
Modern Family: Living After a Life of Regret

In "Modern Family: Living After a Life of Regret", we are introduced to Luke Stantan, a man whose life is transformed after a car accident, reincarnating in the body of a 4-year-old child named Antony (Tony) with an enigmatic system known as "Gacha". After waking up. Tony is guided by ROB, a mysterious artificial intelligence, and is launched on an incredible journey. As he explores this world, Tony not only faces challenges, but also finds opportunities to have fun, enjoy life, and even find love. Get ready for a journey full of mysteries, surprising twists and emotional moments in "Modern Family: Living After a Life of Regret."

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September 29, 1998

The morning sun filtered through the small spaces in the curtain, softly illuminating Tony's room. He was lying on his bed, engrossed in reading Leo Tolstoy's voluminous "War and Peace." The complex webs of social relationships and the characters' internal conflicts fascinated him. Tony admired the way Tolstoy could weave such a finely detailed narrative. He thought about the characters Pierre Bezukhov and Natasha Rostova, reflecting on the choices and sacrifices each made. It was surprising how he understood the book's themes so well, even at just seven years old.

Suddenly, he heard his mother's voice, across the hall, talking on the phone.

"Yes, of course, he'll love it... No, it's not a problem... Well, maybe it's a little unexpected, but I think he'll adapt quickly..."

Tony looked up from the book, curious. Who would she be talking to? He tried to guess every word he heard.

"Yes, she can come as soon as possible... Of course, we will do our best to make her feel at home."

"Is it with school? Maybe someone will come visit me", thought Tony.

"Don't worry, we'll take care of everything. See you soon."

Tony's mind continued to formulate theories. "Are we going to get a new pet? A dog maybe?"

When her mother finally hung up the phone, she entered the room with a smile.

"Tony, I have news for you. Your cousin Paige is going to live with us for a while."

Tony blinked, surprised. "Paige? Oh, I messed up, but that's good news. It'll be fun having Paige here!"

He smiled, feeling excited at the thought of having his smart, fun-loving cousin by his side. Having someone to share your new discoveries and adventures with was, after all, great news.

As his mother approached, Tony closed the book carefully and sat down on the bed. "Why is Paige moving in with us, mom?"

"Well, her parents are going through a pretty rough patch and thought it would be best for her to stay here with us for a while. Besides, you know she loves spending time with you and it will be good for both of you."

Tony nodded, remembering the times they played together and how they always got along. "I like Paige. She's like a big sister, she's smart and whenever she comes over she has interesting stories to tell."

His mother smiled, stroking his hair. "I'm sure you two will have a lot of fun. And who knows, you might even explain to her some of the things you've been learning."

Tony laughed, the idea of ​​sharing his knowledge with Paige was exciting. "I think she'll like this."

Later that day, as Tony helped set up the guest room for Paige, he thought about how to use his Tony Stark-inspired technical knowledge more. He had already read some intermediate books on physics and engineering, and a few days ago he began exploring more advanced concepts, such as String Theory. With Paige who was a beast with a fascinating knowledge of calculations by his side, he knew he could expand his knowledge in physics more easily.

As he put the finishing touches on the guest room, Tony heard the doorbell ring. He walked downstairs, eager to open the door and welcome his cousin.

When the door opened, there was Paige, smiling and holding a suitcase. "Hi, Tony!" she exclaimed, entering the house.

"Hi, Paige! I'm so glad you're staying with us," Tony said, hugging her. "I have so many things to tell you and show you!"

"I'm happy to be here too," Paige replied. "We're going to enjoy it a lot."

The two entered the house, laughing and talking animatedly. Irina, Tony's mother, was in the kitchen and smiled when she saw her niece.

"Paige, are you hungry?" asked Irina.

"Yes, Aunt Irina," Paige replied. "A snack would be great."

"I'll make you something quick," Irina said, heading to the kitchen.

As Irina prepared a snack, she asked Paige, "And how are your parents?"

Paige sighed, her smile fading. "Still separated and fighting constantly. It's been difficult."

Irina frowned, disappointed. "I'm sorry to hear that, honey. But here in Washington, you don't have to worry about that. We'll take good care of you."

Trying to change the subject, Paige turned to Tony. "What about you, Tony? How are you?"

Tony smiled excitedly. "I'm doing great! A few days ago, I started getting interested in string theory."

Paige raised an eyebrow, impressed. "String theory? That's something you usually only study in college. I'm impressed!"

"I know," Tony said excitedly. "It's fascinating how subatomic particles can be seen as vibrating 'strings' rather than dimensionless points. This can unify the four fundamental forces of nature!"

Paige perked up at her cousin's enthusiasm. "As far as I know, you're talking about trying to reconcile general relativity with quantum mechanics, something Einstein tried for years and couldn't do?"

"Exactly!" Tony said, his eyes shining with excitement. "The implications of this are enormous. If we succeed, we may finally understand quantum gravity and perhaps even unlock the mysteries of black holes!"

"That's really amazing, Tony. You have a brilliant mind, you remind me of a certain friend of mine from Texas. Have you ever thought about how this could be applied to future technologies?" Paige asked, curious.

"Yes, the idea that we can manipulate strings to create states of matter or even forms of clean, sustainable energy fascinates me. The possibilities are endless!"

Irina listened to the conversation for a moment before intervening, bringing the dishes to the table. "Okay, okay, geniuses, let's leave the advanced theories until after snack," said Irina, laughing. "Let's enjoy some food now."

Paige smiled at Tony. "If you have any questions about the subject, or anything related, you can call me. I'm going back to studying in two weeks and I can help clarify some things. I love physics, and it will be great to have someone to discuss these topics with."

Tony nodded gratefully. "Thank you, Cousin. I will accept your help. I am always eager to learn more."

As they ate, Tony couldn't help but think about the skills he had recently acquired. He reflected on how they could be more useful. He hadn't yet tried some of these, like Sanji's cooking skills, as his mother still wouldn't let him go near the fire, just cut some vegetables and season the food at the end.

The ease in learning new languages ​​was already showing some new results, especially after almost completing the Russian lessons I received from my mother at the same time as learning French. Furthermore, by my last 2 birthdays, I had acquired the charisma of Jim Halpert (The Office), which was already making social interactions easier and more enjoyable. And lastly, the charm of Mark Sloan (Grey Anatomy), although blocked until further notice by ROB, something about being too young to be charming. In the future, this ability promised to be an interesting advantage.

While Irina and Paige talked, Tony watched his mother. She was a strong, determined woman, and he knew she was receiving a valuable and privileged education. At the same time, Paige's presence would be a great support for him. Having someone to share his interests made everything more exciting.

After lunch, Paige asked Tony, "Want to show me what you're studying now? I'm curious to see what you already know."

Tony smiled. "Of course! Let's go to my room. I have some books and notes I can show you."

The two went upstairs and went to Tony's room, where he pulled out an advanced physics book and began explaining the concepts he was learning. Paige listened intently, asking questions and making suggestions.

Irina, watching them, smiled fondly. She knew that despite the challenges, her son was surrounded by people who loved and supported him. With Paige by his side who suffered for a good part of his life, he would have yet another experience that gives him motivation to explore his abilities and grow as a person.

A week has passed since Paige's arrival, and the routine in the Specter household has begun to adjust to the new dynamic. The two cousins ​​were becoming increasingly close, discussing physical theories, solving mathematical problems together and, of course, laughing and having fun like best friends despite their age difference.

Tony was in his room, reading another excerpt from Leo Tolstoy's "War and Peace". He remembered his other life, a vague and distant memory, where Paige's life on Young Sheldon had been much more complicated. In that other life, she faced many family and emotional problems, becoming rebellious and eventually dropping out of college.

"It's strange," he thought. "I remember how Paige suffered in that other life. It was hard to watch her lose her way, but here, it seems like things are different. Before she gave up, my parents caught her in time. Maybe, just maybe, I can help even more."

He looked out the window, reflecting on how much he wanted to protect her and make sure she had the support she needed to avoid repeating the same mistakes. His thought was interrupted when he heard Paige's excited voice from the hallway.

Tony went downstairs and found Paige and her mother, Irina, in the kitchen. They were preparing breakfast together.

"Good morning, Tony!" Paige said, smiling. "Come on, we're making pancakes."

"Good morning, Paige. Good morning, Mom," Tony replied, sitting down at the table. "Smells great."

As they ate, Irina looked at Paige and asked, "How are you preparing to go back to school, Paige?"

Paige sighed but smiled. "I'm a little nervous, but also excited. It's good to be surrounded by you, I feel more motivated."

Tony, hearing this, felt relieved. He knew that with her family's support, Paige had a better chance of overcoming any obstacle.

"You'll do great, Paige. And remember, anything you need, I'll be here to help," Tony said, with an encouraging smile.

"Thank you, Tony. You've been a great support," Paige replied, touched by her younger cousin's words.

After breakfast, Tony took Paige to the backyard. Tony picked up a baseball bat and looked at her.

"Come on, I'll teach you how to play baseball," Tony said, trying to cheer her up even more.

Paige laughed. "I'm not very good at this, but I'll try."

As they played, Tony watched the determination in Paige's eyes. She was strong and resilient, and he was confident that with the right support, she could overcome any challenge.

"You have good posture," Tony commented. "Now, you just need to work on your swing."

Paige tried again, and this time, she hit the ball. "I achieved!" she exclaimed, laughing.

"That's it! Just keep practicing," Tony encouraged.

At the end of the day, after an afternoon full of laughter and games, Tony and Paige sat on the couch to rest. Tony looked at Paige, feeling a deep sense of responsibility and affection for his cousin.

"Paige, you know you can count on me, right?" Tony said seriously.

"I know, Tony. And I appreciate that. I feel like here I can really find my way," replied Paige, with a sincere smile.

Tony nodded, relieved. He knew Paige had a very promising future ahead of her. And he would be there, by her side, to make sure she never lost her way.

As night fell, Tony looked up at the starry sky, feeling a new hope rise within him. He was determined to make the most of this new life and make sure everyone around him, especially Paige, had the chance to be happy and successful.

In the days that followed, Paige went to Georgetown, where she dedicated herself to her studies and took advantage of all the opportunities the prestigious university offered. Whenever she could, she also worked at Tony's father Howard's company, gaining practical experience and helping out wherever needed.

Howard and Irina, aware of the closeness between Paige and Tony, called her for a serious talk. "Paige," Howard began, "we trust you a lot. If at any point we can't be around to take care of Tony, we'd like you to take on that responsibility. It could be from afar or near, but we need to make sure he You will be in good hands."

Irina nodded, adding, "You are an important part of our family. We know you can help Tony grow and develop, just like we are doing for you."

Paige felt the weight of responsibility, but also the trust her uncles placed in her. "I promise I will take care of him, however necessary," she replied with determination.

Paige's routine became intense. She divided her time between studying at Georgetown, learning at Howard's company, and spending time with Tony. During one of those moments, she and Tony decided to embark on an ambitious project.

"Tony, I was thinking... How about we build something together? Something that could be useful and fun," Paige suggested.

Tony, always curious and inventive, immediately agreed. "Great idea! What do you have in mind?"

Paige smiled. "Let's build a computer! It wasn't common to have one at home in the 90s, but I think we can do it. I've studied the subject a lot."

Tony was excited by the idea. "A computer? That would be amazing! Let's get started."

In the days that followed, the two began to gather the necessary parts, often visiting a junkyard in search of useful components. To make the experience even more fun, they consulted specialized books whenever they had questions, in addition to visiting electronics stores in search of parts. Building a computer in the 90s was anything but simple, but with Paige's intelligence and Tony's expert knowledge, they were determined to overcome this challenge.

Exploring the junkyard became an adventure, each discovery, like an old motherboard or a hard drive, was a treasure that they meticulously examined. Paige used her analytical skills to understand the compatibility of components, while Tony applied his technical knowledge to integrate them in a functional way.

They also glanced at reference books, educating themselves on the inner workings of components. The experience of learning together not only strengthened their brotherhood, but also polished their technical skills. Paige, with her quick assimilation of information, helped Tony understand more complex concepts, while he shared practical insights into assembly and optimization, making each discovery a shared achievement.

As they worked, Tony couldn't help but be impressed by Paige's ability to solve complex calculus problems and her patience in teaching him. "You're amazing, Paige. I don't know how you do all this," he said, admiringly.

Paige laughed. "It's just practice and dedication, Tony. You're doing very well too. I believe that in a few more weeks everything will be complete."

After weeks of effort, testing and adjustments, it was finally time to turn on the computer for the first time. Fingers crossed, Paige pressed the power button. To her delight, the machine came to life, displaying the home screen.

"We achieved!" exclaimed Tony, jumping with joy.

"Yes, we did it," Paige replied, smiling. "And we did it together."

The creation of the computer marked a significant point in the relationship between Tony and Paige. During the process, they not only gained vast understanding. The machine, the result of their joint effort, became a study tool for both young people, despite having one of their own.

In the months that came, they both spent hours on the computer. Exploring possibilities, they tried different software. Achievements were always celebrated with enthusiasm, bringing a sense of pride and accomplishment to the entire family.

One afternoon, while they were working on a new project, Tony turned to Paige. "Do you think we'll ever build something really big, Paige? Something that can make a difference?"

Paige smiled. "Absolutely, Tony. You have incredible potential and together we can achieve any goals. The key is to keep learning and not be afraid to make mistakes."

Tony nodded, even though he knew the answer to his previous question. "That makes sense. And to think that this partnership started with that first computer. Who knows where this could take us?"

"Exactly," Paige replied. "Technology is always evolving, and with it, so are our opportunities."

The promise Paige made to her aunt and uncle was never forgotten. She was always there for Tony, not just as a big sister, but as a friend and mentor. And Tony, inspired by Paige's example, continually strived to excel, knowing he could count on her support.

"Have you thought about the next step?" Paige asked one day while they were immersed in a new programming project.

Tony looked at her excitedly. "Yes! I was thinking about exploring artificial intelligence in the future. I think we can create something really innovative."

Paige laughed, patting him on the back. "That sounds amazing, Tony. We've got a lot of work to do."

Study sessions often turned into lively discussions about the future of technology and its endless possibilities.

Paige POV

When I arrived in Washington, I was received with such affection by my uncles. They made me feel at home immediately, something I really needed after all the fuss with my parents. The city is vibrant and full of opportunities, which makes me like it here more and more.

The faculty here is excellent. Georgetown wasn't exactly my dream, but I'm making the most of it. I made some friends, incredible people with whom I can share my experiences and learn. The course is not challenging in any way, but I am determined to excel. And of course, there's Tony.

Tony is an exceptional cousin. It's always a pleasure to talk to him despite our age difference, he seems like an adult in many moments. He is extremely intelligent and learns quickly, our conversations are always stimulating. I remember my friend Sheldon from Texas. Sheldon is brilliant, a genius, but his lack of social skills makes him somewhat difficult to deal with. Compared to him, Tony is more balanced. He has Sheldon's intelligence, but also a social ability that Sheldon simply doesn't have.

I, on the other hand, consider myself quite intelligent, but maybe not as smart as Tony or Sheldon after almost stopping studying. Yet, I think I still have a healthy combination of intellect and social skills, which allows me to connect well with both.

I remember how challenging Sheldon could be. He is so absorbed by his own intellect that he often does not realize how his words and actions affect others. Tony, on the other hand, has a sensitivity that is rare in such intelligent people. He is curious and wants to learn, but he also wants to understand the people around him. That makes it special.

The work I'm doing at my uncle's company has also been an incredible experience. I'm learning about management and the aerospace industry. It's a fascinating field, and I'm grateful for the opportunity. Howard and Irina, my aunt, trusted me to take care of Tony, and that gives me a sense of responsibility I've never felt before.

In my first few weeks, Howard and Irina explained to me that whenever they were busy or out, it would be my duty to help Tony and be there for him, whether from afar or near. This trust made me feel important and needed.

I'm starting to understand better what they mean. Tony is not just a smart kid; he is someone who needs guidance and support. He has so much potential, and I want to be part of his growth, I know how important it was to have someone by his side to guide and support, something I didn't have during my growth.

Plus, whenever I come home from class or work, Tony is eager to show me something new he's learned. We recently built a crystal radio together, something that was quite complicated for the 1990s. It was an experience for both of us, and I could see the excitement in his eyes as we put it together.

Crystal radio was an intriguing ancient technology, and Tony was fascinated by the basic physics principles involved in its construction. We spent hours together, studying diagrams and assembling parts, until we finally managed to get the radio working. The sparkle in Tony's eyes when we managed to catch a transmission was unforgettable.

Still, even with all these good things, I still miss home. Missy, Sheldon and all my friends and fun people from Texas. Missy always managed to make me laugh, and Sheldon, despite his quirks, was always a loyal friend. Washington is wonderful, but sometimes I miss the simplicity and familiarity of Texas.

I miss my routine in Texas, the weekends spent with Missy, the deep and philosophical conversations with Sheldon, even though he always had a strong opinion about everything. Here, everything is new and exciting, but the homesickness is constant.

Getting here was quite a change, but I'm starting to get used to it. I'm excited to see what the future holds for me in this new phase of my life. I know that with my family, new friends, and the opportunities I have, everything will work out.

As much as Washington has proven to be a welcoming new home, memories of Texas remain vivid in me. I know that my life here is full of potential and promise, and I am determined to do my best, both for myself and for Tony.

Pov Paige Off

On any given day having breakfast...

Irina: Тони, как ты спал? (Tony, how did you sleep?)

Tony: Я спал хорошо, спасибо. (I slept well, thank you.) Мама, мне нужно будет продолжать частные уроки сегодня? (Mom, do I need to continue private lessons today?)

Irina: Да, Тони. Ты продолжишь учиться до тех пор, пока не пойдешь в колледж. Это важно для твоего будущего. (Yes, Tony. You will continue studying until you go to college. It is important for your future.)

Tony starts eating his breakfast, and Paige enters the room, greeting them excitedly.

Paige: Доброе утро! How can I get involved? (Good morning! What are we eating for breakfast today?)

(Irina and Tony are surprised to hear Paige speak Russian fluently.)

Irina: Пэйдж, are you говоришь по-русски? (Paige, do you speak Russian?)

Paige: Да, я начала учить Russia несколько лет назад, чтобы she могла лучше понимать Тони и вас. (Yes, I started learning Russian a few years ago so I could understand Tony and you better.)

Tony: Вау, это так круто, Пэйдж! That's it, I didn't say it, I'm sorry for the Russians. (Wow, that's so cool, Paige! I didn't even know you spoke Russian.)

Irina: Теперь мы еще больше семья. Ты молодец, Пэйдж. (Now we're even more of a family. You're amazing, Paige.)

Tony smiles happily at the pleasant surprise of Paige's skill, she was truly a genius

everyone continues to enjoy breakfast together, chatting animatedly in Russian.


Hey guys,

Firstly, thank you very much for following my story! I apologize for the delay in posting this chapter, but I had to do a lot of research and review it several times (15 times, to be exact) to make sure it was to my liking before sharing it with you.

I was surprised by the increase in views from one chapter to the next, which made me very happy! If you liked it, please comment what you think and if you have suggestions for improvements, you are also welcome.

As I'm always looking to improve, I'd like to know what you think could be added to the story. What series characters would you like to see appear and what new skills (other than OP) would you like Tony to develop?

Thank you again for your support and patience. I eagerly await your feedback!

Hugs and see you next!

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