
Modern cultivation of immortality

This is 2042, when everyone knows witchcraft. Under the background of modern civilization, everyone wants to live forever.

Lakeisha_Mckenrick · Fantasi Timur
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58 Chs

45, this world has never been peaceful.

Ethan refused the kindness of the left master, talked again, and hurried to school alone.

But ...

Perhaps in order to protect Ethan, the Master Zuo ordered two spider fighting robots to follow Ethan along the way, and didn't leave until he entered the school.

As for the inside of the school? Nowadays, combat robots are stationed in big cities, such as schools, research institutes, government buildings, super-large shopping malls and other places.

There are also a large number of combat robots patrolling the streets and communities.

Because of this, small-scale astral biological attacks, once discovered, will be quickly wiped out, although it is difficult to avoid a small number of casualties, but it is difficult to lift a big storm.

This is also an urban defense system gradually formed with the scientific and technological progress and experience accumulation of human civilization over the past hundred years.

It's almost seven o'clock when I enter school.

Ethan went straight to the canteen.

It's scary outside, but it doesn't delay the aunts from cooking on time.

"Brother Yuan, this way." Zhou Qi greeted Ethan.

Ethan bought soybean milk and two bowls of Regan Noodles, and sat down with her classmates.

"Ethan, I noticed that you have been coming late recently." Li Tianyou munched and said.

"Not astral biological attack warning? I didn't come out until the warning was lifted. " Ethan smiled and said, "Aren't you?"

"I am also waiting for the warning to be lifted."

"My dad sent me to school for fear of danger." Several people next to him even said, "I heard that many people died on the other side of Binhu Road last night."


"I hope there is no school."

For an astral biological attack that killed dozens of people, it happened in Guanshan District, but Ethan's classmates sighed, but some of them took it for granted.

Too often.

"Ethan." Li Tianyou said seriously, "Not only today, but in the last two months, you often come later than me in the morning."

"Are you a little lazy?"

"The volume can't move." Ethan smiled slightly: "You are the king of the first volume in the class."

Since signing up for the Spark Martial Arts Hall and learning two second-order cheats, Li Yuan often practices marksmanship and posture in the virtual network late at night.

Therefore, I don't arrive at school before five o'clock every day, and occasionally I even arrive at school after six o'clock.

"God bless, who are you like you? Get up earlier than the chicken and sleep later than the donkey. " Zhou Qi teased: "Look at you, you are thinner than when you started school. Take it easy."

"Yes, God bless, you fight too hard, remember to eat more qi and blood medicine." Yan Zhou also said, "It is impossible to practice martial arts."

"Well, I know." Li Tianyou bowed their heads and ate, muttering a response.

Ethan inadvertently swept the eye Li Tianyou.

The other person's physical quality level, he be clear at a glance ... Li Tianyou practice really crazy, but the physical quality progress, is not too big.

Obviously the nutrition has not kept up.

Ethan, occasionally side remind a word or two, but Li Tianyou just remember ... More times, Ethan also chose to shut up.

Everyone has his own life and can only be responsible for himself.

"Brother Yuan, the exam will be transferred in January immediately, and the spiritual test will be conducted again." Zhou Qi put down the bowl chopsticks: "What do you think?"

"Spiritual test?" Ethan was stunned and immediately shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Other students have been talking about it.

In the spiritual test, the total score of martial arts is increased by 10%, which is enough to change one's fate and let students who had no hope of martial arts university touch the door of martial arts university ...

In this era, unless cultural achievements can impact C9, most students know that martial arts is more promising than cultural road.

However, budo university is extremely difficult to take the exam.

"[You hit the creature in order to gain spiritual nourishment, and the degree of spiritual awakening reaches 0.6%]" Ethan quickly finished his breakfast, and looked at a recent prompt in the Jingu panel, lost in thought alone.

This tip.

It was obtained after he killed the fish Elves, and even the panels of the shrine have changed.


[Life level: 7.8 (not graded)]

Physical fitness index: 81 (refers to the comprehensive measurement of explosive power, endurance, speed, physique, mental strength and many other aspects. )

Boxing power: 732kg

Speed: 17.4m/s

Spirit: 14.2.

Spiritual awakening degree: 0.6% (the current upper limit is 20%)

Body cultivation method: Rock cultivation method

Spiritual cultivation method: The Sutra of Watching the Big Sun and Starry Sky

Technical realm: marksmanship (88% in three stages), posture (65% in three stages) and boxin

"The degree of spiritual awakening, what things?" Ethan andao: "Is it a fit with higher practice?"

Jingu panel, no explanation is given.

In other words, Ethan never got much explanation since he could perceive the shrine of the mind.

Mostly by his own understanding.

"According to the last sentence of the Jingu panel, if my spiritual awakening reaches 25%, I can get spiritual guidance?" Ethan frowned: "But the upper limit I can reach now is only 20%."

What is spiritual guidance? Ethan doesn't know.

However, Ethan speculated that the higher spirituality displayed by the Jingu panel and the martial spirit valued by human civilization did not seem to be a concept.

"If you want to improve the level of spiritual awakening." Ethan mused: "Astral creatures that must be attacked? Get spiritual nourishment? "

"Is nourishment nourishing my own spirituality?"

There is only one example for the time being, and Ethan can't verify the guess.

But ...

The degree of spiritual awakening is 0.6%, and Ethan is conscious that he seems to have no change.

"There is a high probability that there will be obvious changes when the degree of awakening is raised to 25%. Maybe there will be such great benefits as" Watching the Starry Sky "." Ethan also has a glimmer of expectation in his heart: "But how to raise the upper limit of spiritual awakening from 20% to 25%?"

"Physical quality? Or spirit? "

"Or a breakthrough in martial arts skills?"

Ethan knows nothing.


Changes to the jingu panel.

Ethan thought fruitless, and decisively ignored it.

Up to now, the Jingu panel only records budo cultivation, and has never directly improved its ... strength, but it still depends on Li Yuanyi's practice step by step.

"No matter what the spiritual awakening is."

"At the moment, practice step by step, and when you are stronger, you may understand." Ethan andao.

Killing astral creatures for experiments? Ethan dismissed the idea for the first time.

This time, Ethan was strong enough to kill the fish Eldar, and it was also luck that the other party was injured.

If you encounter that kind of uninjured astral creature, even if it's only Grade 11 and Grade 12, Ethan can hardly win with his absolute superior physical quality.


Even if Ethan wants to kill, where to kill?

"Don't worry, wait until the upper limit is raised to 25%, and then find a way." Ethan is very calm.


"Tell everyone a bad news."

"Last night, there was an astral biological attack. One student in Class 16 of Senior Two and Class 8 of Senior Three was confirmed dead." Teacher Chen, the head teacher of culture, stood on the podium and announced it with a heavy voice.

There was silence.

Even a few students who talked little stopped.

It's not the first time, and it's not my classmates who passed away ... but being in the same school is enough to move all the students.

"Astral creatures." Ethan eyes slightly coagulation, subconsciously clenched fist.

From small to large, almost everyone has friends and classmates around them, so they passed away.

"The school will start a donation activity and supervise the account, which has been published on the campus network." Teacher Chen continued: "We don't count the amount, we don't publish the list of donors, and we don't go through a third party. After the deadline, we will directly transfer it to the families of two classmates."

"Everyone depends on their own situation and does not insist."

"Ok, continue the lecture."

"Look at the penultimate big question. This question is a hot topic this year. I have already said it many times, and many students are still wrong. I will say it for the last time today, fifteen points, and I will give it to you. Listen carefully ..."


"This astral biological attack."

"Two students were killed." In the martial arts room, the teacher Xu Bo is like an iron tower and sounds like Hong Zhong: "I hope you understand."

"This world has never been peaceful."

"I don't expect you all to be admitted to Wudao University, and I don't want you to join the army in the front line in the future, but I hope you won't slack off on Wudao."

"A little stronger."

"In the future, if you encounter similar dangers, the hope of surviving will be greater."


The astral biological attack in Jiangcheng city, the final statistics, the death toll of eighty-six people.

However, it has not caused too many storms, and even the hot search list of Xia Guo virtual network has not been hung for a whole day.


Lop Nur, once again an unprecedented war broke out. Astral creatures attacked like a tide. In just one day, the death toll announced by the military exceeded 3,000 ...


On January 3, 2043, Jiangcheng City, the third grade of senior high school was transferred in January, and it was held as scheduled.