
MOCHA // OMEGA: Lavender Kunoichi Part #1

Mocha is the Lavender Kunoichi. She is on a mission to infiltrate Omega, the last city in the world, to rescue and lead refugees on an exodus through the wastelands prowled by beasts.

KatzProductions · Sci-fi
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17 Chs

Chapter 17 // Genesis

The view outside the window turned from dilapidated wastelands into a burnt forest. As the gondola continued many miles, the death merged into a blanket of forestry. Everyone was in awe. What is that?! The way the green moved in the breeze made it appear to be a living organism of some sort. 

"That's a tree," Mayumi said. Yuki looked at Mayumi with wonder, then to the napping Mocha, then back out the window.

"What's a tree?" the kids asked.

"I don't know, honey. Apparently that." Yuki said.

"It's pretty, isn't it?" Ichigo said.

Tatsuki opened his journal and scribbled terrible drawings of the spectacular scene.

The gondola made an impressive landing through the trees into a zone covered in shrub and vines. A collection of gondolas sat aligned with each other, all covered in a tarp that blended in with the environment like a cloaking device. The pilot shut off the switches as everyone unbuckled. The pilots covered the bright yellow capsule (only revealed now as the cloaking had deactivated) with a tarp.

At the beginning of the exodus, the reality of their situation did not truly hit them. But now, in the midst of croaking tree frogs and chirping birds… They all looked to the sky obscured by trees; same sky, yet an alien world. They were so used to seeing the Citadel anytime they looked up… The cityscape had become a part of their daily soundtrack. All that was gone and it was… terrifying.

Their lungs greedily absorbed the fresh oxygen of the surrounding foliage. The children had never seen a tree before in their life, nor the grown adults. Ichigo, Tatsuki, Yuki, the children; all of them had the same stupefied look on their faces. How could one be so scared, yet simultaneously be crying at the beauty before their eyes?

Mayumi took the lead. "Come along now." The group formed a tight line. Tatsuki smiled at Mocha. She saw a shine from the windows of his soul as he wiped away his tears. She thought he looked beautiful in that moment. Pure and free…

They took in the sights as quick as they were able. Nobody back home would believe what they were witnessing. None of that mattered anymore; Omega wasn't their home any longer. Let's set up a tent anywhere in the forest, I'll be content… Yet the exodus wasn't over yet. They walked along the cliffside edge of a waterfall and slipped into a secret cavern. Inside was a megalithic circle made of an iridescent type of metal that fit perfectly symmetrical to the tops and sides of the cave.

On the floor in front of the circle were two small wooden squares filled with smooth sand and a few sticks in between them. The gondola pilot took one of these sticks and dragged it through the sand. A large circle with masses of squiggly circles within it. Only Genesis personnel knew that this image represented the Earth, but those who lived in Omega had never seen such a thing. Then he wrote next to the globe; 4 men, 4 women, 4 children, 1 cat, 1 drone. The sand in the other square began to spread apart on its own. Please stand by and… a happy face?

Before anyone could ask questions, the interior of the iridescent circle transformed into a rainbow aura that was indescribable in its beauty. The pilot used his hand to smooth over the markings in the sand he created, while the other square smoothed over on its own accord. Him and the co-pilot walked through first, then Mayumi. The children all held hands together and took their parents hand, and for the first time, Yuki and Ichigo held each other as they disappeared into the portal. Tatsuki looked at Mocha… She urged him to step through with a nod and followed behind him. They entered through the light.

They were in another area of forestry that looked no different than the previous. They turned around and saw a replica of the iridescent circular structure that was partially covered by foliage. The rainbow portal disappeared after Mocha stepped through.

The treeline began to fade and they stepped out into an open canyon of green hills that reached to the sky. Lush green grass and flowers of all differing colors were everywhere in the distance. Underneath their feet was a collection of gardenia flowers.

"Welcome to Gardenia Grove," Mayumi turned around with her arms wide. They all brushed their fingertips along the flowers as they carefully stepped through. Rice fields were to the left of them and they could make out tiny people from far away, squatting in the water. To the right was a bamboo forest that seemed to be just as tall as the obsidian walls around Omega. The only part of the land that wasn't green was the cobblestone path that winded around the grassy hills.

They followed the cobblestone path and made their way toward a row of torii gates in varying colors and materials. Emerald, sapphire, ruby, pearl, then a winding path of cobblestone that led to another tunnel of torii gates made of every known wood in the world. The final 7 torii gates were made of metal. Bronze, iron, steel, gold, green adamantite, blue diamond, then finalized with black-purple meteorite.

Emerging from the torii tunnel they saw a feng shui village. Soldiers sat on horses at the entrance. What were these creatures?! Everyone except Mocha and Mayumi leaned away from the horses as they passed by. The village contained architecture never seen in Omega, like traditional minka Japanese houses connected to each other by the winding cobblestone path. The cubes they had grown accustomed to were non-existent and there were no plastic doors.

The village surrounded a tree stump of unknown origin that was the size of 100 trees put together. It had glowing green lines that looked like veins all across it. On top of the tree stump was the main headquarters, a 4-story red pagoda tower overlooking the village.

Canopies of royal colors ran symmetrically across the village as local hubs where villagers worked on various crafts. Blacksmiths hammering away on tools, gunsmiths at workbenches, mages doing strange things with crystals and orbs and tech people fixing drones and other hardware. A delicious scent traveled from a golden pot so big it contained enough broth to feed the whole village. The chef had to use two arms to hold the spatula that was more like a boat-paddle to stir the contents.

Tailors were weaving magnificent threads of all colors. There was a farm carrying animals that Omega residents had never seen. Cows, horses, pigs?! Mechanics working on vehicles… The familiar scent of white rice… It was overwhelming! Mocha and Mayumi said there were other people, but this was intense. The newcomers all had silly looks of wonder on their faces, while the villagers were a mix… Some were warm and welcoming, others ignored them, a few looked at them with skepticism…

Warriors were practicing their swordsmanship and sparring in a field of at least one hundred people. Archers ran along horseback and shot targets in the distance. No guns were being fired; that training time was specified at an earlier hour. Chickens walked like they had someplace to be, right next to well-behaved dogs and cats. Everyone was a friend here! One of Yuki's children held Kage in her arms, but upon seeing other cats brushing between their legs, she set the cat down. Even he was nervous! He stuck near the children and took in the foreign land with his head low.

They walked up a red acacia staircase and stepped on the elder tree stump. Hundreds of people could stand atop it comfortably at the same time if not for the pagoda tower. They followed Mayumi inside the masterpiece.

The pagoda seemed even bigger inside. It was a bit dark, illuminated only by dim paper lanterns among the staircase and staffs placed into the ground; crystals on the tip of the wooden sticks glowed with a soft yellow, resembling static candlelight. Drones floated in place, their neon eyes watching everyone like security guards. The group slipped through a red tarp on the first floor and came to a halt.

A woman with short red hair stood with her back turned from the arriving group. She was dressed in a black kimono similar to Mocha's that had been destroyed, but had pink trim instead of purple and covered more of her legs. She leaned over a table, looking over several maps side-by-side. A man with an eyepatch informed the red haired woman of the arrivals. She turned around and Tatsuki's heart paused…

"Welcome, comrades! To Genesis! I am Commander Mithra—"

"Mithra?!" Tatsuki's voice broke and tears filled his eyes. Mithra's lips began to quiver as well. She approached the man and embraced him.

"I finally found you, little brother," she whispered in his ear. "Welcome home."

"I… I don't understand… I thought you were gone…"

"I know, I know. I thought you were dead too…" She pulled away and looked in his eyes. "But here we are, together again. Is this fate, little brother?"

They embraced again and shed tears for a long moment.

Mithra pulled away from her brother. "We will have plenty of time to catch up." She looked at the others. "I am sure you all are tired from the exodus. I will have someone show you your new quarters. At first light tomorrow we will meet back here. Nizumi, please show them the way."

Nizumi, a petite girl with black pigtails and rosy cheeks gestured for everyone to follow her outside. She held a thick black book in her arms. Tatsuki and Mithra hugged once again. Tatsuki wanted to stay, but Mithra urged him that she had matters to attend to. "Get some rest," she said. Tatsuki obliged. As he was leaving, he locked eyes with Mocha for just a second. The faintest smile between each other. She was following him out but was stopped.

"Mocha," Mithra said, her tone hardened.

"Yes, Commander?"

Mithra stepped to Mocha with her hands clasped behind her back, chin tilted high as she looked at Mocha from the bottom of her eyes. Her tight lips crawled into a smile and she clasped Mocha's forearm.

"Thank you, Mocha," she brought her into an embrace.

"Uh huh. Anytime, Commander," she said beside her ear.

"Go get some rest, you can give me your mission report tomorrow."


Mocha exited the pagoda and Mithra's smile faded into a scowl.

Their housing quarters were a short walk from the tower. They saw a cherry blossom tree in the distance on top of a hill. Yuki remembered what Mocha said and began to cry. When she thought of a pink tree, it was a cartoony visual in her mind, but this… Her imagination did not do it justice.

They continued walking and came across a two-story machiya house with rice-paper doors and black ichimonji roof tiles. The house was raised atop a wooden platform. Everyone was confused; no way this was their living quarters? They were so accustomed to living in pods that they looked at Nizumi like it was a joke? Maybe there's other refugees inside? They took their shoes off and entered. Mocha and Mayumi waited outside.

There was nobody else in the house. Surely this is a mistake? The interior was bare and minimalistic but very spacious. There were five bedrooms total with a floor mattress in each; plenty of real estate for the 7 to live comfortably for now. The kitchen was vast and extended into the backyard. The latrine was very modern, and to everyone's pleasure, had a toilet seat and not just a hole in the ground. A shower was also provided with hot water.

"Yuki Kamado and your two children, Ichigo Urameshi and your two children, Tatsuki Piyoto; you will be staying here for now. In future time, you may request relocation, but as new residents of Genesis we'd like to keep you together. Is this fine?" Nizumi looked up from her black book.

Everyone agreed that this was for the best. They would prefer to stay together as they were in an unfamiliar land and knew no one else. They were comrades, friends, family…

"Understood. Please remember what the Commander said; first light, be ready at the pagoda. Have a good night." Nizumi scribbled something in her book, shut it, bowed and stepped off the platform. Her geta wooden sandals made a lovely clicking sound on the stone path.

"Arigato!" one of the children shouted. Mizumi turned around and waved. Tatsuki stood on the platform and was about to talk to Mocha… Two young women in skirts far too short for their long legs appeared from around the wooden fence.

"You're Tatsuki Piyoto, the Commander's little brother?"

"Uhh, yeah, that's me."

The girls looked at each other and raised their eyebrows in unison.

"And you're the Tatsuki of Securi-Team?"

"Yes." In earlier days he would be excited to meet fans in the flesh, but now… He cleared his throat, preparing to speak to Mocha but got cut off.

"Ooooo," the girls squealed together. "We are such big fans! Oh my god, I've been listening to you for so long!"

"Shut up, I'm a way bigger fan than she is. Try me! I was watching your most recent stream where you just, disappeared! I had no idea you would be coming here…"

"I was watching too, baka! I was with you, remember?"

The girls were indeed beautiful, and their lips singing his praises looked very soft and pretty, but his eyes looked past them as he saw Mocha leaving with Mayumi. His heart sank and he did not have the grit to tell these ladies to depart from him. By the time Mocha and Mayumi were gone, the girls finally gave their leave with a curtsy and giggled away.

Mocha and Mayumi stood on the cobblestone path. From afar they saw Kagura Sakamoi; a blindfolded girl with short black hair, walking with a blue lantern made of summoning magic. It floated alongside her in the same manner that Yoshi cantered next to Mocha's shoulder.

"I'll go ahead and tell her about her sister. We'll probably go see the Commander afterward, see what she wants to do. Then… I'll head home. No gym tonight. I'm pooped. Come by later if you want, yeah? I'll get some drinks for us?"

Mocha nodded and gave her a fist bump then made her way home.

The moon filled the interior of their new house. Tatsuki, Ichigo and Yuki claimed rooms downstairs and it was decided for now that the kids will inhabit the upstairs. Their feet thumped across the ceiling as they ran and jumped around. Normally they had to play outside in the dangerous streets of Omega; it was so exciting they had room to run inside! Not only run, but roll, cartwheel, handstand, jump, flip, and whatever else kids do with their infinite amount of energy.

They were apprehensive to explore despite the laughter and music they heard. Their stomachs growled as the smell of curry flooded in from the village, but Ichigo insisted on cooking for everyone. They appreciated him since they did not feel welcome in the village yet. He ran into a problem—all they had was white rice and a few MREs… Somehow he made it work; they sat in a circle on the floor and ate as a family. They were like a group of outcasts amidst a new city, but over this separation they felt their bond reinforce.

Tatsuki smoked a cigarette on the porch. From the darkness he felt the familiar separation he experienced in Omega, but something was different about the people here. They actually connected with each other; it was deeply intimidating. He thought about the two women from earlier. How easy it would be for him to talk to them and see where the night led… But his thoughts were on those purple eyes. He replayed their intimate moments in the bunker… Just the memories made him blush and look over his shoulder as if the images manifested on clouds above his head.

My sister is alive…? Hazy memories of chaotic crowds and explosions in Omega, his dead parents, his disappeared sister… He was far too young to remember what exactly happened and it felt like a separate life from his own. Did she send Mocha to get me? How long had she known I was alive? All that was overshadowed by Mocha, like he awoke in the middle of the night and blindly reached for a blanket that provided the warmth to simply… Be… Like when he was amiss of any thought while kneeling before the scarred woman. He tried to suppress the feelings, but it proved to be useless. If only he could skip forward time until tomorrow. Maybe he'd see Mocha at the pagoda with his sister? I hope…

That's when he saw those purple eyes between the oak fence. She was wearing a white kimono with black trim of the same proportions as her damaged one and still carrying that familiar katana strapped to her back. She left her beast gauntlets at home. His eyes traveled to the wooden click of her steps—she was not barefoot any longer, but her purple toenails were shining in the moonlight atop her ebony platform sandals. She was still cut up and bruised in various places, but walked around as if it was nothing.

"Hey," he said while putting out his cigarette in the dirt. Once the ember was gone, he stuffed the cigarette in his pocket, not knowing where to put his filters. He stood up.


"I thought you forgot about us," Tatsuki joked. Mocha didn't laugh. "That was a joke… Sorry, how are you?" Tatsuki asked.

"Oh. I'm good."

"Good… Uh… Th-thank you for everything, Mocha…" Tatsuki fumbled his words. He didn't know what to say. He just wanted to talk about anything… Mocha had something on her mind. Perhaps an apology… She did not know what it was.

She had been sitting in her empty house for some time. She tried to write in her journal about the journey, but her thoughts were scattered. Truthfully, she felt lonely, but that was never a hindrance before... She got dressed and meditated underneath the cherry blossom tree for 20 minutes. She unsheathed her blade to train, but her body was still sore and she couldn't focus… There was only one person to blame…

That's when she decided, rather reluctantly, to stop by. Obliterating the Citadel would have to wait another day… That thought shocked her. It had been an unknown amount of time since she thought of anything besides blowing up that city in the sky. And never before had she personally checked up on the new residents… She was terribly uncomfortable, but she knew one person that could help.

"Yo!" Mayumi emerged from around the oak fence with a beer bottle in hand. Tatsuki greeted her, and then Mocha spoke.

"Gather everyone. We'll wait here."

Tatsuki excitedly went inside to relay the message. He had no idea what Mocha or Mayumi wanted or where they were taking them, but it did not matter.

"There is a theater performance tonight… Do you like ballet?" Mocha asked.


The group was puzzled.

Mocha let out a playful sigh and shook her head.

"You have a lot to learn. Follow me."

Fin! Hope you enjoyed this novel! Please consider giving a rating or your thoughts :) Part 2 eventually! - Feb 1 2024

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