continued, 'In case of ordinary people, they are empty. Pure and Corrupt magic plays a similar role when it comes to magic poisoning. Since they are empty, they can be a good vessel of either pure or corrupt magic. In case of corrupt magic, they become crazy. But in pure magic's case, they self destruct to spread magic in surroundings.'

Elaine continued, 'Pure magic serves Gaia. So, people infected by pure magic will have to self destruct to return back absorbed pure magic. Corrupt magic is Gaia's mistake. So, this magic will spread Gaia's mistake by having people infected by corrupt magic to consume living beings that utilize magic that serves as Gaia's guardians.'

Elaine worriedly thought, 'If he was able to sense this pathway, then he should have also realized how different it is. I hope he didn't get poisoned. He always plans before he takes action. It wasn't that hard to figure out that part of his personality after he had awakened as a magus considering our power difference. In fact, it's my specialty. Yet, he still hid things from me. Please come back alive, son.'